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Everything posted by Reddaye

  1. That's awesome! I absolutely loved Groo as a kid and I'm VERY happy to see Favreau has an interest in doing it. With his pedigree (especially following IM) I think it could possibly happen. Honestly I'm hoping to see Crimson Dynamo in Iron Man 2 with some hints and build up for the Mandarin in the third and final installment. If they were to make him a Chinese industrialist it'd be perfectly reasonable to start building tensions between he and Stark on the business front. Maybe have Mandarin hire Crimson Dynamo to assassinate Stark or something along those lines.
  2. I'm about halfway through Coruscant Nights 1: Jedi Twilight by Michael Reaves and am pleasantly surprised. Considering how fussy I am when it comes to Star Wars EU it's a miracle I ever enjoy any of the novels. Book has some pretty good characters which, from what I hear, carrying over from some of Reave's previous SW books (of which I've only read one - the Darth Maul novel). Good stuff. Not mind blowing...but good. Also read through the first three volumes of Star Wars Legacy (comic series). Although I have a fairly strong policy of not reading anything that takes place post RoTJ (with the exception of Zahn's stuff) I have to say the comics are quite enjoyable. The main problem I have (which is a common EU problem) is that a certain character supposedly falls to the Dark Side and then redeems him/herself with what seems like little to no effort. Why should we be afraid of the Dark Side exactly? Everyone and their sister's second dog seems to have fallen to the Dark Side and came back A-Okay. The whole thing kind of cheapens Anakin's redemption in Return of the Jedi IMO.
  3. I'm not a huge fan of the art style myself. It's not terrible...but I don't really enjoy it a whole lot. Of course the storyline in that particular series of Batman stories more than makes up for my opinion of the art. Frank Miller...now THATS some art I can't stand. The only exception being Sin City...the rest of it is UGH.
  4. Won't happen in a million years...Marvel wouldn't do something THAT stupid.
  5. I would rather have seen this be some kind of a computer generated thing set back in the 80's not long after the second movie or something. The original cast would have only needed to do voice acting and the age thing wouldn't even be an issue. And without Akroyd, Ramis, and Reitman involved in the creative process I'm a bit pensive about it being made at all.
  6. Alright so my comic subscription landed today which included my first issue of Batman: Detective Comics and I have to ask: why the fuck didn't I start reading this earlier? I know the issue I got (which is part two of a six parter featuring Hush and Scarecrow) was far from the best comic ever written but DAMN I enjoyed it. Avengers-Invaders continues to be a total pleasure to read. The story is just actually starting to spread it's wings a little bit now and open up beyond the whole Invaders vs. Everyone that has been going since the start. Just great stuff all around and I recommend everyone gives it a shot. X-Force left me flat as usual and so this will be my last issue. Just too much violence for the sake of violence and a ho hum story. Secret Invasion: X-Men wasn't overly jaw dropping either but served it's purpose as a set up. Since I collect practically everything X I'll get the issues even if things don't pick up. Half the problem is probably that Secret Invasion has yet to really 'wow' me so it's hard to get excited. Thunderbolts got slipped onto my pull list and I'm sure glad it did. Probably the first SI related book that I actually can say I really enjoyed. This sort of thing just works so well with a group who don't trust each other to begin with especially when there are actually betrayers. Seems like Norman may be slipping back into his smiling green duds pretty soon...the poor dude is about to snap.
  7. I love Bill Hicks...and I mean LOVE the guy's work, which is one of the high points in stand up comedy in my eyes. However, and I know this was mentioned before but...RUSSELL FUCKING CROWE?! Come on! I really, REALLY have a hard time picturing Russell Crowe as Bill Hicks. Like, I really DON'T see it at all. Hell, maybe the guy could pull it off. It'd be one hell of a transformation if he did.
  8. Like everyone else has said...Alpha Centauri is an awesome game. It doesn't seem to like XP (for me anyways) so you'll need to get a patch for it. If you can afford it try to get the Alien Crossfire expansion. Last time I checked it was going for a hell of a lot of money on eBay though.
  9. 1. Deus Ex (PC) 2. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (PC/XBOX) 3. Super Mario World (SNES) 4. Diablo 2 (PC) 5. Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES) 6. Civilization IV (PC) 7. DOOM (PC) 8. Pac-Man (Arcade) 9. Metal Gear Solid (PS1) 10. Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) Rather hard to choose just ten. Overall I'd say this is fairly accurate.
  10. I picked this up in my travels (I believe it originally popped up in GameInformer...I stole the information from someone on GameFAQs who stole it from someone on NeoGAF). There appears that that Eidos Interactive will be publishing a Batman title based around Arkham Asylum... Sounds very interesting if you ask me. Anyone have a copy of GameInformer that can confirm this?
  11. This isn't concrete but I started hearing that rumor myself back in January of this year. I'm not sure where you heard it or when but it's been floating around all year with nothing happening. The book has been in the top thirty selling comics for all of '08 as far as I can remember. Like I said, nothing concrete but if the rumor has been spinning this long with no official movements and solid sales I can't see it being true. Fuck knows though. On a side note I've been plowing through my issues of Punisher MAX. By God Garth Ennis nails Frank Castle every time he puts a word on the page. I'm so disappointed he's leaving the book, he's really given Castle a new lease on life IMO. Anyone who wants a dark, gritty, violent crime comic to read featuring one bad ass protagonist owes it to them self to pick up a volume or two of Punisher MAX.
  12. Opinions are mixed on Uncanny #500 but I liked it. Hopefully you won't have to wait too long. Supposedly Brubaker is off the book in a few months leaving Fraction to go it alone. I've heard Bru's Cap isn't very newbie friendly if you're just planning on randomly jumping in. I'll have to price to Omnibus when I make my next big TPB order. It was around $50 CDN when I last checked it from where I usually order. Steep...but if the quality is high it'd be worth the cash. What's the situation with X-Factor now-a-days TGC? Who is on the roster currently? Storylines? Who's writing? Pencils? Etc, etc. I'd look all of this up but I'm lazy. Haven't read much X-Factor aside from when it was the 'original five' back in the day because it was almost essential at some points to help keep things straight with Uncanny (especially during Inferno). I really should try to fill in some gaps and get my collection up but it's expensive enough with what I usually try to buy as it is.
  13. Now there's a book I'm interested in but scared to put my money down on. I love Loeb and Sale's work together on Batman but honestly it was more because of the story than Sale's art which I'm not a huge fan of. Sadly Loeb's current stuff, especially his Ultimates, makes me want to punch a baby. Got my latest subscription in the mail today and it's been split down the middle from what I've read so far. Secret Invasion continues to leave me almost entirely uninterested; although I'll wait to completely condemn it until I finish reading all of my books. I'd be happy if Marvel put all of these yearly events to rest for a decade or so until we can get a solid status quo again. I feel no sense of urgency or danger for the world here at all and really only maybe two or three plot lines interest me in the least. It's probably just me, and I know we've still got a long ways to go until it's all said and done so hopefully things will pick up a bit for me. Avengers/Invaders is completely awesome. Three issues in and I'm absolutely loving this book. I never would have guessed an issue with not one but two Namors on the cover would interest me as much as #3 did. I'm excited to see how the Invaders end up going home, Stark's reaction at issue #3's ending, Namor's future plans in the mini, and how the New Avengers will tie into everything. I think I'm going to cut back my X-Universe consumption to two issues a month now (excluding possible minis/one-shots/etc). Astonishing has been leaving me flat since issue #7 and the new creative team isn't doing much to improve my opinion. I hate the art, and I HATE Storm with a passion that is unmatched. The fact that she's in two X-Books at a time is two more X-Books than I'd like. X-Force is also off the list after issue six comes this month. Nothing about that book has done anything for me so I figure I may as well cut my losses. So that leaves Uncanny and Legacy. Uncanny #500 with Brubaker and Fraction was one of the better Uncanny books in a while. Seeing Magneto back in action (and the High Evolutionary too) has be intrigued. Since I've got an entire Uncanny collection from #94 and up I doubt I'd be willing to drop the book even if it reeked anyways. Legacy is consistently solid from book to book so I'll be happy to keep it going. It'll be the first time in ages that I've had so few X-Books coming at a time. The box will feel so empty. So with all of these empty spots in my pull list (three total) I may have to finally stop putting it off and actually get some of Brubaker's Cap. It's been so long since I've read a Captain America solo comic it's scary. Just some pointless ranting and raving.
  14. Reddaye

    Fable 2

    This link probably explains it better than any of us could. Basically it's an action RPG with moderate freedom and customization that takes place in a world that reacts to your decisions (ie: legendary good aligned heroes will be swarmed by towns people who cheer and clap while evil ones will have everyone run away and hide him him). Assuming that's what you meant.
  15. For those interested here is a preview of the upcoming Deadpool solo series slated to start September 3rd. I'm no massive Deadpool fanboy but I've always enjoyed him. Completely lost interest during the Cable & Deadpool team up (mainly cause I despise Cable) but this book looks promising. Great looking art and I'm generally interested in reading his interactions with various Skrull, which could make for some funny encounters.
  16. You're probably thinking of Martian Manhunter. He's sort of Vision-esque.
  17. Reddaye

    Fable 2

    I've had my preorder in for this baby for a month or so now. I never paid much attention to the hype of the original so it didn't disappoint me a whole lot. Molyneux seems to be keeping himself on a short leash this time around so I figure at least 85-90% of what he's been saying will end up in the final product.
  18. In regards to Thunderbolts: Faith in Monsters I'd recommend picking it (or them if you're doing individual issues) up if you enjoyed Ellis' later Thunderbolts stuff. I'm not a rabid Thunderbolts fan myself but I found Faith in Monsters to be an enjoyable enough read. Worth picking up if the price is good, the TPB also includes issues #110-115 and Thunderbolts Special in case you were wondering. No idea how things looks after Ellis' run honestly. I rearranged my subscriptions a while back to balance cost/quality and Thunderbolts is one I dropped. Probably keep up with it via trades. With that being said here's a general question for those who browse the thread: anyone here read the newest X-Force book? The one with Wolverine, X-23, Warpath, and Wolfsbane. Just curious about everyone's opinions on the book since I hear everyone rave about it yet I can't seem to see the appeal. My issue #5 is on it's way (I've got #1-4 and Ain't No Dog) and it's yet to really capture my imagination. At this rate it's on my chopping block after the current arc finishes. Any fans care to enlighten me a little? Maybe I'm missing something.
  19. You should just be able to press the stick or button or whatever you're using to do it. No wiggling needed...you just pushed the analog stick in one direction to do the move as I recall.
  20. 1987 - The Untouchables 1988 - Die Hard 1989 - Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade 1990 - Goodfellas 1991 - The Silence of the Lambs 1992 - Reservoir Dogs 1993 - Schindler's List 1994 - Pulp Fiction/Shawshank Redemption (Hard to pick one) 1995 - Toy Story 1996 - Fargo 1997 - Donnie Brasco 1998 - American History X 1999 - Fight Club 2000 - American Psycho 2001 - Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 2002 - The Mothman Prophecies 2003 - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 2004 - The Aviator 2005 - Batman Begins 2006 - The Departed 2007 - The Mist 2008 - The Dark Knight
  21. Tread carefully with the trades beyond Volume 13: Magnetic North. Robert Kirkman's run usually get's very mixed reactions. Personally I wasn't much of a fan myself so I never bothered with buying his trades.
  22. Glad to hear he's alright. Morgan Freeman is a personal favorite of mine even if he usually plays the same general sort of characters. When I first read the topic title I expected the worst.
  23. Well yeah...I guess in the end that's what I meant to say...he's just calling himself E. Nigma. As far as not knowing anything about him I'll admit it worked well for The Joker but I'd hate to see it be the kind of thing we end up getting with every villain: a person with no real past or history aka: they just do it to do it. Oh well, in the end I'll enjoy whatever Nolan comes up with I'm sure. Though like you said Benji they can call him whatever as long as he turns into something fun to watch. I'm hoping that they don't fall into the typical comic movie pitfall of trying to run through a character's entire rogues gallery in the movie saga. I'd rather see a handful of villains that get fleshed out really well than a new one each movie. Although if TDK is any indication it seems Nolan and co. only need one movie to properly flesh a character out anyways...so maybe it's a moot point.
  24. Why not just have it explained that Nigma changed his name from whatever it was at birth to Edward Nigma? I mean the guy likes to play with words, why not have him do it to his own name? It could also add a layer of secrecy to who he really is. Batman can get the name behind The Riddler but his true identity is hidden even deeper. Obviously if they decide to use The Riddler they're going to need to focus even more on Batman as a detective or you're kind of wasting your villain and his talents. With that being said I'd rather they kept the focus on Two-Face and continue to explore the relationship he has with Gordon and Batman. If they did indeed hide him away secretly in Arkham and he gets out you've got a lot of potential for good story considering the relationship between the three characters and how much Dent means to Gotham City. If they decide to go ahead further than three films I'd be all for recasting Joker or using Riddler, etc. I know this will likely never happen, but I'd like to see Selina Kyle introduced in the next movie...plant the seeds for Catwoman. I remember reading Nolan didn't like Catwoman so unless he leaves it won't happen, but it'd be nice. Have her be a 'hero' inspired by Batman, but uses thievery to fund her activities (and add to the thrill). She would cross lines he wouldn't but have intentions similar to Bruce himself which could make for an interesting dynamic between them. Add in a possible romance and things could be a bit more complicated. Just my two cents.
  25. Aside from Brutal Legend and Ghostbusters I hope Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena can get picked up by another publisher. Maybe 2K who published The Darkness, or EA who are working with Starbreeze on an unannounced game. Let's face it, Activision just want to drop stuff to make room for another six Guitar Hero games for this year and maybe two Call of Duty titles yearly instead of one. We all need more shit Spyro and Crash games...that's just what we need.
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