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Everything posted by Reddaye

  1. I dunno...why don't you go look and see? Tell me how it goes. ^_^ EDIT: Actually...it's filled with cakes and cookies soooo sweet that only a fully armed character at level 10 can hope to eat them himself. Yeah...that's it.
  2. Just in case you don't feel like looking through the map posted above... Spoiler: Click here to viewDid I say North? I meant Southwest >_>. Check your map and look for where Arefu or whatever the fuck it's called is. Follow the road South until it splits to the right and left. Follow the road to the left on your map (should be West on your compass. The station should be at the end of that 'road'. Word of advice for anyone looking to explore around the Northern parts of the map. Stay the fuck away from Old Olney until you're about level 10 with lots of weapons, armor, and stimpaks. Take it from me...it's not pretty.
  3. He died like a trooper. Blindly defending me while I contemplated running away. (Y)
  4. Mother of God I was just assaulted by a city of Deathclaws. At first I thought the place just had one...I managed to cripple it with a Nuka-Cola Grenade and finish it with my assault rifle before it murdered me. Next thing I know there's two of them and Dog Meat is getting torn in half; I don't have a head and all that's left of it is half my jawbone. Good times.
  5. I know a place you can find a Stealth Boy without finishing the mirelurk nest thing... Spoiler: Click here to viewGo to the power station just a bit North of the little community involved in the whole Family quest line. The one on the overpass...I forget the name. Starts with an A. You'll find a place with a giant power pole crashed down through a fence. Inside that building there should be one.
  6. I agree about the Chicago jerseys being awesome. Like you said, they're simple, good coloring, etc. I just happened to be rather taken by the logo the guy put together. Don't really see how if (and obviously this will never happen) they switched out the head for the new one it would be such a huge deal. Either way is good...but I think it'd make an interesting third jersey choice. Honestly I'm surprised the 'Hawks have never been forced to change it from the Indian Head. With the way people are today it's really a shock.
  7. Wow...Vancouver's third jersey is dire. Really like the others though, especially the Coyote's logo. Found a very cool logo for the 'Hawks that someone did, thinking it would make a good logo for their third or maybe an entirely new logo for all their sweaters. Personally I think it looks awesome. Put that sucker on the chest and use the older one on the shoulders and I think it'd look pretty cool myself.
  8. Now that you mention it I do recall him saying that. So you're right there. Still, it'd be nice to see traders react to you murdering people in their line of work and stealing their goods. The general lack of consequences (especially unforeseen ones) is probably the biggest strike against this game for me. Make me make tough decisions! Make some swerves...don't always reward me for doing something good!
  9. Well they're connected in the fact that they're all in a 'guild' together as evidenced by the guy from Cantebury Commons. He said something about a trader's union or some such thing...they're all gathered together to control profits, protect each other, etc. I'd say if someone went around killing my business partners I wouldn't be too plucky having him/her show up near my brahmin with a gun on his/her back. No point in getting into a big debate over it thought. It is what it is. At least I'm not killing someone in the middle of no where only to have every fucking guard on the map cry for my blood like they've got ESP. Fucking Oblivion. Another thing that kind of struck me as odd is the guy guarding the door of Rivet City. Not major spoilers but I'll mark them anyways in case people don't want to know about the guy guarding Rivet City's door for some reason... Spoiler: Click here to viewWhen you first get there he obviously doesn't trust you, and why should he? These people live in a big metal ship to keep themselves safe so they obviously aren't going to let just anyone in...especially some dirty hobo from the Wastes. All I had to say was "hey man give me a break...I'm trying to find my father," two times and he let me in no problem. What the fucking hell? There's a kid from Grayditch I need to find a relative for in this city...wouldn't bringing him with change the guy's opinion? The hooker from the place by the river, who wants to get to Rivet City, could give him "incentives" to let me through. Yet all I do is pester him about finding my dad two times and he suddenly has a change of heart and let's this heavily armed Wastelander into the boat? It all just seems odd to me. It's little things like this situation that sometimes irritate me with Bethesda's games...there's very little to overcome outside of killing things. Social situations are too easily solved by just using the generic dialog. I didn't even need to make a Speech or Charisma roll to convince him. Not that it'd matter. I've made successful Speech rolls with a 32% chance of success...seems like that's just there for the hell of it. FALLOUT 2 SPOILERS BELOW! In Fallout 2 when you went to Vault City and met the Overseer there were two ways to go. Kiss her bitchy ass or piss her off and get banned for life (which took little effort). That was your choice to make and it was VERY easy to annoy her so you had to be careful about how you spoke to her. Once you got banned you were literally banned for life. Need to find a way into the Vault? Go fuck yourself because you can't even get through the front gate...find another way to finish you quest without the information from the vault. That kind of thing is what makes RPGs great to me. It's not just about stats and levels...it's about your character making choices in situations and having to live with the consequences for those choices. Aside from that little rant I'm enjoying the game. Just think it could have been so much more given it's heritage.
  10. Not to start an all out assault on the guy; but Jeph Loeb's writing has been practically unreadable for years. I didn't realize until reading the news of his firing that he even wrote Heroes, which in my opinion is nearing the point of being unwatchable this season so far. Loeb's comic book writing as of late has been atrocious so that would probably help explain the sliding quality of Heroes lately. Hopefully they can get some writers in that can intelligently thin out the character herd and start neutering some powers. A few of the characters (the last time I watched...two or three episodes ago) were getting too powerful. Hiro is especially just one giant deus ex machina to the point that it makes no sense half the time when they DON'T go the cheap route in some situations and just have time tinker with time to fix certain situations.
  11. If you kill one of them the rest of them will hate your guts. At least that's what the guy at Cantebury Commons told me when I first got there. I assume he's not full of shit. He is. I've killed all but one of the traders and he doesn't hate me. UGH. What the fuck is wrong with Bethesda? There's barely ever any consequences for your actions in their games...it pisses me off. PC RPGs have featured choices and consequences for the past twelve years but they STILL can't seem to get a handle on it. Christ, Fallout practically revolutionized the concept. And to top it all off that fucker at Cantebury Commons lied to me...bastard.
  12. If you kill one of them the rest of them will hate your guts. At least that's what the guy at Cantebury Commons told me when I first got there. I assume he's not full of shit.
  13. It appears I have a bounty on my head for being a "do gooder." Two times recently I've been attacked by Talon Mercs who were carrying notes on them stating my head was to be brought in for a 1000 cap bounty. This happen to anyone else? These sons a bitches are coming at me with laser rifles now...and I never know when they're gonna pop up.
  14. Aside from the way Kaney describes you can just make it your active quest and follow the marker to the location. This way is a lot easier.
  15. Anyone else found the Republic of Dave yet? Just wondering if... Spoiler: Click here to viewAnyone could get someone besides Dave voted into office? Maybe them self? I'm hoping I did something wrong and that there was at least a couple of other outcomes. Seemed kind of pointless if not. Also curious to know if anyone has failed a speech check yet? I failed one in Vault 101 but since then I don't think I have. I've even won a check that was like 42-48%. Maybe it has to do with my Charisma? Although that's only a 7 which I didn't think was too high (wasn't before anyways).
  16. If I didn't know better I'd assume that having a shootout in the middle of a saloon would be cause for some kind of panic amongst the people lounging there. I was in a bit of a gun fight in the saloon in Megaton, of which I will not go into detail about, and no one sitting there seemed to care in the slightest. In fact the blonde sitting at the little table even made a pleasant comment to me following the bloodbath. In previous Fallouts (and other RPGs for that matter) I can distinctly remember hordes of junkies and hookers running around screaming their virtual heads off when I decided to kill someone in a little jet den when he annoyed me. Seems as though this 'Radiant AI' bullshit still needs serious work.
  17. Source: GI.biz I know a few people here will be happy to see that Ghostbusters will very likely be getting published. Honestly I'm more excited for Dark Athena (remake of Butcher Bay with PC content + a new expansion). Now hopefully Brutal Legend gets a publisher.
  18. It's possible. Ron Perlman has been using that line since the original Fallout for his opening dialog. After spending some time with the game I'm pleasantly surprised. Through the development I was skeptical it would amount to anything more than Oblivion with guns but it's a vast improvement over Oblivion. Not the kind of sequel I would have really liked for Fallout 2, but it's a fun post apocalyptic action RPG.
  19. Ah, I thought you meant game play base. A new engine would help explain the little glitches and other technical issues. My main worry is I hear the game play is repetitive as hell (ie: all the special moves you learn from various characters are all achieved the exact same way). One thing I like in open world games is a bit of variety so that sort of thing worries me. Treyarch have had plenty of kicks at the can with these types of games. Nice to see some more street level heroes like Luke Cage being in the game though. Also nice to see Moon Knight featured even if it's in a supporting kind of role.
  20. Yeah...that's the thing. They've really already had four games to use as a base. The first two (Spidey 1+2) were quite good, one was average (Ultimate) and the last (Spidey 3) was God awful. However that being said I'll very likely give the thing a rent.
  21. Reddaye

    Fable 2

    Anyone know if you can switch between different hero saves? I know you can have more than one saved but I have no idea how you actually switch between them.
  22. Just something to note about this game is that it's being made by a team in Bioware Austin. The Bioware Edmonton team who made Mass Effect worked on the original game and Obsidian worked on the second so I wouldn't let the past totally determine the quality of the future. I knew this MMO was coming but it still stings like a bitch. Essentially the way the interviews have sounded makes me believe there will never be a KOTOR 3 proper (aka single player - character driven experience). They neatly tossed away all the cliff hangers following the second game (Revan failed - now you know...so here's a MMO set 300 years after...enjoy). Obsidian has begged LucasArts to let them finish the KOTOR series but they keep getting refused. Seems like this is what we're getting stuck with. Not excited for this one...but hopefully it's a good game that the people who ARE interested will be able to enjoy.
  23. Reddaye

    Fable 2

    Sooooooo....did anyone besides me pick this up today? I've probably logged three to four hours into it so far today and I don't think I've even scratched the surface of what the game has to offer. The world is set up like the last one except most of the areas are probably three times the size of anything seen in the original. Plenty of stuff to explore and lot's of secrets to find. EDIT: Obviously I'm not the only one. >_>
  24. Direct Editions are comics that are shipping directly from publishers to comic shops (online or off). Down by the bar code on the cover you'll see 'direct edition' printed inside the white box. I think back in the day having Spider-Man's head on the bottom corner of the cover told you the book was direct. Non-direct is stuff you find in regular book stores, toy shops, drug stores, etc. I'm assuming if the price goes up that trade paperbacks will make a jump too? I buy a fair bit of stuff in trade now (Punisher MAX, Ultimate line, etc) and they're fairly expensive up here in Canada. Especially DC's trades.
  25. Anyone hear anything about the rumor of non direct edition books going up to 4.00 USD? Has it already happened? I do 99.99% of my comic shopping online since my LCS doesn't carry new books (has an amazing back stock though...practically ANY book you could want this guy has) but I do occasionally go to my local book store and pick a few issues up. Four bucks seems like an awful lot for a comic. Maybe I'm just too stingy.
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