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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. I found the Da Vinci Code to be pretty good, until the last part of the book. I found the ending horrible.
  2. I don't think they'll be too many buyouts anyways. What I wonder is if they'll be any concept of loyalty under the "new" NHL. Oh and Grapehead, I love you. I love Clerks, and the animated series.
  3. I'm always looking for something good to read, the only problem with me is that when I get into a book, I'll have it done in a day or two and want something to read for the next day. I recently read a book by a local author(the name escapes me at the moment) it was called AsthmaticA. It was actually really entertaining. It's a collection of short stories all told by the same person at different points in his life. While the stories are ficticious, they're hilarious. The book is more for those I'd say between 16 or so to mid 20's as I figure those are who'd get the most out of the book. Still though, if you see this anywhere, pick it up, it's not incredibly long(I think it's between 125 and 200 pages I can't remember) but it's hilarious... somewhat dark, but hilarious nonetheless.
  4. I'd feel so unloved as one of the other top picks in the draft, it's like oh, I guess we'll take this one.
  5. When they buy out the contract, does the player become an unrestricted free agent? EDIT: Wow, was just over at TSN.ca and Phoenix is doing well for themselves 21 players and only 28 million spent. And those who aren't signed by them yet aren't detremental to the teams sucess if they aren't picked up.
  6. I have an old spiderman album and it's all by Peter Griffin, I'll try to grab a photo to show you guys.... oh yea... a real Peter Griffin. Cept this one is skinny.
  7. I don't know, but for some reason my newspaper is telling me that Bob Gainey thinks he can land Crosby in Montreal. While the idea is nice, unless Gainey was on some good crack when he said that or he has the second comming of jesus on skates hidden away somewhere, I don't think it's gonna happen. Oct 5. Montreal v Boston. Hockey is fucking back!
  8. When I played hockey I was right wing. Baseball I'm on two teams, on one I'm a first baseman because I've got good range on the bag, and can handle the ball well. On the other team I'm center field because my coach thinks I'm incredibly fast and have a strong arm. Rugby I'm a flanker. And I coach an amateur wrestling team.
  9. Being from Montreal, the trade that saw Roy leave for the Avalache was horrible. We've really only started to find our roots again in the last 2 or 3 seasons-ish.
  10. Yes, I am looking for something with some kickin' clarinet work in it. The only places I've heard it before is Jewish/Russian folk music and a few Supertramp songs.
  11. I've seen Gratitude they're pretty alright. They're good, but not my cup of tea. Mazel Tov fsf
  12. Ha. Isn't Canada in your alliance?
  13. If you got if off HOTU then just put in a letter and it'll accept that as the answer... or you could just google the quote if it makes you feel better.
  14. I hate you all for not being on when I am.
  15. Do it like that episode of Seinfield where Kramer reitres and runs for president of the condo comitee at Del Boca Vista with Jerry's father pulling the strings in the background as the greatest puppet govt. ever.
  16. If I could find it on my comp I'd do one.
  17. I'm not sure if I should take this up here or in Computing, but everytime I exit a game and try to join another one it says that my nv4_disp stopped working properly and that I have to reboot my comp. Any way to fix that?
  18. Retaliate hardcore against Iraq.
  19. I go by Bashaass, I just got the game, and I suck.
  20. Going to Ska is Dead III on the 13th of Sept I believe it is. Planet Smashers and The Toasters are headlining so it should be a fun show. Specially after Ska is Dead 1 oversold Medley and was the kickinest show ever.
  21. A booked based in the war and somewhat about it that I've enjoyed is Catch-22. I also enjoyed Enemy at The Gates.
  22. November 11th 2004. I saw The Misfits and they were good. That fucking sucks that you don't get to see them
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