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The Sultan of Swank

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Everything posted by The Sultan of Swank

  1. Ohhhhhh Canada...... I don't care if they're gonna do that here also soon. I am basking in Oily, Bacony glory for now.
  2. Woah Woah Woah, whoever said that this was the best show of 04/05 is a moron. The best new show out that I can think of is House.
  3. I'm getting back into the game after a 2 or 3 week hiatus. My band isn't what is used to be(was at 100 pop at one time, now and 20 or 30 something) but I have an ass load of money. If anyone wants a big money contract, either tell me your band name here, or apply to Little Green Alien Records.
  4. I love that movie. The scenes with the Green, the mouse and the snake kick ass.
  5. I am completly addicted to the Civ series. I still haven't got Civ3, but with 2 I love being the Greeks. And Oldskool, I know exactly what you're talking about with the nukes...
  6. That site freaking hates me. It never lets me download off it.
  7. Yea, it was called MAD TV, but IIRC it was only german.
  8. Didn't Sony pay out like 90 Million dollars in damages to the company who came up with the dual-shock technology?
  9. Wait, did one of those line ups say Oasis? I thought they were long gone...
  10. I like em. My friend is buying my ticket to their show next thursday because he broke my arm.
  11. I was going down to Spectrum to buy tickets for the Planet Smashers show last night(which kicked ass) and my friend Corey was looking over who's comming to town. Corey: Hey Basha, what's that band you like? Basha: There's a lot of them Corey. Corey: No, no the one with the slaying and long ass guitar solo's Basha: Manowar? Corey: Yea, they're comming. Basha: !!!!!! Whadja, hoojit, widjit! I'm buying you a cake. Yea so I got Advance tix to Manowar, Spectrum calls when they come in. June 14th 2005 8PM I see Manowar.
  12. Indeed. I never much got into MCR. The Used are meh. Still butchering classics should be an offense punishable by death. Anybody insulting Ice will die. He is the shit, if only for my brother writing backwards and from bottom right to top left a quote from one of his songs in his yearbook.
  13. The way I've always looked at is, as long as their still putting out good music, what do I care what lifestyle they liv, or how the manage their money or if they take endorsements.
  14. I bought Kings of Metal yesterday afternoon. Sometime during the week I want to pick up a few more albums. Apparently they're putting out a new one, or so says their site.
  15. My love for you is like a truck Berserker Would you like some making fuck Berserker! Did he just say making fuck? ahhh, good times.
  16. I think I owe IWC my life, these guys just kick too much ass.
  17. I was up last night and remembered something along the lines of IWC saying that Manowar was music to rape, pillage and plunder by. He was right. Manowar should be required listening to everyone. Go listen to them for an hour and tell me that you don't want to become a warrior of sorts. Possibly one of these two: http://www.manowar.com/images/wallpapers/w...er_tos_1024.jpg http://www.manowar.com/images/wallpapers/w...r_tdob_1024.jpg
  18. I'm looking for some good swing or big band style music. I'm convinced that swing will come back soon, it has to. Yea, so any recommendations(sp?)
  19. Sounds cool. Wasn't it RST Video
  20. Maxx, if you can do it. Release me. Please.
  21. Would the emergency maintenance account for the game telling me that my session has expired?
  22. What was the knock off of American Gladiators(I think that what it was called) had weird events and stuff. All I can remember is some guy slipped on this rotating sort of inverted funnel and snapped his shin or ankle, something was bent the wrong way.
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