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Guest Zidane lived

This is realy nice

Can you show you finance after each show. Its realy ncie to see this all 4 of the fans should have been screeming there head off. :thumbsup:

Keap this up. :mellow:

Next show: ROF presents- Devils lair.

Also ask the wrighters :w00t:

Edited by Zidane lived
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RoF Genecide

Live Febuary 20, 2005

From, My Backyard

The Main Event

RoF Heavyweight Championship Elimination Match

Ryan Gamble© vs. Roderick Strong vs. Beef Wellington vs. Hardcore Ninja #1

The Other Matches

RoF Tag Team Championships Tag Team Tourmoil

SuiSydal Stryke© vs. Strong Beef vs. Custom Hardcore vs. Blade & Konrad vs. Kung Fu Fro & Z Shooting Star Sick

Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

#1 Contendership for the RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Custom Made Man

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The Main Event

RoF Heavyweight Championship Elimination Match

Ryan Gamble© vs. Roderick Strong vs. Beef Wellington vs. Hardcore Ninja #1

The Other Matches

RoF Tag Team Championships Tag Team Tourmoil

SuiSydal Stryke© vs. Strong Beef vs. Custom Hardcore vs. Blade & Konrad vs. Kung Fu Fro & Z Shooting Star Sick

Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

#1 Contendership for the RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Custom Made Man

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The Main Event

RoF Heavyweight Championship Elimination Match

Ryan Gamble© vs. Roderick Strong vs. Beef Wellington vs. Hardcore Ninja #1

The Other Matches

RoF Tag Team Championships Tag Team Tourmoil

SuiSydal Stryke© vs. Strong Beef vs. Custom Hardcore vs. Blade & Konrad vs. Kung Fu Fro & Z Shooting Star Sick

Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

#1 Contendership for the RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Custom Made Man

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The Main Event

RoF Heavyweight Championship Elimination Match

Ryan Gamble© vs. Roderick Strong vs. Beef Wellington vs. Hardcore Ninja #1

The Other Matches

RoF Tag Team Championships Tag Team Tourmoil

SuiSydal Stryke© vs. Strong Beef vs. Custom Hardcore vs. Blade & Konrad vs. Kung Fu Fro & Z Shooting Star Sick

Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

#1 Contendership for the RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Custom Made Man

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Guest Zidane lived

RoF Genecide

Live Febuary 20, 2005

From, My Backyard

The Main Event

RoF Heavyweight Championship Elimination Match

Ryan Gamble© vs. Roderick Strong vs. Beef Wellington vs. Hardcore Ninja #1

The Other Matches

RoF Tag Team Championships Tag Team Tourmoil

SuiSydal Stryke© vs. Strong Beef vs. Custom Hardcore vs. Blade & Konrad vs. Kung Fu Fro & Z Shooting Star Sick

Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

#1 Contendership for the RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Custom Made Man

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The Main Event

RoF Heavyweight Championship Elimination Match

Ryan Gamble© vs. Roderick Strong vs. Beef Wellington vs. Hardcore Ninja #1

The Other Matches

RoF Tag Team Championships Tag Team Tourmoil

SuiSydal Stryke© vs. Strong Beef vs. Custom Hardcore vs. Blade & Konrad vs. Kung Fu Fro & Z Shooting Star Sick

Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

#1 Contendership for the RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Custom Made Man

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  • 1 month later...

RoF Genocide

February 20, 2005

From, My Backyard

My friends come out and put up our “pyro” and light it. The four people in the crowd stand and cheer. The announcers greet us now.

Larry: Hello fans and welcome to Ring of Fire Genocide. I’m Laughing Larry and alongside me is Gerry Straus and Gerry, the second Ring of Fire match is tonight but it’s basically Roderick Strong’s group vs. Hardcore Ninja #1.

Gerry: It definitely is Larry. But I want to see if the champ will walk out with the belt or will Strong’s group fight against each other.

Larry: Interesting prediction there Gerry. But now we have the Number One contendership for the RoF Lightweight Championship on the line with Cade Sydal faces Custom Made Man.

Match 1, Cade Sydal vs. Custom Made Man

Sydal shows us why he is one of the best lightweights in RoF today. Fast paced match with both men having an advantage in one part of the match. The match ended with CMM tapping out to the 69 stretch.

Chris: The winner of this bout and the number one contender for the Ring of Fire Lightweight Championship, Cade Sydal.

CR: 16

MQ: 66

OR: 41


Larry: Cade Sydal is going to face Beef Wellington next month for the RoF Lightweight Championship. Now let’s go backstage to Tony Parker who’s standing by with Frank Cullen. Take it away Tony.

Frank Cullen Promo

Tony: Thanks Larry, Commissioner Cullen, what is the news you’d like to tell us about.

Frank: Well Tony, I’d like to announce that after tonight, Roderick Strong will be taking a mandatory vacation until he is cleared by a medical team to wrestle. If he is seen at next months show, he’ll be suspended without pay until further notice.

Tony: Thank you for the news Commissioner Cullen, back to you Larry and Gerry.

Larry: Thanks Tony. Next up it’s Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

Match 2, Manslaughter vs. Z Shooting Star Sick

This was a horrid match. Just a bunch of stiff moves and that was it, nothing exciting. Manslaughter won win he hit the Slaughter-Sault. After the match Manslaughter continued to beat down Z Shooting Star Sick.

Chris: The winner of this bout, Manslaughter.

CR: 0

MQ: 55

OR: 27


Larry: Manslaughter is a horrible man, beating a helpless Z Shooting Star Sick.

Gerry: Manslaughter is awesome, Z deserved it he wasn’t a challenge to Manslaughter.

Larry: Now it’s time for some RoF Tag Team Championship action. But first our ring announcer Chris Ross has an announcement about this next match.

Match 3, RoF Tag Team Championship, Strong Beef vs. SuiSydal Stryke © vs. Blade and Konrad vs. Custom Hardcore

Chris: Ladies and Gentlemen the next match is for the Ring of Fire Tag Team Championship. This match has been changed from Tag Team Turmoil to a Fatal Four Way match with Kung Fu Fro’s injury.

The highest rated match of the night was an exciting match. Blade and Konrad were eliminated first, they weren’t really exciting though. Custom Hardcore were next and it left the champs and Strong Beef left. The champs were able to pull it off and win the fatal four way.

Chris: The winners of this bout, and STILL Ring of Fire Tag Team Champions, SuiSydal Stryke.

CR: 25

MQ: 69

OR: 47


Larry: The tag champs retain. The main event is coming up but first Tony Parker is with the RoF Champion, Ryan Gamble.

Ryan Gamble Promo

Tony: Thanks Larry. What are your thoughts on tonight’s Ring of Fire match?

Ryan: Well Tony, I know I will come out the Ring of Fire Heavyweight Champion because Hardcore Ninja #1 will be eliminated first then Beef will lay down for me and so will Roderick. No worries from me.

Tony: Thanks Ryan, back to you Larry.

Larry: Thanks Tony. Now it’s time for the main event the Ring of Fire match. Now if you missed the first Ring of Fire match here are the rules. The ring is surrounded by flaming tables, to eliminate an opponent you must throw your opponent over the top rope and through a flaming table. Now let’s get ready for the action.

Match 4, Ring of Fire Match for the RoF Heavyweight Championship. Beef Wellington vs. Hardcore Ninja #1 vs. Roderick Strong vs. Ryan Gamble ©

Another deathmatch for Roderick. How many has he been in now? No wonder management is taking him off the show for awhile. Match starts out with Wellington and Strong attacking Gamble. They double teamed him as Hardcore Ninja #1 watched on. Strong let Beef take down Gamble, but Beef made a mistake by Superplexing him from the top rope to the outside eliminating both of them. The staff extinguished the fire around them so they could get out. It was now down to Strong and Hardcore Ninja #1. Ninja #1 came out firing surprising Strong when he was looking at the carnage of Wellington and Gamble. After some fast paced action, Ninja #1 hit a Yazuka Kick and hit the One Man Pearl Harbor on Strong and threw him over the ropes and through a table. The staff extinguished all the fire and helped Strong to safety.

Chris: The winner of this bout and the NEW RoF Heavyweight Champion, Hardcore Ninja #1.

CR: 24

MQ: 62

OR: 43


Larry: I can’t believe it, Hardcore Ninja #1 is the champion.

Gerry: That thief, he should be fired for that.

Larry: Well that’s one man’s opinion, we will see you next month. Good Night.

Overall Show Rating: 39

Genocide was attended by 4 people!

We made $40 from ticket sales.

The competition.

EWA's 'EWA Supremacy' show was attended by 4 people!

They made $40 from ticket sales.

HAWF's 'HAWF Take No Prisoners' show was attended by 3 people!

They made $30 from ticket sales.

BTW's 'BTW Crazy Crazy Nights' show was attended by 3 people!

They made $30 from ticket sales.

NLWA's 'NLWA Flaming Youth' show was attended by 6 people!

They made $60 from ticket sales.

TWO's 'TWO Kill City Kills' show was attended by 4 people!

They made $40 from ticket sales.

MCW's 'MCW Seek And Destroy' show was attended by 3 people!

They made $30 from ticket sales.

LLE's 'LLE Backstreet Battle' show was attended by 5 people!

They made $50 from ticket sales.

FFWF's 'FFWF Live Wire' show was attended by 4 people!

They made $40 from ticket sales.

DW's 'DW Hollyweird' show was attended by 4 people!

They made $40 from ticket sales.

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YAY!!! Ring of Fire is back! And, what is this I see.....Hardcore Ninga #1 is the NEW Champion!!!!! Why didn't I see this...??? Oh yea, because I figured that Gamble would keep the title like he said he would, but, I guess you had other plans.

Anyways, wow, I got 1 prediction right, out of 4. Damn, I suck now-a-days. Anyways, can't wait for the next show. Hope its not as long of a wait as this one was, lol.

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Welcome fans to another addition of news and notes for the month of March for Ring of Fire. I am the Informer and let's see what we've got on tap this month.

Roderick Strong Not Injured?

After the "announcement" by Frank Cullen of Roderick Strong being forced to take a month off, I have found out that is not the case. In fact, it's a move to repackage him with a newly signed superstar who we know of but want you fans to find out March 27th at No, We're Not That Other Show, definately a reference to WWE WrestleMania XXI.

Top 5 Faces and Heels

Ryan Gamble is RoF's top draw, and you can tell why with him main eventing every month. Here's the top 5 faces and heels.


1.Cade Sydal

2.Chris Sydal

3.Frank Cullen

4.Kung Fu Fro

5.Hardcore Ninja #1

What the #&@*! The commish is above the RoF champ and so is the injured Kung Fu Fro which we'll get to him in abit.


1.Ryan Gamble

2.????????????-Roderick's "Enforcer"

3.Roderick Strong

4.Z Shooting Star Sick-This guy's a heel?


How did we miss this last month? Kung Fu Fro out for 8 more months with a neck injury.

Yeah, we dropped the ball on this one. Fro was injured last month but it was never reported here. Right after we published our Febuary News & Notes, we got word of this so we apoligize. No information was given about how the injury happened as of press time.

Major Tag Team Breakup?

We've heard word of a tag team will break up at this month's event. We do not know which tag team though so this is a heads up.

Birthday's, Pay Raises, Finances, and Public Image

This month sees the RoF Heavyweight Champion Hardcore Ninja #1 celebrate his birthday. He will be 20. Roderick Strong and Cade Sydal have increased their payment by 10% for thinking they're underpaid. Money is being lost over that past few months, we'll hope that management will get the money coming in. On the other hand, public image has been increasing over the past few months.

Confirmed Matches

We do not have the full card yet but here are 2 of the confirmed matches for No, We're Not That Other Show.

RoF Heavyweight Championship

Hardcore Ninja #1 vs. Ryan Gamble

RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Beef Wellington

That's all for now we'll see you next month unless something big happens.

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The Informer once again here with some more news we got after our last update.

Released Wrestlers

The tag team of Blade and Konrad have been released from their contracts. Unfortanetly, there are more releases still to come. Rumored to be released are Manslaughter, Z Shooting Star Sick, Custom Made Man, and Kung Fu Fro. Remember that those four are only rumored so all of them could get cut, or none. We'll give you the latest right before the event this Sunday.

O&A Session With The Head Booker Of RoF, Jared Clemons.

This week, I, The Informer will be interviewing Mr. Clemons about RoF, the events, the rumored workers being relased and much much more. If you want to ask him a question PM us and we may ask him it.

That's all for now, we'll see you with our interview and hopefully more news on the released superstars.

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RoF No, We're Not That Other Show

Live, March 27, 2005

From, My Backyard

Main Event, RoF Heavyweight Championship

Hardcore Ninja #1 © vs. Ryan Gamble


RoF Lightweight Championship

Cade Sydal vs. Beef Wellington ©

RoF Tag Team Championship

SuiSydal Stryke © vs. Custom Hardcore

Z Shooting Star Sick vs. Custom Made Man

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