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EWR Superheroes

Guest wutangman

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Guest wutangman

I have moved to "MY OWN THREAD" to keep you updated about the progress of the superhero scenario that me and another guy are currently working on. As of now, we are done with the DC roster. We still have to come up with some more staff members. Work has already begun on the Marvel roster and we have come up with about 35 - 40 Free Agents ranging from Freddy Kreuger all the way down to RoboCop. We will be adding a Star Wars and Masters of The Universe fed as well to help balance the game. We have come up with about 52 sponsors and 14 networks. If you have any questions or suggestions for this upcoming scenario, please post them here. All suggestions will be taken into consideration and possibly added to the scenario with credit being given where it is due. I will post another update at the end of the week.

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Guest wutangman

No. Freddy was never in a comic that I know about. And anyways, this isn't going to be a "Comic Book" scenario. It is going to be a Superheroes scenario. Anyone, or "thing", that had or has supernatural abilities are going to be added to the scenario into the Free Agent pool. This way you don't have 100 random no names added to the game when you start it. For now there will be three guaranteed feds and one possible fed...



Star Wars (possibly)

Masters of The Universe

For the Free Agents pool I will be adding the following, and maybe more when I come up with ideas:

Teenage Turtles



Inspector Gadget





Freddy Kreuger


Mike Myers

Buffy Characters

Angel Characters


The Charmed Sisters

There may be more added at a later date. Someone stated earlier that I had ruined my scenario since I decided to add these extra "Free Agents". It's not like the scenario is ruined. If you don't like them, then you can delete them, or not download my scenario at all. I don't care either way because I am doing this mainly for fun anyways. Someone out there is going to think this is cool and will like it. And if that someone is only me, then fine. No one is forcing anyone else to play it anyways. So kindly keep your comments to yourself. I appreciate the thought, but this is my scenario and I will put whoever I want into it. I plan on having this scenario done by the end of October, maybe a little later. I am taking every aspect into effect with it from sponsors to tv networks... the works. I also have special loading screens dealing specifically with this scenario. Anymore ideas are welcome here in this thread. If you have a negatory comment, just PM it to me or email it to me. My AIM is wutangman2004, and my email is wutangman04@yahoo.com.

I know there are many more "Characters" that can be added as Free Agents to this scenario, so if you can think of any, please let me know.

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No.  Freddy was never in a comic that I know about.  And anyways, this isn't going to be a "Comic Book" scenario.  It is going to be a Superheroes scenario.  Anyone, or "thing", that had or has supernatural abilities are going to be added to the scenario into the Free Agent pool.  This way you don't have 100 random no names added to the game when you start it.  For now there will be three guaranteed feds and one possible fed...



Star Wars (possibly)

Masters of The Universe

For the Free Agents pool I will be adding the following, and maybe more when I come up with ideas:

Teenage Turtles



Inspector Gadget





Freddy Kreuger


Mike Myers

Buffy Characters

Angel Characters


The Charmed Sisters

There may be more added at a later date.  Someone stated earlier that I had ruined my scenario since I decided to add these extra "Free Agents".  It's not like the scenario is ruined.  If you don't like them, then you can delete them, or not download my scenario at all.  I don't care either way because I am doing this mainly for fun anyways.  Someone out there is going to think this is cool and will like it.  And if that someone is only me, then fine.  No one is forcing anyone else to play it anyways.  So kindly keep your comments to yourself.  I appreciate the thought, but this is my scenario and I will put whoever I want into it.  I plan on having this scenario done by the end of October, maybe a little later.  I am taking every aspect into effect with it from sponsors to tv networks... the works.  I also have special loading screens dealing specifically with this scenario.  Anymore ideas are welcome here in this thread.  If you have a negatory comment, just PM it to me or email it to me.  My AIM is wutangman2004, and my email is wutangman04@yahoo.com.

I know there are many more "Characters" that can be added as Free Agents to this scenario, so if you can think of any, please let me know.

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Guest wutangman


If you can get me the info that I need, I have no problem adding a Dragon Ball fed to this scenario. I will need the following information though:

Characters names, allignments, gimmicks, finishing moves. I can get the pics on my own. I'm not very familiar with Dragon Ball, but I think it would be nice to have a fed set aside for them in this scenario. Thank you for your input.


We finished the Marvel roster today. There are 62 wrestlers there. We will begin creating the staff for both Marvel and DC tomorrow and work will begin on Masters of The Universe and Star Wars feds next week. Anymore ideas are welcome until then, but the final product will be decided next Friday with the scenario hopefully being released at the end of the month.

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Guest wutangman

Spawn will be a Free Agent as well.

Thank you for your support Thug. I am glad that you see things the same way I do. :thumbsup:

Super Freddy... now that is classic! And funny as hell too!!! LOL! :lol: I had almost forgot about that.

Like I said yesturday, the DC and Marvel feds are finished with the exceptions of staff members. And right now, none of the characters have finishing moves. That will be left up to the imagination of the people who play my scenario. It is just way too complicating for me to come up with finishing moves for around 125 comic book characters... not to mention 35 - 40 Dragon Ball characters, 30 - 35 Masters of The Universe Characters, and 30 - 35 Star Wars Characters. Then you take into affect the 60 - 70 Free Agents... that's a lot of finishing moves to come up with! My partener came up with the gimmicks for all of the DC and Marvel characters. I would have been lost without him. This guy really knows his stuff regarding those companies.

So like I said... today I will make up the staff for Marvel and DC. Any suggestions can go in here. Those are hard to think of as well. And another thing that is hard is coming up with relationships. You really can't have hate or dislike for people in the same fed cause it causes the moral to go down. I tried having Spiderman and Doctor Octopus at a hate and both of their morals went down to around 45. Their matches suffered from it as well. So for now, relationships will have to made up through fueds. Now loyalty, friendship, and blood relative can be done with no problem.

Next week I will start working on Masters of The Universe and Star Wars. Star Wars is still up in the air. I would like some input on that fed before I go making it. Should it be in the scenario or not?

The week after, I will make Dragon Ball and begin working on the Free Agent list. So anyone else that you would like to see in Free Agents, please let me know within the next two weeks.

I am taking no more suggestions for feds though. I have a total of five now if Star Wars goes through. DC, Marvel, Masters of The Universe, DragonBall, and Star Wars.

No video games please. That means no Capcom, Mortal Combat, etc. Although those would be good to include, I may put them in an update later on after I see how this scenario does.

Later today I will post the current roster for both DC and Marvel. Keep those ideas coming. If you would like to contact me, my AIM is wutangman2004 and my email is wutangman04@yahoo.com

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Guest wutangman

Battle of The Planets and Masked Crusaders... never heard of 'em. If you would like them to be included in the Free Agents list, please provide me the following information:

Names, gimmicks, alignments.

Someone else brought to my attention that I should include Galaxy Rangers and Bionic Six. I never knew there were so many! LOL

Like I said before... I don't want to get burned out on this, so if the characters that you want aren't in the scenario this time around, I may make updates from time to time depending on how it does and the feedback I get from it.

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If you can get me the info that I need, I have no problem adding a Dragon Ball fed to this scenario.  I will need the following information though:

Characters names, allignments, gimmicks, finishing moves.  I can get the pics on my own.  I'm not very familiar with Dragon Ball, but I think it would be nice to have a fed set aside for them in this scenario.  Thank you for your input.


We finished the Marvel roster today.  There are 62 wrestlers there.  We will begin creating the staff for both Marvel and DC tomorrow and work will begin on Masters of The Universe and Star Wars feds next week.  Anymore ideas are welcome until then, but the final product will be decided next Friday with the scenario hopefully being released at the end of the month.

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Guest wutangman

Alright. After careful consideration and planning, here is what I plan to do.

I am taking no more suggestions for Wrestlers. Right now I am looking at around 300 - 350 characters.

I am not making finishing moves for the characters.

My reasoning for this is that I feel it leaves more imagination for the people playing the scenario to come up with unique finishers for each hero/villian.

Stables won't be added either. When you take into affect how many members would be in Justice League, Brotherhood, Avengers, Fantastic Four, Defenders, etc... it would take forever to get them all. I thought it would be good for the player to make their own stables as well. Leave a bit more for the imagination as well.

The confirmed feds are as follows:

DC - 64 Wrestlers (Global)

Marvel - 62 Wrestlers (Global)

Masters of The Universe - 78 Wrestlers (Global)

Dragon Ball - 50 Wrestlers (National)

Thundercats - 26 Wrestlers (Cult)

(The rosters for these feds will be revealed closer to the release date of the scenario.)

All the characters for those five feds have been determined.

Here is the FINAL free agents list:

Free Agents

Space Ghost

Meteor Man

The Mask

Flash Gordon


The Green Hornet & Kato

The Grey Ghost

Aphrodite IX

The Mystery Men

Major Glory


The Tick


Die Fledermaus

American Maid


Inspector Gadget

Professor Claw





Freddy Kreuger


Mike Myers

Buffy The Vampire Slayer






Alex Mack

Van Helsing


Bionic Man

Bionic Woman




Charmed Sisters




Teenage Turtles Characters






April O'Neil


Foot Soldier



I am going to try and get as many staff members to fit the scenario as possible. However, the majority of them will be made up from the top of my head.

Here is how the schedule is going to go for the scenario:

Monday October 18 - Work on Masters of The Universe fed

Tuesday October 19 - Finish Masters of The Universe fed

Wednesday October 20 - Work on Thundercats fed

Thursday October 21 - Finish Thundercats fed

Friday October 22 - Work on Dragon Ball fed

Monday October 25 - Finish Dragon Ball fed

Tuesday October 26 - Work on Free Agents

Wednesday October 27 - Finish Free Agents

Thursday October 28 - Put in final touches, needed staff, events, show names, sponsors, networks, etc.

Friday October 29 - Beta run by a few people I have already selected

Monday November 1 - Release of My Scenario

I may go over a couple of days, but no later than November 5, which is the following Friday.

I want to thank everyone for their ideas and for their help. After this scenario has been out for a few months and I see if it makes a hit or not, I may go back at the first of the year and create an update and add more characters that didn't make the final cut this time around.

Any questions can be submitted here for me to answer. If I left anything out that you feel should is neccessary, just let me know.

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