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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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I'll assume you've done the mission to unlock such a garage. If you have, don't worry. It happens often with all garages. Just drive around for a bit and come back. It may take awhile, but it'll open some day.

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I'm white and I love fried chicken. :mellow:

Again, if it requires a huge overhaul of the game... maybe not depend so much on stereotypical racial tension for a storyline and write something original?

Oh, well.

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Guest Bluesman

I've lost my Tech-9 a few times, and just lost my 9mm for a silenced pistol. Is anyone else having this problem, and is there a way around it? I'm getting tired of going and spending a bunch of cash to stock up on guns, only to lose 'em a few missions later.

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Me and a homie of mine spent about 3 hours yesterday playing the 2-player free-roam mode. We'd  spawn us up a rhino, one of us would get in it, drive around and blow shit up the other would stand on top, throwning molotov cocktails around and shooting shit with the AK. Once the police were after us, and we crashed into the water north of Los Santos, and decided to swim to freedom/Las Venturas. We actually made it too, despite the police helicopters firing at us. Then we rampaged around the desert highway, police all around us.. it was just like a really good episode of Cops.

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