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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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It's not that I don't think a guide would be a good idea, or that it wouldn't be enjoyable for all EWBers to collaborate, but I highly doubt any of us would show the commitment a decent guide would require. Partly because we'd all spend most of our time playing the game and not writing.

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It's not so much that I always crash with nos as it is that I never use it... probably to keep myself from crashing. So it's pretty useless for me, even though I always seem to get it on my cars anyway. :huh:

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some Spoilers, but nothing major - still though.

During "Zeroing In" after you buy Wang Cars. Zero is babbling on about some tracker he invented and then this part pops up:

CJ: "I don't know *what* he just said, but it's on!"

Zero: "Yes! It's on!"


"Wait. What's on?"

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1. Why am I following that chick?

2. What am I supposed to be doing? Just following her and waiting til she leaves her car or blowing her up? :wacko:

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1. She has a car you have on your wishlist

2. Follow her until the freeway. Drive to her eft and use the P.I.T you learnt in driving school. She'll spina nd leave the car.

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I did this one my first time around, it's very easy actually. My spook meter only went up twice, once when he was getting in the cab (i backed down the stairs... so my advice to anyone else is to find somewheres else to go instead of waiting at the top of the stairs... go down the road a little.

Follow at a distance, and since you can't see the taxi that well, keep an eye on the map. If it slows to a stop (the taxi that is) move as close as you can without spooking the guy.

That's all I can really say... for me this was a breeze.

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