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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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So, I've been reading around that Leatherface is in GTA:SA. Ofcourse I thought nothing of it but after reading a few topics at a few boards my views on the matter have changed.

And there's only one way to find out. Krazy K goes witch hunting.

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Look on your map, and find the EASTER BAY AIRPORT. Then, directly right from it, there is a place called PANOPTICON.

Near it, look for a brown square, with two little white dots on it. look for a road that follows it.

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Day 2 - Tuesday

16:42 I arrived early to scpre out the area and gain any clues I could. I can confirm that some cabins have blood on the floor.

16:51 A strange fog floats across the area. The area becomes a little more scarier. There is now a freeway parked in the "car spot". This guy really has alot of cars.

17:53 The beaten up Glendale is gone. In it's place? A fllor dripped in blood. There seems to be a new fallen tree also. I don't recall it being there last night.

18:34 The fog is gone.

19:16 I found a spade behind a cabin.

21:25 The Glendale returns. This shit is pretty scary.

22:16 The dark sets in. No rain. No chainsaws.

22:37 I hear a Police car speeding. I run down to see two policemen get back into their car. I search the area. Nothing.

23:14 I switched to my own chainsaw and reeved it up. My sister crapped herself. Score.

00:29 I did it again. My sister is a pussy.

02:06 The same Rancher makes it return. I'm a little scared, my sister is shit scared.

05:53 The sun rises and the Rancher is gone.

06:34 Night two offically ends.

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Day 3 - Wednesday

19:41 I go to my area early to update the area. The Rancher is no more instead a Wayfarer sits. The Glendale is still there.

20:48 The darkness arrives and I do belivle in a thing called love. I wish it would rain I heard that Leatherface attacks when it rains.

22:24 A Police speeds towards the log palace. They fire gun shots and spin out of control. The gun shots were in my direction.

05:43 A fog floats in. Nothing special.

07: 03 Day three ends. A tractor is in the Rancher spot and I swear I saw a tree shaped like a penis.


While looking for Leatherface an idea struck. I've decided to leave my PS2 over night. CJ will stand in the middle of the area and I will sleep. If CJ is in hospital when I wake up then Leatherface is real. If not, then onto Bigfoot.

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To make some quick money on a relatively easy R3 type mission, go to the 24/7 store a block West of City Hall. There's a bmx parked outside. Get on it and you can do courier missions. Each time I did them I got $1,500 for the first of the four missions, and that increased with each one as long as you do them with time to spare. If you complete them all you gain the store as an assett and earn about $2000 a day.

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All the other missions were simple...The only ones that took some practice were the side to side around the cones and the reversing and spinning but they only took half a dozen goes each.

All in all pretty fun and not too tricky.... Loved the parallel parking one the best though, it's just like that guy who does it in a mini cooper.

Agreed those were the tricky ones. I got gold in both though :D

That guy you're thinking of is Russ Swift. He's a friend of my dad's... I've met him a few times. :)

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I've had seven meals since I brought the game.

I ate at much as I could and spewed up in Pizza Stack. I'm ready.

Edited by Krazy_K
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Try going about the place with a Banshee and 10 nitrous uses.

Yeah, it rocks. I couldn't turn for shit, I'd literally launch off the street and sometimes even over the streetlights in San Fierro!

Try it with the Bullet. That shit shakes at top speed without NOS. I put NOS in it, now... DAMN!.

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What KKK rumor?

Supposedly there are fields with burnt crosses in them. I have not seen any, though I got out of the countryside as fast as I could, trekking back and forth across it sucked.

As for wether they'd put it in or not, I have no doubt they would. Its not that risque, and they've done similar things both in GTA, and in Manhunt, where they acknowledged they were white supremacists.

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