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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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You dont need to complete all the Wang Cars missions...I think just three of them I think. I am stuck in the "Puncture Wounds" one and I need help if you can.

I have exported the Stretch and the Sentinel. I suppose I can get a Camper and the Sanchez in Whetstone but I need help finding the others. Where can I find the Buffalo, Feltzer(I know I can get this in any street in SF, but now that I need one I cant find it) Remington, Infernus and Admiral?

Where did you stole the Patriot from??

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There's a Patriot parked at Easter Bay Chemicals (South East of the SF Airport.) There's a Buffalo parked at Catalina's place. As for Feltzer, well I know it looks like a Mercedes 380sl but I have no idea of anywhere specific that you'll find one. Just drive around on that one.

edit: Oh and if you really get stuck looking for a Sanchez or a Camper. Sanchez can be found at the base of Mt. Chilliad and a Camper at the very top.

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ok, cause i just got it and the only thing i noticed was that there wasn't two.. which it couldn't see how there could be two cause he has to use his other hand to pump it... and i had to turn the game off to eat dinner and watch MITM/Simpsons... so i wanted to see what it was going to do..

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Damn this plane i have to fly, its the worst ive flown, anyways my points are..

1) Best mission so far, reminds me of time crisis with duck and shoot.

2) Bad thing about this mission is those bastard corono's, i hate them and will hate them for life.


I dont know where I'm going with this ¬_¬

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I just need the Patriot and the Remington and I am done.

I got the Buffalo from Catalina's place, the Infernus and Feltzer by driving around Ocean Flats(plenty or rare cars over there). The Admiral can be found parked outside Jizzy's club or at the place where you and Ceasar steal the cars from in a previous mission(the one with the cop chase). The Sanchez can be found anywhere in the country, I actually got it right after crossing the bridge that leads to Mount Chilad(the driver was blasted with a saw-off shotgun blast). The Camper can also be found in SF very close to the area that leads to Los Santos and also by the SF airport. Just in case anybody needed help finding those cars.

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