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GTA: San Andreas

Miami Vice

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Right, I did the Sweet mission Ceasar whatever his surname is, and I stopped being able to get missions off Sweet. I was under the impression that once I did the 'High-stakes, Low Rider' mission, I would once again be able to get missions of Sweet.

I did 'High-stakes, Low Rider', and couldn't get Sweet again. I completed Ryders missions, and no Sweet.

I have Big Smoke and OG Loc n my radar. Do I have to complete these missions before getting Sweet again, or is Sweet only available at a certain time, or have I just got it wrong, and their is no more Sweet?


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I have a new one.

Take a go kart to the top of the mountain. Drive it off at speed. I just did a 437 degree rotation.

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i found this over at gamefaqs

click here

jsut found out it was footage of him playing 2 player so no actual leatherface footage but its still cool

Edited by Dochappy
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I got just all silvers in Driving Schoolt to get a Bullet.

And, now I'm working on all gold.

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Cloudy imagines seeing CJ & crew rolling in their pimpin' ghetto Coach.


Really though, I see no use whatsoever for having over 3-4 gang members, because you can't fit any more than that in some of the vehicles, and their AI is retarded as fuck most of the time. For instance, I got together a 7 man crew and went off to start a gang war. You know the highway on-ramps? I walked up one of those because the on-ramp and the highway parts of it were Ballas territory, and my stupidass gang either did one of two things: a) walk into the onramp continually, SOMETIMES smart enough to jump it or B) some of them took off running in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION.

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Its also kinda funny when a cop accidentally runs over an innocent bystander. "To serve and protect", my ass.

I've seen cops jack pedestrian vehicles. Was watching the scene of a plane crash, and a cop car blew up. The cop was out of the car, then a red car pulls up to the accident, the cop walks over, pulls the ped out, jumps in, and speeds off.

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A Euros? One needed for Import/Export, and I've never even seen one before.

Also, is there somewhere that a BF Injection is parked? I have seen one, but don't fancy hunting one down.

edit: Found the Euros. Underneath the Sphinx in LV.

edit 2: Found BJ Injection. On the beach on the West side of SF.

Do you actually get anything for completing all the Import/Export? Other than the money for the cars.

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