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Chalk me up as an avid reader. I'm interested to see where the Saturn/Jessica thing goes, and i'm still admittedly clueless as to who the backers are. I have a possible idea but nothing too strong. Keep up the great work man.

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Southern Style Wrestling

and The Georgia State Athletics Commission

Proudly Present

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SSW Southern Pride

March, 12 2005


5495 Old National Highway

Atlanta, GA 30349

Fantastico Is In Charge

The crowd began to boo the second Julio Fantastico walked from the back with a mic in hand. My hope was that they had seen last month’s show and that the booing was because of his character, and not a general disdain for all things Julio. That would screw up more than one long term plan were it the case.

Once in the ring Julio smiled, nodded knowingly, then began to walk in a circle around the ring as he spoke.

Julio: Well, well, well, it looks like Julio Fantastico is back in redneck inbred heaven for another month of Southern Style Wrestling.

For the second month in a row Julio gets the cheap “redneck” heat. I smiled as I watched from the back, remembering how he had told me last month that he was gonna use the terms redneck, hillbilly, hick, and inbred as much and as often as he could.

Julio: It’s kind of funny to Julio in a way, last month we opened the first show with Julio coming out here and verbally slapping Dr. Tom Pritchard around before he won a big match, and this month we open the show with Julio out here to do the same, but Pritchard ain’t here anymore. Where oh where did Tom Pritchard go? Where oh where did the main man of SSW disappear to? Oh, wait, that’s right, after Julio made him look like Julio’s bitch last month he quit and headed to Florida, where he could be someone else’s bitch. Someone who’s not Julio of course. So where does that leave the redneck promotion now? Who’s running this show? Why, maybe, just maybe, it’s Julio Fantastico.

More booing from the crowd, but not all that loudly. I looked at Mike next to me, handed him the second mic, an investment we made after I watched the boys share our one mic last month, and told him to get ready.

Julio: Yeah, I like the sound of that. Julio Fantastico is now in charge of SSW, whether those morons and hillbillies in the back like it or not. And as my first official act in charge…

Julio was cut off when Harvey Cooper, the kid that tapes the shows for us and is now in charge of sound as well, hit the music. Burn by Nine Inch Nails began to play and Mike Sanders walked from the back, the mic in hand, and a huge smile on his face. He was dressed in a suit and wore the trademark sunglasses I had seen him wear many times on WCW television near it’s end. Incidentally, the song, from The Natural Born Killers soundtrack, was his choice and not licensed by SSW to use in any way shape or form. I could only hope we wouldn’t encounter any legal issues with it’s use.

Sanders: Your first official act in charge is to pipe the hell down and listen to the REAL man in charge of SSW from here on out. That being me, The Natural Born Thriller Mike Sanders. What do you think of the suit, Julio, does it match the shades man?

The crowd laughed a bit, but otherwise remained terribly silent. Perhaps they didn’t know, remember, or recognize Mike? I was sure he’d have them eating out of his palm by the time this wrapped up in about two minutes.

Julio: The Natural Born Thriller Mike Sanders? Is Julio supposed to know who the hell you are, because if so then…

Sanders: Nah, Julio is not supposed to know who Mike is, Julio is supposed to do what Julio was told to do and shut Julio’s frigging trap so Mike can speak. As for who Mike is, Mike said he’s the new BMOC here in SSW, so maybe Julio should quit listening to himself speak and listen to the boss. That’s The Natural Born Thriller Mike Sanders, me, in case you still weren’t listening.

The fans cheered a bit and clapped as Julio got angry, acting like a petulant child as he stomped his feet and then yelled at them to shut up.

Sanders: Is Julio gonna throw a tantrum now? Does Julio have poopy pants? Does Julio need his mama?

A little bit more laughter. I was smiling and laughing myself, and I noticed that I had half a dozen of the boys all next to me watching this as was I. Good, most of them could probably learn a thing or two here from Mike and Julio.

Sanders: Before we go any further, Julio, allow me to just say that I am a fan of your work. You are just spellbinding to watch in this ring, and that match from last month with Chris…

Julio: …which Julio won…

Sanders: …yes, yes you did. It was a great match. I wish I could order a rematch this month, especially seeing as how you didn’t exactly win without a little help from a crooked referee, now did you Julio? Said referee has been fired here tonight I might add.

Marty laughed as he patted me on the shoulder. He had especially liked this bit when he saw tonight’s show on paper. I smiled and nodded. The evil ref T was gone from SSW, seemingly forever. Or at least every damn one of us hoped so.

Julio: What? I didn’t, I mean Julio didn’t hire any…

Sanders: Relax fantastic one, it’s all water under the bridge. Tom whatisname couldn’t run a fifty yard dash let alone a wrestling company, but I sure as hell can. I know you don’t know me, but I was commissioner of WCW there near the end of it’s time, and I ran…

Julio: …you ran WCW into the ground? Into financial ruin? Into being bought out by the WWF?

Mike laughed as the fans booed.

Sanders: I ran it pretty damn well. But this isn’t the Julio And Mike Show, this is SSW Southern Pride, our second big show here in Atlanta, my own home town.

Some big cheers this time for the local boy. I was really liking where this was going. Mike and Julio had a natural sort of charisma together, and while it wasn’t perfection on the mic, it was decent enough that we got a semi hot crowd going already.

Mike: So, by the rules set in motion for this show last month, we have us a tournament to continue. Julio, since you like to come out at the beginning of every show and run your mouth, why don’t we let you open the evening’s wrestling for month number two. Your opponent for tonight is…

Overall Rating = 61.4%

7 minutes

Julio Fantastico vs. Rick Santel

Rick ran from the back immediately, not even waiting for his name to be announced. I shook my head as I watched him go and heard Mike announce him. Mike shook his hand once he was in the ring, offered a handshake to Julio, who handed him the mic instead, and then left the ring. Taylor ran to the ring as well, receiving a few hoots, hollers, and catcalls as she made her way down. Mike handed the mics to Sheila Texas as Taylor called for the bell and the match was underway.

Mike headed to a special booth set up on the far side of the ringside area, where he entered, sat down, and called the match. Harvey was inside as well, taping the show and doing the sound for us. After I watched the tape of last month’s show I realized that if we eventually sold these damn tapes we needed to have someone saying something during the matches, as the thirty plus dead minutes with nobody talking was quite annoying. So not only did Mike play our head man, he also did Commentary. Thank you WWE for training this kid so well.

The match itself was what I would call an abysmal failure. Julio did the lion’s share of the work in this three minute match, and Santel bumped his ass off I must say, but it just didn’t look all that great to me. Taylor was where she was supposed to be, so I was at least 100% grateful for that, but the match itself really kind of sucked. I wish I could place the blame on something or someone, but it just didn’t mesh the way I was hoping it might. Santel was simply too green. When Julio hit his Super Kick it was mercifully over, and I knew for sure what my decision was regarding Santel and Pearce’s fates here in SSW. A shame really.

The fans boos turned to cheers however as Chris Kanyon bolted from the back and slid into the ring behind Julio. He rolled Santel to the floor, then spun Julio around and one Flatliner later Julio had no time to celebrate or gloat about going two and zero thus far in the three month tourney. Kanyon hopped on the ropes and held his arm high as he yelled out that he said he was gonna get Julio. Chris went to the floor where he helped Santel to the back where I stood. I gave the kid a word of encouragement then told him to shower and get back here to watch the rest of the show.

WINNER: Julio Fantastico by pinfall

Match Reaction = 39.5%

Match Quality = 58.4%

Overall Rating = 53.8%

Time 5 Minutes

Adam Pearce vs. Norman Smiley

Julio stumbled to the back, passing Adam Pearce as he came to the ring. Our attempt was to get Pearce over as a no nonsense old school wrestler, an ice man sort of guy who was here to wrestle and that was that. Last month he had walked out on Lenny after the shenanigans happened costing himself a loss in the tourney, so it was all about the storyline that his opponent this month was our fun loving British dancer, Norman Smiley, who came dancing from the back to his music. Pearce rolled his eyes in the ring and looked somewhat less than thrilled. Once Norman was in the ring, it was time for the rest of the story. Lenny Lane came from the back, a lollipop in his mouth, pigtails in his hair, and wearing a cheerleader outfit. I laughed out loud when I had seen him before the show. Whether these fans wanted this weirdo character or not, I was gonna shove him down their throats until they either cheered his ass or quit coming.

Perhaps not the best game plan a booker ever had.

Lenny wiggled his ass to some fans, then to Pearce, who looked quite incensed, before joining Mike in the Announcer’s Booth. He would provide guest commentary on this match for the tape, making sexually filled comments about the match and the wrestlers, as well as get over the storyline itself. I liked my idea.

Taylor called for the bell as Pearce glared at Lenny inside the booth, and Norman started the match with a Belly To Belly Suplex that was not exactly stellar. The whole match wasn’t stellar, but it was a passable match that was far better than our opener. I had far more faith in Adam than I had in Santel, and after booking Adam in a non match the previous month, I wanted to see what he was capable of, hence this match scheduled to go roughly ten minutes before the run in.

Norman stayed in control for the first few minutes, then we let Adam have the ball. He nailed Norman with a Clothesline off the ropes, then had his way with him for the next 6 minutes. The fans, who sat back and watched and did little else, started to get into Norman’s comeback attempts near the end. Pearce put Norman back down every time however, and the fans were deflated. Pearce set Norman in the opposite corner, then walked calmly across the ring. He didn’t notice Lenny drop his headset and exit the booth, per my call, so when Lenny grabbed his foot as he took off towards Norman he was unaware and fell face first to the mat. The fans laughed and cheered a bit here, until Lenny rubbed his ass and danced on the floor in front of them.

Damn you, he’s funny and weird. Get into it.

Norman recovered as Pearce slowly got to his feet and started to get out of the ring and go after Lenny. Norman grabbed him by the shoulder, spun him around, kicked him in the gut, and delivered a picture perfect Piledriver that Taylor counted for the 1-2-3 victory.

In SSW an old school move like that is still enough to get you a big win.

Pearce rolled to the floor as Norman began to hop around and dance. He stopped, looked at Lenny, then invited him into the ring as well. The two danced, with Lenny begging Norman to do the Big Wiggle to him, to which Norman looked uneasy then declined, as Pearce glared on the floor, holding his neck and head. Taylor came over to help him to the back and he shoved her aside as he slowly walked off of his own accord.

WINNER: Norman Smiley by pinfall

Match Reaction = 43.9%

Match Quality = 60.6%

Overall Rating = 54.7%

Time 13 Minutes

Norman and Lenny left the ring and headed to the back as Adam walked by me. I stopped him.

”That was a damn good match, Adam. Damn good. Congratulations.”

He smiled, thanked me, and walked over to grab a water. He didn’t head off to shower, rather he grabbed a towel and wiped his face then talked with Marty, Chris, and Norman. Santel was eating a sandwich, and I wasn’t even sure if he had seen the previous match.

I think I had made the appropriate decision.

At this point Lenny was still in the ring, and my good friend was about to go out and book his own match on the fly with him. As long as he didn’t fuck up my ending, I could deal with it.

Lenny Lane vs. Perry Saturn

As Lenny stood in the corner licking his lollipop Perry Saturn walked from the back, a look of, well, boredom on his face. His music played, although I was completely unaware of what the heavy metal riffing song was, if it was something I was supposed to know at all, and climbed into the ring. As Taylor called for the bell, I began to think of things I could do to get this jerk off to walk out on us. Of course, if he’s banging Jessica like I think he might be, that’s probably not going to happen.

I told Taylor that Perry was calling the match, but to be ready for me to call the ending. We were going to keep the same ending we had planned no matter what, because even if the fucker could screw up a portion of my plan he wasn’t going to screw up the whole goddamn thing.

So I stood and watched the match. Pearce stood next to me, ready, and commented throughout the match to a few of us on things he noticed and things he didn’t like. He was a student, the ring was his teacher, and he was learning. I liked it, a lot.

The match was okay. Perry knows this sport, and he knows how to make a match work. He worked an interesting style, but it was obvious he was just stiffing the shit out of Lenny the whole time. When Lenny had the momentum and was carrying the match Perry kicked him in the side of the head hard, dropping Lenny to the mat. That was it, I had seen enough and it was over. I called the ending in to Taylor and told Pearce to get ready. Thirty seconds later Saturn hit the Death Valley Bomb and got the 1-2-3 to end this match. Much like the rest of it, the fans seemed bored and uninterested. Saturn rose to his feet, raised his own arms, and then my ending went to hell.

Adam Pearce ran from the back and slid into the ring amid boos from the fans, showing they cared more about this than the entire match. Perry, with his back turned, left the ring as Pearce scooped Lenny up and delivered a great looking Piledriver on him in the center of the ring. Then he hit a second as Perry stopped, turned, looked at the mayhem, and walked away.

What the fuck?

Perry walked towards the back slowly, and I could see Pearce’s face in the ring. He was thoroughly confused, but he primed Lenny for a third Piledriver. Perry walked back and I swear to god I thought I was going to have a stroke.

”What the fuck, Saturn? The ending, you can’t walk away from the ending.”

I pushed him in the chest. We were dangerously close to Jersey territory here.

”Keep your fucking hands off of me, T.”

I heard Jessica scream my name as I felt hands on my arms. I looked and saw Ricky, Marty, Chris, and Norman.

”Jesus, Saturn, you are a fucking pile of shit you know that? Norman, could you…?”

”On it.”

Norman was gone, racing towards the ring to stop the fourth Piledriver. He pulled Lenny to safety on the floor, and he and Taylor helped him to the back while Pearce accepted his boos from the crowd.

WINNER: Perry Saturn by pinfall

Match Reaction = 49.4%

Match Quality = 65.0%

Overall Rating = 60.1%

Time 11 Minutes

”I gave you what you wanted, I fucking rearranged the story for you, you fucking ingrate. Why ruin the rest of it?’

His answer was so stupid, so inane, that it almost made sense.

”I didn’t wanna do it, I don’t wanna be mixed up in that shit, so I’m not.”

If they had let me go he’d have killed me, because I’d have gone for his fucking throat again.

”Get the fuck out of here, Perry, get the fuck out and pray I don’t fire your ass.”

Perry allowed Jessica to walk him off, a smirk on his face the entire time. I shrugged off the others, and went to listen to Pearce’s promo.

Mother fucker.

Adam Pearce Hates SSW And Lenny Lane

Pearce was handed a mic from Sheila after he threatened her. I barely heard the promo.

Pearce: I’m not a man of many words, so let me just say it like it is. I hate SSW and I hate Lenny Lane. I’m not here to play games and dance and stuff like that, I’m here to wrestle and win matches and make money. But so far Lenny Lane has cost me two matches, cost me two winner’s payouts, and cost me the SSW Southern Heavyweight Title as well. I think me breaking Lenny’s neck and costing him his career makes us about even. Don’t come back Lenny, don’t show your face here again or I am going to destroy you again and again and again until you can’t ever come back.

He dropped the mic and walked to the back amid some boos from an otherwise unimpressed and uninterested crowd.

Overall Rating = 47.3%

Time 3 Minutes

Marty Jannetty vs. Matt Stryker

Matt Stryker walked to the ring first, alone, looking like he owned the place. The fans gave a respectful applause as he came out, but once again the roof came off when our next man walked out to his old Rockers theme, or a smart take off of it at least. Marty Jannetty came from the back slapping hands on his way to the ring, and I watched in awe. Somehow, someway, he and Ricky had become the top stars in two months here, despite losing their first match. Whether it was their name or the respect of the fans for two legends, these two men were on top of SSW. which of course was pretty much perfect for what we had planned.

Matt offered a handshake as Taylor returned to the ring and called for the bell. Marty hesitantly accepted, and we were good to go. The two locked up and we had us a good old fashioned feeling out process to start with which led to the tried and true test of strength. Matt seemed to get frustrated, as the fans settled in, but every so often, although not much, their would be a random Marty chant break out. About three minutes in Matt apparently said screw it and raked the eyes and kicked Marty low when the ref wasn’t looking. This garnered him some heel heat, but not much oddly. Stryker was now firmly in control and he kept it. Marty sold well for Stryker, putting him over in the next six or seven minutes quite well. Eventually Matt was able to lock in The Stryker Lock, a move we would rename here in SSW for the submission. However Marty held on, screaming in pain but refusing to say I quit.

Which, as an aside, warrants an explanation. My one beef with the rise and popularity of UFC and the like here in the US is the fact that overnight the tap out became an accepted form of submitting in every aspect of Pro Wrestling. I dislike the tap out immensely, always have, as it doesn’t seem to have the same power of making your opponent tell the ref, or in an I Quit Match yell it into a mic, that you quit. No tap outs here, ever.

Marty was able to make the ropes after a minute, and Stryker was obviously ticked. He released the hold, then stopped and grinned as he saw Teddy Hart walk from the back, wearing a T-Shirt that read I Am The Future on the front. Stryker nodded to Teddy, who nodded back to him. The fans halfheartedly booed Teddy, as this exchange gave Marty the time he needed to recover. Stryker bent over to pick Marty up, and was cradled into a pin attempt for the two. Stryker was livid again, as he got up and attempted to lay the boots to Marty. Marty rolled to the floor, where Stryker followed, and Marty rolled back in, coming off the ropes to meet Stryker with a Baseball Slide to the face. Stryker laid on the floor as Teddy came to his aid, talking to him. Taylor started her count as Marty saw the two, climbed to the top turnbuckle, and flew onto them both with a Swan Dive. The crowd cheered as all three men were down. Mary was the first back in the ring, but Stryker quickly followed. Marty hit a Missile Dropkick on Matt as he stood up and Stryker fell to the mat with a loud thud. It was all but over, except that Teddy made his way into the ring. He spun Marty around and delivered on of the weakest looking DDT’s I had ever seen. Taylor called for the bell and the match was over.

Teddy then proceeded to lock in the move his family made famous for the second month in a row, as Marty screamed out again to The Sharpshooter. I should note that the use of this move was not something I asked Teddy to do, but rather something he brought to the table. I did like it however.

Stryker was soon on his feet and he applied a variation of The Crippler Crossface to Marty as Teddy kept The Sharpshooter on. After a minute or so more they released the holds and then shook hands before hugging. Taylor got on the mic and proclaimed the victory for Marty due to outside interference, but Stryker and Teddy didn’t seem to much care. They threw Marty over the top rope to the floor before Stryker retrieved the other mic from Sheila and gave it to Teddy.

WINNER: Marty Jannetty by DQ due to outside interference

Match Reaction = 40.5%

Match Quality = 71.0%

Overall Rating = 59.0%

Time 15 Minutes

The Future Is Now

Teddy held the mic smiling as Taylor helped Marty to the back. The fans were booing, but as Teddy began to speak they quieted down, in theory to hear what he said.

Teddy: Last month I ran down Marty and Ricky Morton, Wrestling’s Old School, and I told you all that they couldn’t hang in the ring with people like myself and Stryker. I told you that they needed to hang it up and retire their sorry asses, to let the next wave of wrestling stars come to prominence in this sport. Ricky Morton got the message, he retired last month and he’s not here this month. He called it quits, took his old ass home, and won’t be back. Of course, this was after I beat the holy hell out of him, twice, but at least he got the message. Marty Jannetty didn’t get it I see. I doubt he got it here tonight either. When you look at myself and Matt Stryker, you are looking at The Future of this sport, whether you or they like it or not. SSW may like to promote themselves as a blast from the past, but we’re going to bring it into the future kicking and screaming if necessary. We are The Future.

The fans booed some more as Teddy handed the mic off to Matt.

Stryker: Both of us, we’ve tasted the big time in wrestling, and this isn’t it at all. We’ll do what we have to do to who we have to do it to to get back there. But in the meantime, we will see to it that the old timers wrestle their last matches in the process. Ricky Morton is gone, just like Teddy said, and it’s simply a matter of time before Marty is too. We are The Future, and with us leading the way, the future looks bright.

Overall Rating = 56.2%

Time 5 Minutes

Matt Stryker, mister redundant. The two left the ring to some boos as Taylor returned. It wasn’t perfect, hell it was barely adequate, but the more astute fans will notice the battle lines having been drawn and the story kicking in.

Sean O’Haire, The Enigma

Sean O’Haire was the next out to the ring, once again wearing his trench coat and eyeliner, although this month he also had white powder all over his face and hands. I wasn’t sure how that was gonna work once he started to wrestle, but he wanted to try it. He was followed by Shannon Ward making her debut, a month late, in SSW. She was wearing all black, had an excessive amount of black eyeliner on as well, but had forgone the powder due to the natural chalkiness of her own skin. Together they looked odd and half dead.

Once in the ring she picked up the mic and handed it to Sean, who began another fucked up promo.

O’Haire: I welcome myself to another day of spiritual awakening, while I silently ponder your own very existence. Another day that I have been allowed to spread the gospel of inner peace and contentment is a day finer than you could ever understand. Last month I shared this gospel with Perry Saturn, and as I have seen tonight he was a student ready to learn. Do not bother yourself with the workings of others, for you are not yet ready to share what you have but only glimpsed. Go forth Perry, go forth and marvel at the world with new eyes that see for the first time. Come back to me when you are ready for another lesson, and I shall wholeheartedly continue the teachings.

It wasn’t going quite as well as last month, but he did have their attention again. They were half booing him now, which was a sign that they had some clue that he wasn’t as benevolent as he claimed to be.

O’Haire: Myself and my ward, young Shannon, are here to teach another lost and lonely soul the meaning of being one with yourself. Shannon, my love, are you at peace yet?

She shook her head no as she kept a blank stare on her face.

O’Haire: Of course not. But you will be, you will be soon, and then we shall go forth together and speak of it to more and more lost souls. Do you trust that, Shannon? Do you trust me?

Her expression not changing, she nodded in the affirmative.

O’Haire: Yes, and you shall know what I know soon enough. Now bring forth the latest student, not so I may gain another win to hold a prize that has no meaning to my soul, but so that I might be able to open the eyes of another who is tormented by what he does not know even exists yet.

And with that O’Haire handed the mic to his ward, Shannon, who left the ring and gave it to Sheila.

Overall Rating = 57.4%

Time 5 Minutes

The Innovator Of Offense Chris Kanyon vs. Sean O’Haire(with Shannon)

Chris Kanyon came from the back, yelled out Who Betta Than Kanyon to the crowd, then ran to the ring to a good applause from the crowd. He came face to face with O’Haire, then snacked him silly. Taylor reacted by calling for the bell.

Much like the match that O’Haire and Saturn put forth last month, this was another classic looking and feeling match that saw Kanyon control things at the outset, before the vile and cheating ways of O’Haire gained him the upper hand. At every turn Kanyon attempted to get back in, but either through the cheating ways of O’Haire or by Shannon grabbing Kanyon’s foot he was unable to succeed.

Taylor finally caught Shannon grab Kanyon’s foot and trip him up, and she bolted to the floor where she confronted the emotionless Shannon. She threatened to send her to the back, or worse throw the match out, but Shannon showed no interest, turning her back on Taylor and walking around the ring. Inside O’Haire used the opportunity to remove some tape from his wrist and choke Kanyon down. O’Haire signaled the end and climbed up top where he stood perched for The Seanton Bomb. Kanyon came to his feet and ran, delivering a great looking Superplex that left both men down.

Kanyon was first to his feet at Taylor’s seven count, with O’Haire close behind, and I called for them to take it home. I looked at Pearce who was still at my side and told him to watch. Santel was nowhere to be found.

O’Haire ducked a Spinning Heel Kick, went for a Clothesline attempt that Kanyon ducked, came off the ropes and was met with a Belly To Belly Suplex that dropped him on his head. Taylor quickly went to Sean’s side, and I saw the signal that he was okay. Kanyon moved in for the kill, but at this point Shannon screamed out as loud as she could, shocking everyone by her outburst. Kanyon shook his head, and thirty seconds later he hit The Flatliner and garnered the 1-2-3 to be victorious. The fans cheered as Kanyon yelled out his catchphrase again to the crowd, some of which yelled back NOBODY. It was a start.

Shannon came into the ring behind Kanyon and leapt onto his back, scratching at his eyes in the process. He grabbed for her before throwing her off his back onto the mat. He held her down with one foot while he looked puzzled, and O’Haire attacked from behind with a Big Boot to the back of Kanyon’s head. Kanyon fell down hard, as O’Haire laid more boots to his head. Finally Shannon held Kanyon’s feet as O’Haire came off the top with The Seanton Bomb. The fans booed as O’Haire calmed his ward then the two proceeded to the back. Taylor helped Kanyon to his feet, where he received applause from the crowd, then the two headed to the back as well.

All in all a second successful match from O’Haire, a man I didn’t even really want to begin with.

WINNER: Chris Kanyon by pinfall

Match Reaction = 56.2%

Match Quality = 69.0%

Overall Rating = 62.8%

Time 18 Minutes

Adam Jacobs vs. Cody Hawk

As Cody Hawk walked to the ring to zero fan fair or acknowledgement from the crowd, I realized that what was an exciting match for myself was going to bomb with the crowd. Adam Jacobs came out next, to pretty much the same reaction, and I watched fans file out to use the restroom, get food, get drinks, or peruse the limited merchandise we had for sale. This was going to be bad, and not from a wrestling standpoint.

The bell sounded and the two proceeded to lock up and put on a great amateur wrestling match from the start. Matt Stryker and Chris Kanyon, along with Pearce who hadn’t left my side since he had run in at the end of Perry and Lenny’s match, watched with me, all of talking about the match as it progressed. As I watched Jacobs and Cody go, I realized I had what I had wanted in Santel. There wasn’t a single guy in SSW who hadn’t mentioned at one point or another their desire to work with Jacobs. He wasn’t great, but he had the skills and the desire to someday get there. It might take another ten years, but with the proper push and a continued desire to learn he could become very good and one of our top stars. Hell, both Marty and Ricky had named him as the man they thought should take the SSW Southern Heavyweight Title in May.

The fans never got into this match, not once no matter what these two did, and I was determined that I would get these two over in the future no matter what.

No pun intended.

At the end Jacobs placed Hawk on the top turnbuckle and then performed a DDT onto the mat. He rolled Hawk to the center of the ring where he got the clean pinfall. Taylor raised his hand, to an almost silent reaction from the crowd, and then Jacobs helped Hawk to his feet. Hawk looked wary and out of it, but the two shook hands to a decent applause for the show of respect and sportsmanship from the crowd.

WINNER: Adam Jacobs by pinfall

Match Reaction = 26.2%

Match Quality = 63.8%

Overall Rating = 31.5%

Time 14 Minutes

The Future Of Teddy Hart Looks Bright

At this point Teddy’s Hitman music rip off played, while all three were still in the ring, and the crowd did come alive. They booed Teddy as he walked, smugly and arrogantly, to the ring and entered. He demanded that Sheila hand him a mic, so she obliged, receiving her own share of boos from the crowd. Hawk and Jacobs stood there, and Teddy shook their hands. The fans booed some more.

Teddy: I want to congratulate you two on the best damn match this show had tonight, no matter what the ingrates in the crowd thought. For a quarter of an hour you two wrestled your hearts out, putting on a match that had me on the edge of my seat, and I commend you. As my good friend Matt Stryker said earlier, the future damn sure looks bright for you two as well.

Teddy shook their hands some more, then pretty much dismissed them from the ring. The crowd booed some more at this whole thing, and I wondered why they couldn’t have gotten into the actual match like that.

Teddy: Which brings me to the reason I came out here. Now I’m no maths professor, but I can add and subtract pretty well, and doing that has revealed to me that I am the last man in this tournament that hasn’t wrestled here tonight yet. We all saw Ricky Morton retire last month…

This results in the biggest reaction from the crowd thus far, and it’s all negative.

Teddy: …yeah I’m pretty torn up over it too. Anyways, as was explained last month, the four wrestlers with the most wins after the first three shows go on to wrestle for the belt around here. Now if someone comes back out and wrestles me tonight that has already wrestled, and if they win, they get an unfair advantage going into May’s show. And since it’s all random drawings here, I was the odd man out this month, which to me means that I simply win by default, improving my record to two and zero. So let’s have that old WCW guy leave his sound proof booth and raise my hand in victory, please.

The crowd cheers a bit as Mike Sanders exits the booth, grabs the other mic from Sheila, and gets in the ring.

Sanders: You know, Teddy, you’re right. I don’t have an opponent for you and it would be unfair to have someone wrestle again tonight. But, and I’m just thinking out loud now, I haven’t wrestled yet tonight, and there’s nothing unfair about me beating your ass here.

The crowd popped, while Teddy’s brow furrowed,

Teddy: No, no, no, that’s unfair as well. You can’t simply enter a tournament in the middle of it. No, either I face a wrestler already entered in the tournament who hasn’t wrestled yet, and there is nobody, or I should advance by default.

Sanders seemed to be thinking, then his smile faded.

Sanders: You’re right, and as much as I hate to admit it…

Mike never got a chance to continue, as the fans cheered quite loudly. A man ran through the crowd and slid into the ring. That man, Ricky Morton. He spun Teddy around and laid some lefts and rights to his jaw, before Drop Kicking him over the top rope to the floor. Teddy got to his knees looking shocked. Ricky soaked up the adulation, then picked up Teddy’s mic from the mat.

Morton: With all due respect, Mike, I’d like to be the man that wrestles this punk tonight. I haven’t wrestled yet, and I was in the tournament from the beginning. I’d be more than happy to postpone my retirement for a few months, at least, and show this Canadian jerk what Southern Pride, the name of this show, is really all about.

More cheers, as Sanders looked on. He removed his sunglasses, got in Ricky’s face, and smiled.

Sanders: I wasn’t even working here yet when you supposedly announced your retirement and quit. Seems like a dirty rumor to me, and it would be my pleasure on behalf of SSW to make this our Main Event Match of the night. It looks to me like Teddy Hart is S.O.L., and we alllll know what means. Now ring the bell.

Sanders left the ring as the bell sounded.

Overall Rating = 60.6%

Time 6 Minutes

Main Event Match: Ricky Morton vs. Teddy Hart

Ricky slid from the ring as Teddy was protesting and began to lay the fists to Teddy’s head once more. The fans cheered, then settled in, ready to watch the match that hopefully would not leave them as deflated as our main event did last month.

I thought I knew the answer to that unfortunately, and it wasn’t going to be a positive.

Teddy scrambled back in the ring, with Ricky close behind him and once again beating him down. If you looked close you could see a fresh scar on Ricky’s head from the beat down he took last month. The opening minutes were all Ricky, who wrestled with reckless abandon here. That caught up to him, when Teddy nailed a Gut Wrench Powerbomb out of virtually nowhere following a botched DDT. It looked worse than it sounds if possible.

Teddy went for the cover, but as would become the pattern for the next nine minutes, no matter what Teddy hit or tried, he could not keep Morton on the mat for three seconds. Teddy became visibly upset and irritated by this, and it was this that Morton exploited.

Teddy locked in the Sharpshooter, after doing nothing to prepare for it, cursing and screaming for Ricky to quit dammit. Ricky stayed in the move for almost a full minute, selling like a pro, before slowly pulling his way towards the ropes. When he was almost there, with the fans cheering and chanting, Teddy pulled him back a few feet. The fans died and Morton collapsed on the mat unmoving. Taylor dropped the arm twice, but on the third try Morton sprung onto his elbows and scrambled to the ropes, much to everyone’s surprise. Teddy threw a fit, yelling at Morton to just give it up and yelling at Taylor to do her fucking job. This gave Morton a chance to get to his feet, hobbling, and when Teddy turned to him Spear him to the mat. It looked half assed, as it was supposed to, but the crowd dug it anyways. Morton hobbled to his feet, and pointed to the turnbuckle. He climbed so very slowly, selling the leg pain along the way as Teddy got to his feet. Morton came off the ropes with a Missile Dropkick that Teddy was able to avoid, and again the fans died out. He then climbed to the top turnbuckle himself and came off the top with a move he calls Open Hart Surgery. It looked great, and it ended the match with the 1-2-3.

Teddy then hopped to his feet, did a Moonsault off the ropes, and rolled to the floor before sneering at Morton in the ring. He turned to leave and was laid out by Marty Jannetty in the aisle. Marty threw Teddy back into the ring and mounted him, beating the holy hell out of the young Hart. Cue wild finish of the show part two, as Matt Stryker ran down to save his fellow Future member and he and Marty were soon brawling on the mat. The fans seemed unsure how to react, or at least that’s my take on it, so they didn’t, until Ricky slowly made his way to his feet. Teddy saw this and soon he and Morton were brawling as well.

With double Drop Kicks, Teddy and Matt were sent to the floor, fuming as they headed to the back, while this month’s show ended with Wrestling’s Old School in the ring hugging, shaking hands, and receiving adulations from the crowd.

WINNER: Teddy Hart by pinfall

Match Reaction = 43.8%

Match Quality = 71.9%

Overall Rating = 66.0%

Time 18 Minutes

And yes, we’re gonna use that name.

All in all, a much better product than the previous show, but one would hope we would get better as we went along.

My cell rang as I was shaking hands. It was Jessica.

”Consider yourself fired, Timothy, we’ll make it official tomorrow in your office.”

Well, that wasn’t totally unexpected.


SSW Southern Pride

Attendance 2244

Overall: 55.9%


Made some corrections to some mistakes I missed, such as the name of my own damn promotion and changing Teddy Sanders to Teddy Hart. Damn my stupidity.

Edited by theromacomplex
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Guest mroniimusha

Nice thinking.


It has to be said, however, that I'm absolutely loving the backstage bits. I don't like that it's Perry Saturn, as I like Perry Saturn, but this is quality writing. Good job, McRoma, good job.

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The lighting was dark in the club, as is often the case in such a setting.  Perhaps we as a people don’t really want to see what others look like when we’re sauced to the gills and contemplating sex with a stranger.  In any event, this club was like many I had seen and gotten drunk in before.  I didn’t need bright lights to pick a suitable slut to take back to my hotel room for the night, I needed alcohol and plenty of it, as per the norm.

Of course on this night, as was the case in so many others recently, I wasn't looking for just any slut to pick up and fuck.  Not tonight.  I was looking for one lady in particular.

“You drank yourself into oblivion for how many years, Timothy?”

Fuck. Of course she’d bring the drinking into it.

There I sat, on a Sunday morning with four people that I had no interest in spending a Sunday morning with, and my assistant Sheila Texas. The other four? Jessica Henderson, Perry Cost Me Another Job And I Will Not Be Responsible For My Fucking Actions Saturn, Chris Kanyon, and some lawyer. Sheila and Chris were here to watch my back, I think, and the others were here to crucify me and ultimately fire my ass.

“Yes, well by my accounts it was from 1994, when you left WCW the first time, until 1999, when you entered an alcohol and drug rehab center at the behest of your ex wife and oldest child. Correct me if I am wrong, please.”

She wasn’t. She was only half right, but she had enough of the details that I wasn’t going to be bothered to speak up and correct her. Why make myself look worse.

“And this matters how?”

Chris looked at irritated as myself, and I thanked him silently for asking the obvious. I was clean, and had been since 2001. It may have taken me two years to get there, but I had now been sober and clean for the last four years. I barely thought about the sauce anymore.


“Are you drinking again, Timothy? Does that explain your erratic behavior?”

I laughed. I looked at this lawyer, who was rifling through papers, and shook my head.

“You’re a moron Jessica. My supposed erratic behavior is due to the douche sitting next to you.”

Saturn glared, but did little else. Of course I wasn’t sure if he was glaring at me or at the shit going on outside the window what with his crazy eyes.

The old jokes are the best.

“Get to the point and let’s not play games, Jessica. If you’re gonna fire me for yelling at your new boyfriend or for putting my hands on him then do it, otherwise get the fuck out of my office, because it’s too fucking early on a busy day for me to listen to this shit.”

She seemed to shrink back with every curse word I uttered. I found out early on she hated it when I cursed at her, so of course I proceeded to spew the filth at every opportunity I had from then on. I am a vindictive, spiteful, childish little man sometimes.

Okay, most times.

“No, I’m afraid I can’t fire you, Timothy, as I exceeded my boundaries last night when I said so over the phone.”

I smirked. Fifteen minutes of this, and she finally gets to the point.

“But it was one hell of a cliffhanger, Jessica. Not Bobby in the shower good, but certainly better than…”

Chris cut me off.

“Jessica, I’ve known T for a lot of years now, and I know the hatred between him and Perry. I know you hired Perry, and I have to wonder why you would hire him in here knowing as you obviously do of that hatred.”

I smiled again. Sheila put her hand on my leg. I smiled and brushed it aside, hoping nobody else noticed. Please god I don’t believe in, please don’t let Jessica learn I fucked my nineteen year old assistant last night.

“I hired Perry for the good of the company Chris, and any insinuations to the contrary are…”

This time the lawyer cut her off.

“Let’s cut to the chase, okay? As per the written instructions of our employer, that I am now handing copies of to everyone present, Mr. Timothy Procter is the man in charge of booking and in ring decisions that are made within the confines of a Southern Style Wrestling show. He is also responsible for all hirings and firings, with the assistance of Mr. Chris Kanyon effective from this date forth on all such matters. This should, our employer hopes, alleviate any further such issues of this nature. From now on Mr. Perry Saturn shall deal with Mr. Kanyon on the matters of Southern Style Wrestling business that he feels need attention. Mr. Saturn is responsible for all his own matches, but should he change the booking set forth by Mr.’s Procter and Kanyon he shall be considered in breech of his contract and shall be terminated by our employer. Mr. Kanyon will be in charge of any and all further contract negotiations from this day forth in regards to Mr. Saturn. As for Miss Jessica Henderson, she is not to be involved with the hirings and firings of the wrestlers for Southern Style Wrestling, nor is she to become actively involved with the show running in any capacity. Miss Henderson, your sole responsibilities for this company are to handle the financial matters that Mr.'s Procter and Kanyon are not held responsible for, to ensure that proper lines of communication remain open between Mr.’s Procter and Kanyon and our employer, and to maintain a level of decorum and decency as the sole visible representative for our employer. A direct quote, Miss Henderson, states that ‘Sleeping with the talent is not considered to be a proper way to do business in my opinion, and continuing to do so will result in your release with extreme prejudice’, end quote.”

I see my e-mail to the mysterious employer was read. Good. Jessica looked utterly shocked.

“Mr. Travers, I must…”

He snapped his briefcase shut and stood.

“You must now go to your other meeting, alone please. This matter is considered resolved by our employer, and further issues in regards to it shall result in some serious ramifications, not the least of which would be the termination of employment. Mr. Procter, Mr. Kanyon, you two are now responsible for the daily operations of this company together. Are there any issues?”

I nodded my head in the negative, and rose to shake the lawyer’s hand.

“No sir, not on my part.”

“Me either.”

Chris also shook Mr. Travers’ hand.

"Wanna tell me who my employer is by chance?"

I smiled as I said this, hearing Chris chuckle in the background. Ten minutes later myself, Chris, and Sheila were alone. I guess he didn't

“Her and Perry looked pissed , T.”

“I’m sure they are. Did you know that was coming, Chris?”

He nodded.

“I got a phone call this morning from the Mr. Travers there telling me I had to be at the meeting this morning. He filled me in on a lot, but it didn’t happen exactly as I thought it would.”

I nodded now, looked at Sheila, and smiled.

“Oh, and T?”

I looked at Chris.


“I wouldn’t let anyone else know that about you and Sheila. That goes for you too. Your past, man I don’t think it’s a big deal as shit happens and we have to move on, but some people obviously have it in for you. They’ll use this.”

I nodded again. Dammit. Sheila looked embarrassed and confused.


Chris laughed and walked to the door.

“Let’s relax today and get together again tomorrow?”

“Yeah, let’s.”

“I think I need to make a few calls today and break some moving news to some people, particularly the Mrs.”

We both laughed, shook hands, and he was gone.

“What past, Tim?”

Despite the darkness inside the club, there was no mistaking the one lady sitting in the far corner.  She wasn’t the most beautiful woman in the world, far from it in fact, but she was good looking in my eyes.

I first met her a year prior in Atlanta after a taping of Nitro I had attended as Paige’s guest.  Much like she had looked then, every time I saw her after that she looked lonely and sad.  Until she saw me that was.  I hated myself as I ordered a Long Island Ice Tea and a Rum and Coke.  I hated myself more as I crossed the room and sat next to her, kissing her on the lips. 

I was a married man having an affair with a married woman for god’s sake.  I was a drunk losing my career and my life for a woman I didn’t love and an obsession that was killing me.  I was a moron who was going to get wasted then fuck a friend's wife, again, and god help me if Perry ever found out I was fucking his wife.

OOC: I am aware of any and all liberities I have taken with reality in regards to people and their own personal issues. Please do not let this detract from your potential enjoyment of this diary. Believe me, I am aware the fictional me never had sex with Perry Saturn's fictional wife. Thank you.

Edited by theromacomplex
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DAMN this is getting even better. I'm enjoying the way you write the shows up, as it's always nice to get the bookers perspective on how things are going.

And may I just say, the backstage stuff may be even better than the in-ring product. I'm REALLY interested in seeing who your employer is (assuming you will eventually reveal it) and also in finding out what Saturn and Jessica might have in store to get you back.

Add all that to some (At least to me) intriguing in-ring storylines, and this has enoemous potential.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is really, really good stuff TRC. Saturn is a little fucker, but I hope he will play his part now that the lawyers have gotten involved. The Morton/Hart stuff is really solid, classic booking which adds to the old school feel of this diary. I hope Matt Stryker gets some more ring time, he is awesome! Rick Santel needs to be canned, he seems like a waste of time and money. I'm really looking forward to the next update, hoping it comes soon!

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I just caught up and I must say, this is solid stuff. Most people seem to have a solid place in things and I think the Imperfection of the booking makes it all the more interesting. Also the backstage scene's and stories are very well written and interesting.

Oh, and I agree with Syco. Hire someone stiff and fuck Saturn up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The remainder of March quickly turned into April, and before I knew it we were ready for another show. In the interim everything stayed as it was. Chris Kanyon and his family made the move to the Atlanta area, although even now I am unsure what the purpose of that was.

In any event he was here. The two of us worked closely, going over every detail that needed going over and always looking for new talent. On March 25 we drove to Orlando to scout some potential talent, along with Sheila of course, and made some interesting contacts with serious potential. Perhaps the biggest event to come from that day was the decision to find a place in SSW for Bruce Steele. He was in attendance at the show, but was currently not working for anyone after having some sort of conflict with Dr. Tom in NWA Florida. I could relate of course. While he wouldn’t be a part of the April 9th show, we would try and get him a place for the big one in May.

One goal we did set was to use more Southern names. Bruce helped in that area, as did a few other names we had coming in for a show or six. We had everything moving along nicely, moving at a steady pace, and moving towards another successful show if all went well.

The final piece of work we needed to take care of, as for the first time in our history a show was going to take place at the location and the date we had originally planned and seemed to be going smoothly, was to make a deal with Perry Saturn. It wasn’t my place to make the deal, but it was my idea. I knew he hated me, I knew why he hated me, and he knew I hated him, but if I was going to be forced to use the cocksucker for the duration of his contract I wanted to use him wisely. He also needed to do the occasional fucking job and help the story along when need be. I didn’t need him to fuck up any more plans like he did last month when he refused to do the run in save.

Chris made the call, of which I heard every word via the speaker phone, and he outlined the plan. To say Perry was surprised that I not only approved of this but that it originated from me was an understatement. It took a bit of doing, but he eventually agreed to the terms of the plan. Barring any unforeseen cock ups, and with this fucking company there were always unforeseen cock ups as I knew all too well, Perry fucking Saturn’s role in SSW was written in stone for the next 10 months.

So on April 9, 2005 we headed to Marto’s, had a short meeting with all the boys where we outlined Chris’ new role and position within the company, then began the pre-show workout and run through.

For the first time we had, thanks to Sheila and Chris coming up with the brilliant if simplistic idea, an actual match sheet that we could show the boys. In spite of myself we were becoming more and more professional with each month we operated.

SSW Spring Slamboree Match Sheet

-Adam Pearce vs. Ricky Morton

-Cody Hawk vs. Rick Santel

-Julio Fantastico vs. Lenny Lane

-Adam Jacobs vs. Teddy Hart

-Norman Smiley vs. Perry Saturn

-Marty Jannetty and Sean O'Haire vs. Chris Kanyon and Matt Stryker

Fifteen minutes prior to show time all looked perfect. I assumed that something was going to screw up, and lo and behold I wasn’t disappointed.

Edited by thegarvincomplex
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Great work TGC, the booker's perspective works really well as a backdrop to the top quality writing in the events themselves. Character portrail as always with your work is top rate. I really am trying to pick faults but it's very difficult - so I guess encouragement is the name of the game. Great work, keep it up, and I will be checking back to see more without a doubt.

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I love this.

Over the last week and a half I was spending time reading this diary, every word, and I loved it. The last diary I read of yours was WWF/WCW 2001, and I loved that, but this beats it by 10x. As TAFKA said, this is hard to find faults. I'm definately coming back,


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Southern Style Wrestling

and The Georgia State Athletics Commission

Proudly Present

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SSW Spring Slamboree

April, 09 2005


5495 Old National Highway

Atlanta, GA 30349

Wrestling’s Old School Is Here To Stay

At 7:15pm the third show began. I looked out amid the crowd of fans and thought to myself that we might have hit a new record for ourselves, but I wasn’t sure. It looked like a good, decent sized crowd this month. I hoped so. Chris Kanyon and myself had put together the best show to date, in my humble opinion. I stepped back a bit and focused on Mike Sanders. decked out in a nice suit and wearing his sunglasses in the ring. I’ll be damned if as he stood there a small SSW chant didn’t break out.

Sanders: Now that’s what The Natural Born Thriller Mike Sanders likes to hear. But before I start sounding like Julio and referring to myself in the third person all night, let’s get this thing underway. A few announcements before we get to our first match of the night, and for this announcement I need to have Ricky Morton come on out here.

The fans popped as The Rock-N-Roll Express music hit and Ricky came hopping and jumping from the back towards the ring, smacking fans hands on his way. We’d jobbed his ass out to Teddy for two months in a row now, but the fans still love him.

Sanders: Ricky, you know I love you man, I grew up watching you like so many others here tonight did, but we have a problem. Before I took charge around here my predecessor set forth a rule that in SSW wins and losses meant something. That happens to be something that I agree with as well. And, well, as I look at the score cards so far I see that there are four of you all who haven’t won a match yet. Unfortunately one of those four is you, Ricky. As much as it pains me to say it, the four of you are gonna wrestle in two matches tonight, two of you will win and be safe, and the other two will lose and then meet next month at SSW Crowning Achievement with the loser leaving SSW. I hate to say it man, I really do.

The fans, who popped for Sander’s comment on how they grew up watching Ricky wrestle now boo at the possibility of him leaving the company. It still amazes me that he’s our top face. Ricky took the mic, soaked in some more cheers, then patted Sanders on the shoulder. I was liking how this was playing out.

Ricky: Mike, man, I love you too, you know that. Just as these fans know how much I love them. If I have to go away from SSW it’s not gonna be fun for any of us, which is why I don’t plan on losing tonight. I know who the other three guys are, and I know that whoever I draw tonight I’m in for a hard fought battle, period, so I ain’t gonna waste any more energy telling ya’ll what I can just show ya. I’ll leave you with this, though. I love what SSW is, I love what it represents, and I love that in this day and age there’s still a place for this kind of wrestling. Me and Marty, we got labeled Wrestling’s Old School last month, and by god I agree that we are. And by god, Wrestling’s Old School ain’t going anywhere. So let’s do this thing.

He tossed the mic to Sanders, who caught it and headed to his commentary booth as the fans cheered on.

Overall Rating = 61.9%

3 Minutes

Adam Pearce vs. Ricky Morton

Adam Pearce smiled, shook his head, and closed his eyes as Taylor Matheny made her way down to the ring amid a few catcalls. Chris told him to go out there and do it, and the kid started walking slowly, confidently, and with no emotion on his face whatsoever to the ring where Ricky waited. Adam looked at the fans at ringside, looked disgusted, then entered the ring and got nose to nose with Ricky as Taylor called for the bell.

At this point Teddy Hart and Matt Stryker came from the back and stood at ringside before heading into the commentary booth with Mike. I knew Teddy was going to do a great job with Sanders, but Stryker I was a little bit worried about.

As the two locked up my eyes stayed on Sheila Texas, our ring attendant and time keeper. I still hadn’t told her what Chris had meant about my past and history, although she had broached the subject numerous times now. She was nineteen, I was forty eight, and we were fucking. She was great in the sack, no doubt about it, but she was nothing more than a diversion. I didn’t love her, and I hoped to high fucking hell that she didn’t love me. A sexual diversion, a nice piece of ass, and a cute girl that could maybe have a career here if we could keep this company out of the red. What the fuck did she see in me, other than a chance to keep her job by screwing the boss?

Had I just answered my own fucking question?

I came back from my own thoughts and focused back on the match. Rick Santel was behind me goofing off with Shannon Ward. Stupid fuck didn’t have a clue. In the ring Ricky was taking a beating at the hands of Pearce, and selling like he was wrestling Hogan himself in 1988. Adam had a future here, if we could keep him. He still did shows in SoCal, so I was told, and he had wrestled a few shows for some NWA affiliates in the last few weeks as well. I just hoped that he would remain with us long enough for some of my plans to reach fruition.

Adam set Ricky up for The Piledriver, smiling an evil smile as he did so, but Ricky shifted his weight and reversed the move, planting Pearce head first on the mat. The fans, who had settled in a bit came back as both men laid on the mat, motionless. It was Ricky who made his way to his feet first, and climbed slowly to the top rope. One Missile Drop Kick later on the barely standing Pearce led to a two count that the fans thought for sure was it. Ricky headed back up top, where he came off with a Flying Fist Drop that ended this match giving Ricky his first 1-2-3 win here in SSW.

The fans started to applaud until Teddy Hart and Matt Stryker, The Future collectively, came rushing to the ring from the commentary booth and laid the boots to Ricky. Adam rolled to the floor where he watched looking dazed. Taylor attempted to stop the assault, but Teddy made a threat and she hightailed it from the ring. Teddy then came off the top with Open Hart Surgery, the same move he used last month to defeat Ricky.

The fans were booing, until Marty Jannetty came racing down the aisle and slid into the ring. He and Stryker went toe to toe exchanging lefts and rights, until Teddy blindsided him with an Axe Handle off the top rope. Pearce left ringside and headed into the back, where I shook his hand and told him he had done a great job. So did Chris and our newest signee. The fans were booing some more, then the Rock-N-Roll Express music started up again. Teddy and Stryker stood confused, until he came from the back.

user posted image

Robert Gibson came running down the aisle and the fans responded. Teddy and Stryker glared, exited the ring, and walked to the back as Gibson helped Ricky and Marty to their feet. I made the call to Sanders, who came busting out of the commentary booth and hit the ring, mic in hand.

Winner - Ricky Morton by pinfall

Match Reaction = 41.5%

Match Quality = 62.9%

Overall Rating = 42.6%

10 Minutes

The Rock-N-Roll Express

As Mike stood in the ring and introduced Robert Gibson to the fans, I told Teddy and Matt they had done a fine job. I would need to listen to the tape of the match calling, but when Teddy rolled his eyes and laughingly said that Matt sucked dick in there, I had a clue he was referring to the time in the commentary booth and not the ring. Stryker glared at his Tag team Partner, then grabbed some water and watched with the rest of us, minus Santel, Shannon, and Teddy of course, as the interview continued.

Sanders: …Express is here in SSW? Cuz if that’s the case, then man, I am all for it and let me get the paperwork together.

The fans were silent, not what I wanted.

Ricky: Mike, I told you Wrestling’s Old School was here to stay, and by god it is. Myself and Marty can’t go it alone, especially when Teddy Hart and Matt Stryker are actively recruiting in the back month after month, but we can call in old friends and make the sides a little more even. I called in my best friend, my brother, and the man that watched my back more times than either of us can count.

Gibson: The Rock-N-Roll Express in SSW? Okay. Throw in Marty Jannetty, and we have years and years of experience standing in this ring right now. If the so called Future want to run their mouth about what we can and can’t do and where we can and can’t wrestle, not to mention whether we should or should not be allowed to wrestle then I’m here to answer that call.

He was rambling, and badly.

Gibson: Rock and roll will live forever, we know it, Marty knows it, you know it, and these fans know it. Maybe it’s high time those punks in the back were taught it.

Sanders: That sounds like an open challenge.

Ricky: The three of us against them? I only count two so far, but something tells me that they haven’t revealed their whole hand yet. So yeah, Mike, you make the match, you name the date, and Wrestling’s Old School will be there.

For the love of god, end this now Mike, before the fans get up and walk out. The silence deafened me, as they just sat there.

Sanders: We’ll make it happen.

And now the music hits, some hugging goes on, and the fans FINALLY make a little noise. All in all, that could have gone down far better. The three men hit the back and the music died off.

Sanders: And now for the second match, we know that Adam Pearce, currently ranking 0 and 4 here in SSW will fight for his job here next month, now we’ll find out who his opponent is going to be.

Santel finally came forward, looking about as bored as, well, fill in your own comparison as I’m fresh out at the moment. The bigger news, for me, was the way the fans just shut off when the talking started. I thought for sure we had gold with The Rock-N-Roll Express.

Overall Rating = 37.3%

6 Minutes

Cody Hawk vs. Rick Santel

Rick made his way to the ring first, to no reaction, followed by Cody Hawk, who, if possible at all, got even less of one. Taylor called for the bell, and pure hell was next.

Myself and Chris watched, closely, as the two put forth their match. During the match run through before the show Santel had botched so many moves it wasn’t even funny. I had long decided on this kid’s fate here, but I was hoping that we could at least get two more half assed decent matches out of him before he left.

Ooops, did I just give away the ending of not one but two matches?

Chris made comments on how good Cody looked, while I made comments on how nobody cared. Did he need his surfer gimmick here in SSW? Would the Georgians care any more? We needed to cut cost in the ring if we wanted to bring in more local names, and the more I watched and listened to the fans not react the more I became confident that Cody Hawk’s time here was quickly approaching it’s end.

The match, which wasn’t as painful to watch as I had thought it would be, thanks entirely to Cody covering up the multitude of massive fuck ups from Santel, came to an end finally with Cody’s Wipe Out Powerbomb thingee. Cody made an arrogant cover, got the 1-2-3, then arrogantly walked to the back. All he needed was a sign that read “Future Member In Training” to complete the arrogance he was exuding from his pores. I shook his hand and wrote a short note on a piece of paper and handed it to Chris. He read it and nodded. We were on the same page in regards to Cody Hawk.

Damn shame really.

As for Santel, he left the ring and walked to the back all smiles, totally no selling the ten minute match. Fucking douche.

Winner - Cody Hawk by pinfall

Match Reaction = 29.6%

Match Quality = 63.9%

Overall Rating = 55.4%

10 Minutes

Julio Fantastico vs. Lenny Lane

Julio Fantastico emerged from the back scant seconds after Santel walked to the back, smiling as he strode to the ring. He ignored the boos, entered the ring, and kissed Taylor’s hand as he waited. He asked for a mic from Sheila, but was cut off by the music of Lenny Lane, who skipped to the ring. This month Lenny, wearing his hair in pig tails and sucking on his lollipop as per usual, was dressed simply enough in pink wrestling tights and pink boots. He rolled into the ring where he was met with boots to the back of his head by Julio. Taylor called for the bell and we were underway.

I walked over to Santel, who was back to talking with Shannon.

”What the fuck was that?”

He looked perplexed.

”You take a fucking beating in the ring, you take a goddamn Powerbomb, and then you roll to the floor and walk to the back like nothing happened slapping hands on the way? Jesus Christ kid, are you a complete fucking moron? Way to no sell every goddamn thing that happened in the ring for the previous ten minutes. No, shut the fuck up I don’t wanna hear you say anything right now. I hope the fuck you’re aware of the fact that next month you’re wrestling in a loser leaves SSW match with Adam Pearce. Way to make the decision a hell of a lot easier.”

He smiled at me at this point.

”Yeah, T, I was wondering how we were gonna work that out. I hadn’t heard anything about Adam leaving, although I know he has a tryout match in Orlando next week for TNA. Is that his way out?

I looked on perplexed myself this time. First of all, this kid might be retarded, and secondly I had no clue Pearce had a tryout match for TNA. I simply walked away and got back to watching the match just in time to see Julio end the glorified squash with a Super Kick that looked brutal. Lenny fell to the mat with a thud as Julio rolled him up to get the 1-2-3 to win his third straight match.

I thought about telling Santel to come watch a pro leave the ring and sell a fucking beating, but I also realized that would make me seem retarded. This kid was a lost cause, as so far as he was concerned with learning his craft at this point in his career.

Why couldn’t TNA steal this kid from me? And Perry.

Winner - Julio Fantastico by pinfall

Match Reaction = 55.2%

Match Quality = 63.0%

Overall Rating = 60.7%

6 Minutes

Looking Into The Future

Teddy and Matt were on deck as Lenny was helped to the back by Taylor.

“Let me do all the talking, kay kiddo?”

Teddy spoke quite condescendingly to Stryker, who I swear to Christ I thought was gonna deck him. Julio was thanking Lenny for the match behind me, and Santel was asking Shannon about her boyfriend to my left. I was about to tell Teddy to shut the fuck up, when the Bret Hart rip off music played and Teddy walked from the back. I patted Stryker on the shoulder as he walked behind Teddy.

Once in the ring Teddy demanded a mic from Sheila, who obliged. The booing was intense, but died down as quickly as it had begun once Teddy began to speak.

Hart: So The Rock-N-Roll Express are back in action as a team huh? Well la dee frigging da and whoop dee doo. I want to say that we don’t care, but the sad fact is that we do care. We care because this is another example of an old out of shape has been not realizing his time is up and hanging up the boots once and for all. Did you see that old, decrepit, sad excuse for a man hobble down here, Matt? I swear I thought he was gonna keel over and have a stroke. Did you forget your oxygen at the nursing home?

The booing returned at this, and a short lived Rock-N-Roll chant erupted once again.

Hart: Rock and roll this. It’s a matter of respect, Ricky and Robert, and you two obviously don’t have any of it. If you two had any respect for this business at all you would quit and let the next generation of wrestlers have the spotlight. You’d use what little you know to train and teach, not stink up a ring. Hell, why not head up north and join the other has-beens in the back who at least realize that they are too old to wrestle and just help run the shows in the WWE instead of doing something that you should have stopped doing in 1992. Your careers are over, be men and realize that fact and get the hell out of my ring. Oh, and take Marty Jannetty with you, please. I’m begging you.

Some more boos, another attempted and aborted Rock-N-Roll chant, and some name calling come from the crowd as Matt shakes his head in agreement.

Hart: But since I think I know you won’t take my advice, we’ll do what we always planned to do and run your asses out of SSW and the business. You three want a match, you three have got one. Sanders, you ass kisser you sign Gibson and sign the match. Oh, but make it in June, okay, because I can guarantee you that next month, at SSW Crowning Achievement me and Matt will be busy wrestling for the SSW Southern Heavyweight Title and won’t have time to retire those three.

More boos as Teddy gives a thumbs up to Sanders in the commentary booth. So far so good.

Hart: Finally, as for my opponent here tonight, Jacobs, you’re a hell of a wrestler, and as I said last month, the future looks bright for you I think. So why don’t you come on down and let’s see what you’ve got, kiddo.

Stryker reaches for the mic, but Teddy tosses it to Sheila instead. Ray Charles could see the anger on Stryker’s face after that, and he’s both blind and dead. Still, aside from Teddy being a cock, the promo wasn’t half bad at all.

Overall Rating = 58.5%

6 Minutes

Adam Jacobs vs. Teddy Hart

Adam Jacobs strolled out from the back after Chris wished him good luck, and headed straight for the ring. Some fans were cheering him a little, but he ignored them until he was in the ring, at which point he shook hands with both Teddy and Matt, then mocked the fans along with them. Nice improv. Taylor headed back to the ring next as Stryker went to the floor then called for the bell.

The match was fast paced, high flying, and technically sound, but it lacked emotion. The psychology was all but non existent, as Jacobs went from working on teddy’s left leg to his right, and then back to his left, and Teddy barely sold a bit of it.

Meanwhile the fans, whom were treated quite poorly by the trio, who went so far as to stop wrestling and telling the fans to keep it down so they could concentrate, a bit I loved I must add, decided that with nobody to root for and cheer they’d simply not boo either man. It wasn’t as dreadfully silent as Santel and Hawk, but it was damn close.

Finally, after a gorgeous back and forth segment that found both men downed and exhausted looking, the fans showed some respect by cheering the sequence. I was pleased, as was Chris, and he called it home to Taylor. The two needed some work, no doubt, but they were good. I knew why Teddy had been kicked out of damn near every promotion he had wrestled for, but some more work with some seasoned veterans and some patience on our part and he’d be great very soon. He just needed to work on the psychology a bit though and maybe the attitude could be fucking beaten out of him.

Teddy next once more hit his Open Hart Surgery on Adam Jacobs, leaving the pinfall and 1-2-3 as a mere formality. Stryker hit the ring, clapping, and helped Teddy to his feet. The fans booed a bit more, as Teddy then instructed Stryker and the both of them helped Jacobs to his feet. After a moment or two of tension, or so I wished, the three then all shook hands, with Teddy and Stryker raising Jacobs arms in victory. It was a cool moment, sort of, until Teddy did his asinine and ridiculous Moonsault before exiting the ring with the other two. Teddy claimed it was some sort of tribute to his late Uncle Owen, but as far as I was concerned it was fucking stupid. The first time he pulled that shit here after getting his ass beaten like he did in Ring Of Honor I was going to shove my foot so far up his ass.

Figuratively speaking only of course.

Winner - Teddy Hart by pinfall

Match Reaction = 34.8%

Match Quality = 73.7%

Overall Rating = 59.4%

15 Minutes

Norman Smiley vs. Perry Saturn

When all the participants of the last match were in the back, with only Taylor still in the ring, Norman Smiley’s dance music played and out he came from the back. The fans cheered extremely loud as he did The Big Wiggle in the aisle and headed into the ring. They don’t “get” Lenny’s ambiguous character, but they love a black British man who dances and slaps white men’s asses? Fucking weirdos.

Perry “How Big Of A Cocksucker Will You Be This Month You Motherless Fucking Whore” Saturn was out next to some decent heel heat. Apparently our fans remembered that Perry decided not to help Lenny last month when he was attacked by Adam Pearce and that it was Norman who made the save. That’s better than we did, sadly, not even mentioning or playing up the fact that Pearce threatened to end Lenny’s career if he came back this month.

Taylor called for the bell and we were underway immediately. As much as I detest Perry, and I do I truly have a hatred for this man that knows absolutely no bounds, I do recognize that he is holding some of our best matches month in and month out. This was no exception. These two put forth a match that had the fans enthralled and captivated the entirety of the time. The fans made noise, more than at any point thus far in the show, and they did not stop. They booed, cheered, clapped, and jeered in all the right spots. They loved Smiley and hated Saturn. It was for this reason, among others, that I had come up with the plan involving Saturn that Chris had laid forth to him a few weeks ago.

The ending came suddenly, almost out of nowhere, but it also made sense. Norman locked in The Norman Conquest in the center of the ring on Saturn, who struggled and fought for a bit before finally verbally submitting to Taylor. Remember, no tap outs in SSW. Norman got the win, something the fans loved, and he danced around the ring to his music until Saturn made his way to his feet and kicked Smiley below the belt. Ten seconds later The Death Valley Driver was executed with precision. The fans booed, as Saturn staggered a bit, then made motions to do it again.

It was not to be however, as Lenny Lane made the run down and the save sending Saturn rolling from the ring and hobbling towards the back. Lenny helped Norman to his feet and helped him from the ring and halfway to the back, before Norman felt the urge, and started to dance. The two danced in the aisle and into the back where Chris, myself, and the boys were laughing and clapping.

Hell, even Saturn had a smile on his face.

Winner - Norman Smiley by submission

Match Reaction = 60.4%

Match Quality = 69.8%

Overall Rating = 65.2%

Time 10 Minutes

Chris Kanyon and Matt Stryker vs. Marty Jannetty and Sean O'Haire

It was now time for the random Tag Team Partners Match that would conclude the random pairings aspect of the Tournament. We had Teddy Hart, Norman Smiley, and Julio Fantastico as the first three guys heading into the show next month to wrestle for the title, as all three were thus far unbeaten. This was scheduled to be the Main Event as far as the fans knew, but in reality we had another match planned. This match would set that one up.

First out came Chris Kanyon. The fans reacted quite favorably, as Mike Sanders exited the commentary booth and announced the match to the fans. He said Chris’ randomly picked partner was Matt Stryker, who emerged from the back as well, looking none too pleased to be teamed with Kanyon. Next Sanders announced Marty Jannetty was the first man on the other team. He got a good reaction from the crowd. Finally, as Mike said by the process of elimination, Sean O’Haire was Marty’s partner. Sean came out with Shannon Ward, who he told to return to the back. The plan was originally for her to come to ringside, but both Chris and I decided to change that based upon the fact that she, like Santel, showed no interest in the rest of the show thus far. So far she had no showed our debut show and allowed herself to be distracted in the back at the two shows she had attended. The only things saving her job was the planned story for O’Haire, and that was only a momentary saving grace, and her friendship with Chris, and even he was becoming irritated with her.

The bell rang and the fucked up Tag Team Match was underway with Stryker and Jannetty, who we knew had a good repertoire and some solid chemistry together in the ruing based on previous encounters. They didn’t disappoint.

The problem with a Tag Team Match of this kind was that when you had a face and a heel against a face and a heel the fans find it difficult to choose a side to root for. When Jannetty and Stryker were in the ring together, by virtue of the alignment they are normally they cheer for Jannetty and boo for Stryker. Likewise when it’s Chris and O’Haire. However when O’Haire and Stryker or Chris and Jannetty are matched up, the fans grow silent, confused and unsure. Thusly, the crowd participation suffers for periods of the match. However luck was on our side at one point, as Stryker and O’Haire entered the ring and proceeded to try and out cheat the other. The fans ate it up, really popping for the game of one-upmanship that was displayed.

After a very back and forth match that saw all involved doing their absolute best to make this a great match, and with very few noticeable mistake, it was time for the end. Stryker nailed and Enzuguiri on Jannetty that was sloppy, but effective, and Stryker made the pinfall attempt. O’Haire leapt over the ropes and dropped an elbow onto Stryker to stop the count, prompting Kanyon to enter the ring and exchange punches with The Enigma. The two of them toppled to the floor, where they continued to brawl. Jannetty and Stryker made their way to their feet, where Jannetty planted Stryker with a Back Suplex into a Pinfall attempt. At two Adam Jacobs, who I had sent out already broke up this count by pulling Taylor from the ring. She hit the floor hard, not seeing her assailant. A Sports Entertainment moment though it was, and not my own personal idea I must confess, the fans loved to hate it. Adam Jacobs nailed Jannetty with a Spinning Heel Kick, then ran from the ring and halfway to the back as Kanyon, who had nailed a Spinebuster on O’Haire on the floor made his way back to his corner. Stryker crawled over and got the tag to Kanyon, who entered the ring and hit The Flatliner on an already dazed Jannetty. Taylor got to her feet and saw the pinfall attempt and actually counted the 1-2-3 from the floor where she stood. Kanyon and Stryker won the final match of the tournament.

Jacobs raced back down to the ring as Kanyon was standing triumphant and leveled him with a Running Forearm from behind. Stryker returned to the ring, where he and Jacobs hugged, then laid the boots to Kanyon as Teddy Hart emerged from the back clapping. He entered the ring, where he laid into Marty. O’Haire got to his feet, saw the carnage, and walked off, upset looking. Finally Sanders came from the booth and made threats that sent The Future towards the back. They stopped right before leaving as Sanders began to speak.

Winners - Chris Kanyon and Matt Stryker by pinfall

Match Reaction = 53.2%

Match Quality = 70.1%

Overall Rating = 59.7%

Time 17 Minutes

And The Forth Man Is…?

Sanders: Whoa guys, we have a problem, other than the three of you beating on Marty and Kanyon for no reason, that is. You see, by wins and losses alone, we already know that next month Teddy will join Julio Fantastico and Norman Smiley to determine who will be the first ever SSW Southern Heavyweight Champion. All three have no losses thus far in SSW. However next up in the rankings we have a three way tie. Kanyon, and you two, Adam Jacobs and Matt Stryker, all have three wins and only one loss. As the tournament was set up so that the four with the best records would meet next month, we have two people too many. Now I could handle this a number of ways, but I think the best way to do it is to have the three of you wrestle in an Elimination Match, with the final man moving on next month to join the other three already guaranteed a spot. Which leaves me with another problem that being when do I have this match?

Marty, who had rolled to the floor and was watching at ringside, began to walk off as The Future all walked closer to the ring, none of them looking pleased. In the ring, however, Chris was on his feet and he jerked the mic away from Sanders.

Kanyon: Mike, we could do this anytime you want, you’re the boss, or we could do it right now. Stryker and me may have just wrestled about fifteen minutes, but so what? So what that Jacobs has had an hour almost to rest. If you want to be a champion, and I sure as hell do, then you have to be ready to wrestle anyone, anytime, anywhere. That’s what makes a champion. You have to wrestle with injuries, with little warning, and with the good of the title in mind. This isn’t some big promotion where someone can marry the owner’s daughter and get to become a champion, here in SSW you do it by bleeding and sweating and working your damn ass off. If I’m not ready to wrestle back to back then I don’t deserve to be a goddamn champion. Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Terry Funk, Harley Race, and Jerry Lawler made this sport great by doing what needed to be done and defending their titles when they had to. This is about a legacy in this sport, and one that companies like the WWE, WCW, and ECW crapped on for years. Hell, even the NWA doesn’t show their World Title the respect it deserves anymore. But here we need to respect the belt, we need to respect the integrity of a champion, and we need to do whatever the hell it takes to make sure that only the very best hold the title. Those three, they don’t know jack about history as they’ve proven for months now when they crap on the legacy of Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson and Marty Jannetty, so I don’t expect them to agree with a thing I’ve said, but the fans, they agree with me, Mike, and you damn well should too, or else you don’t deserve this job.

I had never heard the fans of SSW make the amount of noise they made after that speech. The cheering was deafeningly loud. The boys in the back, from Adam Pearce to Ricky Morton, from Santel to Marty Jannetty, and from Sean O’Haire to Shannon Ward were all smiling and clapping themselves. It may not have been the most eloquent speech ever made in a wrestling ring, but it was from the heart and it was moving, even to a man like myself that thought he was disheartened and put off by this fucking business. Hell, Jessica and Perry were watching and I could see it moved them as well.

As the cheering continued Kanyon handed the mic back to Sanders, who smiled.

Sanders: You’re right. Miss Matheny, call for the bell. As for you Teddy, you are barred from ringside by penalty of a permanent suspension from SSW should you come back during the course of this match.

And ring the bell she did, while The Future threw a fit. Teddy finally walked off, but was none too pleased about it. Once in the back, he rolled his eyes at me.

”That was some deep shit out there. I think I need a fucking shower to get it off of me. Who wrote that, Gordon Solie?”

I could have decked the fucker.

Overall Rating = 85.8%

Time 7 Minutes

Main Event Elimination Match: Adam Jacobs vs. Chris Kanyon vs. Matt Stryker

Jacobs and Stryker hit the ring and Chris attempted to fight them both off at the same time. Much like previous months we had a good Main Event, it was simply a matter of whether we could continue to engage the fans and keep them with it.

Much of this match was Kanyon either taking a beating from both men, or getting rid of one and seemingly having the upper hand only to have the other one return at the final second to stop a pin.

Finally, after sixteen minutes of this, Kanyon knocked Stryker from his perch on the top turnbuckle to the floor, then planted Jacobs with a Tornado DDT that got him a decisive 1-2-3 from Taylor and eliminated Jacobs from the match. Taylor rolled Jacobs to the floor, where he laid, then began to count out Stryker. Stryker made it into the ring at the eight count, as Kanyon stood against the ropes catching his breath. Jacobs slowly made his way to his feet on the floor, and was summarily ordered to the back by Taylor. He obliged with little fuss.

In the ring Kanyon went for Stryker, who hit a Drop Toe Hold, and the momentum shifted back to Stryker where it remained for the next several minutes. However once again Stryker’s decision to go to the top, uncharacteristically I might add, was his downfall. He headed to the top turnbuckle with a seemingly prone and downed Kanyon on the mat. However once there Kanyon kipped up and ran to the middle rope, where he delivered a Superplex to Stryker to the mat. The fans popped louder here than they had the whole match. Kanyon hooked the leg and got the 1-2-3 , eliminating both his opponents in this match. The fans cheered as Kanyon slowly got to his feet, exhausted, while Taylor again rolled this time Stryker to the floor and then helped him to the back. At this point, with the show almost over, Mike Sanders once again exited the commentary booth and headed to the ring with a mic in one hand and a clipboard in the other.

Winner - Chris Kanyon by pinfalls

Match Reaction = 49.8%

Match Quality = 70.4%

Overall Rating = 39.8%

Time 21 Minutes

And The Participants In The Heavyweight Title Match At SSW Crowning Achievement Are…

Sanders stood in the ring next to Kanyon, shook his hand, and then began to speak.

Sanders: We have Chris Kanyon here, now I need Teddy Hart, Norman Smiley, and Julio Fantastico to join us out here to make it official for Crowning Achievement.

The fans cheered for Norman, who came out first, then booed for first Julio and then Teddy. Once they were all in the ring Sanders once again began to speak.

Sanders: What I need now is for all four of you to make it official and sign the contract for next month. Julio?

Julio smiled, mouthed off to Sanders, then took the clipboard and the pen and signed, before passing it to Teddy who did the same. Teddy then handed it to Norman, who looked through the papers, then signed himself, finally handing it to Kanyon. Kanyon smiled, wiped the sweat from his brow, then signed and handed it back to Sanders.

Sanders: So it’s official next month we’ll see Norman Smiley take on Julio Fantastico, Chris Kanyon take on Teddy Hart, and then the winners will meet to determine the first ever…

Sanders was cut off as Julio and Teddy leapt at Norman and Kanyon and attacked. Sanders exited the ring, as Kanyon was downed fast. Teddy hit a Moonsault on Norman after Julio downed him with a Super Kick. The fans booed as Teddy and Julio then eyed each other suspiciously with Kanyon and Norman on the mat.

Overall Rating = 58.4%

Time 7 Minutes

So we fucked it up again for the third month in a row. The face finally wins a Main Event, but we end it with the heels on top. The fans responded, but they sure as fuck weren’t happy with the outcome of this match.

SSW Spring Slamboree

Attendance 2494


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But seriously folks! I had a ton of catching up to do, but last night I am glad to say that I did it. Hopefully I never fall behind again. Maybe if someone could send me a PM when there are updates? (Hint Hint) Now onto my actual thoughts on the diary.

SSW needs to get some merchandise out. Seriously sign me up for the "Julio Fantastico is my favorite wrestler" shirt. He is just killer in everything he does. I must say though that I can't see Jamie Noble with his push like you said in that post. Just seems weird.

I'm also really liking Mike Sanders in his role as boss/GM or whatever. Is it strange that he is a real person yet I kept imagining him as Matthew McConaughey? I'm not sure why. Maybe I just dont remember what Sanders was like, but to me he is McConaughey from now on, but believe me thats not a bad thing. ;)

The Sean O' Haire and Shannon Ward stuff is interesting no matter how hard the in diary you tries to get me to not like it I am more interested by the show.

On the flip side of that much like your southern crowds I wish Lenny Lane would go away. That storyline I just don't care about. You could even say I dislike it. But when I'm into just about every other storyline that isn't so bad.

The backstage stuff is very engaging. I can see you as this character which makes it all the more interesting to read in an almost voyeuristic sense. :blush: I can totally imagine you being friends with Morton and all those old school losers too :P

One last thing:


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I've been so focused on my own diary since I came back to the board that I didn't notice this one. If there's anyone I know who loves the old school, it's you Tim. <_<:)

I have a basic grasp of the basics of the diary, but I'm still getting started reading it. I do know that coming from you, it's going to be a good read (and a long read at that!) Heh.

I'll tell you when I catch up to the entire thing. Til then, adios. Time for me to vanish! :shuriken:

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Chris Kanyon and myself sat and looked at the screen. Harvey Cooper had outdone himself this month at www.southernstylewrestling.com in preparation for SSW Crowning Achievement next month. While the majority of the site was simply a few bios, a few videos, and the history to date of the promotion, this page featured a complete preview of the card in May. I liked it, Chris liked it, hell, Jessica Henderson had told Harvey she loved it.

This kid was a fucking steal for us, handling the site, the audio and video for the shows, helping set up the ring every month, and even setting up the fucking refreshments for the boys in the back, all for a measly couple of hundred a month. I was gonna be sick when he realized he could make five times what we were paying him virtually anywhere else. We just had to hope the kid didn't leave his mommy's basement anytime soon and need a real job.

"Anything you want changed?"

He was so fucking gracious and ready to please as well. Almost did really make me wanna be sick. Almost.

"I think it's great. T?"

I patted the kid on the shoulder.

"Nope. Harvey, this is good. Nice job kid."

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SSW Crowning Achievement

Saturday May 14, 2005


Atlanta, GA

Scheduled Matches:

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The Innovator Of Offense Chris Kanyon vs. Teddy Hart

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Julio Fantastico vs. Norman Smiley

Winner of Kanyon/Hart vs. winner of Julio/Smiley to determine the first ever SSW Southern Heavyweight Champion

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The Rock-N-Roll Express vs. The Future

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Lenny Lane vs. Perry Saturn

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Marty Jannetty vs. The Enigma Sean O'Haire (with Shannon)

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Loser Leaves SSW Match

Adam Pearce vs. Rick Santel

10 Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal To Determine The First SSW Number One Contender

Copyright Southern Style Wrestling 2005

Would this get us the notice of the internet press I knew we needed to get? Would we find some internet geeks to pay attention to us finally? Probably not, but at least we were trying. I mean, it's not like I expected Scott Keith to attend our show or anything, but just a little bit of interest and notice on the net would help us out.

Really, anything would help.

Edited by thegarvincomplex
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