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Smackdown vs RAW


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So I'm doing a match against Jericho and he has Benoit as his manager.

Benoit drops a chair into the ring, I pick it up, go out, and decide to give Benoit a taste of his own medicine...

AND I GET DQ'd?!!!!!!!!

What the fuck is that?

Talk about getting fucked over.....

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You do realise HE didn't ACTUALLY cheat just by putting a chair in the ring right?

And yeah, foreign object use = DQ at all times. Unless of course its a gimmick match.

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The worst thing ever for me was when Kane flukily beat me in the Elimination Chamber match (I fell off the turnbuckle, I only had yellow body damage), and my storyline reset to the exact same thing I'd done in my previous season, e.g. diva chasing. There weren't even different characters involved, it was Edge interviewing me, and Garrison Cade attacking me, just like before. I actually complained to THQ about the blatant laziness involved in the production of the game (I know they're just publishing it, I asked them to pass it on to the relevant people as I didn't know the addresses). Needless to say, no response.

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Just for those of you who don't know how to cheat, give the ref a love tap and make sure it knocks him to the ground, needless to say he won't know what hit him, knock your opponet to the ground, go outside the ring, and grab a chair.. now this is the HARD part...

Take the chair, and wack your opponet, repeat if nescessary, until the ref starts to stir.... then you throw the chair out of the ring, and pin your opponet.

Yes it's cheap, but you don't even need to hit the ref if it's a title match. :lol:

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Guest Iron Mary

But make sure you don't hit the ref if you're trying to hit them with a foreign object while they're on the ground. That's another instant DQ. BTW, Smackdown vs RAW got boring quicker than Here Comes The Pain did. Probably because they are basically the same game.

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I got a real bullshit DQ for you, but it happened in HCTP:

I was using a CAW in the match and getting ready to do a move off the top turnbuckle. At the exact same moment I pressed the button, Hebner moved in too close, got hit by the Diving Spear instead of my opponent, and promptly DQ'd me.

(Yes, I promptly reset the game, as it was an in-season match)

Is the ref AI as shitty in SD vs. RAW as it was in the previous games?

(ie, does he tend to get in your way when you're doing running moves or corner moves a lot, and occasionally block you when you're the legal man and someone interferes?)

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Its actually got to the point in season mode with sd vs raw that I've gone back and started playing HCTP again just to see what a REAL season mode was like.

*crosses fingers that Wrestlemania for Xbox has good season mode*

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing will ever top SmackDown II. Just because it was 5 years of randomness :P. I need to go play that again.

Anyway, I have my own bullshit story. I was trying to beat the 'Beat Evolution' challenge. Batista and Flair, of course. First up... Kane. Now, see, Kane is my go too guy for shit like this, because he's strong, and nearly unstoppable. Unless Naitch and DAVE~! are there, because they fucked him up. Three times in fact. Ok... fine, whatever... I switch to Legend Rock. He does better, but still gets his ass kicked, 3 times as well. Frustrated as hell, I finally give in, and pick Trips, who I promptly win with in under 7 minutes, after absolutely beating the shit out of Flair and Batista.

Fuckin' bullshit.

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It's been like that with Hunter in every game. Ferfucksake, one time in HCTP, I did my finisher to him 3 times IN A ROW and he still managed to kick out. One pedigree later and I'm down for the 3. What the fuck? :@

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It's been like that with Hunter in every game. Ferfucksake, one time in HCTP, I did my finisher to him 3 times IN A ROW and he still managed to kick out. One pedigree later and I'm down for the 3. What the fuck? :@


That's funny. Triple H rules from beyond the ring...

Well, I can think of only one solution to coutner Triple H:


There you go right there.

Fuck...the game's due back Saturday night....I've barely played it (this time around)....shit. And it's America's Best Night of TV.

Oh well.

I just think that with what a PS2 can hold, they could've made it a helluva lot better, wrestler wise. You would think they would add in Eugene and Regal, but you cannot argue that "Oh, time release". My ass. They had enough time to have Randy Orton as a face, which happened while Eugene was in the midst of his Triple H feud...yes, I know there's the CAW mode...but it's not the same....

I just think there's major physics issues as well. You can climb the Cell in 2 seconds flat, but it take 9 years to climb the cage... <_< right.

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I just think there's major physics issues as well. You can climb the Cell in 2 seconds flat, but it take 9 years to climb the cage... dry.gif right.

It is unrealistic as fuck but there's a reason behind it. Escaping the cage ends the match. Climbing the Cell is a novelty. It's a shitty reason, but there you are.

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