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A Scanner Darkly trailer


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Here's a plot synopsis

Set in a future world where America has lost the war on drugs, undercover cop Fred (Reeves) is one of many agents hooked on the popular drug Substance D, which causes its users to develop split personalities. Fred, for instance, is also Bob, a notorious drug dealer. Along with his superior officers, Fred sets up an elaborate scheme to catch Bob and tear down his operation. Based on the Philip K. Dick novel.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

Not sure what I think of the cell-shaded type thing going on here, It could be either really cool (but have the same effect as the computer game idea and all of a sudden everyones doing it) or it could be kind of annoying (like watching a cut-scene from a computer game).

If I hadn't read the storyline and had just watched the trailer, I wouldn't of even considered looking any further into it (because to be honest, as far as trailers go, its about as revealing as jump suit), but the plot (which does sounds like the workings of a 1st year film student) has kind of got me interested. I suppose I'll have to wait and see.

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I wouldn't make those comparisons, if only because Richard Linklater is infinitely more versatile a filmmaker than the Wachowskis. I like this return to the style he made Waking Life with; hopefully it proves a bit more successful for him.

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Well have you seen Linklater's other animated film, "Waking Life"? The film was done in the same way with animators animating over a live-action film. It's great because it basically free's up the movie to do whatever it wants and add whatever it wants. I agree it takes a certain type of person to watch it though, but I guess I'm one of those people.

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Guest Pirate Chasin' Booty

I haven't seen 'Waking Life' but I did read the plot-line on IMDB and it doesn't sound like my kinda story. I'll look out for more trailers of this over the coming months because the plot has sparked some sort of interest in me.

I did manage to get a link to the 'Thundercats' trailer from that site though, what the fuck? looks like a fight scene from the Power Rangers except with a quarter of the budget.

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I haven't seen 'Waking Life' but I did read the plot-line on IMDB and it doesn't sound like my kinda story. I'll look out for more trailers of this over the coming months because the plot has sparked some sort of interest in me.

I did manage to get a link to the 'Thundercats' trailer from that site though, what the fuck? looks like a fight scene from the Power Rangers except with a quarter of the budget.

You mean it's real? I thought some people had just got hold of a video camera and played about, especially as they are suing FFVII music on the trailer :huh:

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Guest Ringmaster

I didn't like Walking Life, but this looks like it actually has a story. Although I have yet to see a single Keanu Reeves movie I would rank amongst my favourite. Except My Own Private Idaho. Still, I'll definately watch this.

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Well have you seen Linklater's other animated film, "Waking Life"?  The film was done in the same way with animators animating over a live-action film.  It's great because it basically free's up the movie to do whatever it wants and add whatever it wants.  I agree it takes a certain type of person to watch it though, but I guess I'm one of those people.

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I loved Waking Life, I remember my friend telling me about it, I was like are you on crack for trying to get me see this, eventually I figured out that I was on crack saying those comments. This film, I'll give it a chance. Looks interesting.

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The film in my opinion looks pretty cool, something a bit different.

I know it's a little off topic, but on that site, theres this video:


Does anybody know who the comedian is?

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ASD looks quite interesting and I think it will work quite well, even if the last flick starring Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder caused a mighty fall for a certain famous director I won't mention here. (Then again, they don't give Keanu a wooden British accent in ASD.)

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ASD looks quite interesting and I think it will work quite well, even if the last flick starring Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder caused a mighty fall for a certain famous director I won't mention here. (Then again, they don't give Keanu a wooden British accent in ASD.)

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ASD looks quite interesting and I think it will work quite well, even if the last flick starring Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder caused a mighty fall for a certain famous director I won't mention here. (Then again, they don't give Keanu a wooden British accent in ASD.)

Bram Stoker's Dracula wasn't that bad. It certainly found an audience, and critics weren't that bad too it either. Jack is what caused the downfall.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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I think anyone who's seen Reeves in his element knows that he not only has the potential to be a better than average actor, he is one. The Matrix, Speed, and The Devil's Advocate are examples of his action film chops, while the Bill & Ted movies make him a multi faceted performer. When you put him out of his element the results are disastrous, but you can say that for just about any actor (save maybe Johnny Depp).

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