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WCW Monday Nitro Preview For January 8th 1996

We come live from Nashville, Tennessee where Lex Luger and Sting make their decisions on who goes into the Horsemen. With only 1 spot, what are the two partners going to do?

Also regarding the Horsemen, Chris Benoit is taking on Johnny B. Badd for the Television Title. In other title news a number one contendership match for Scott Steiner’s United States championship is taking place between Curt Hennig and Rick Rude, with the winner taking Steiner on at Souled Out this weekend.

Also with what happened between Kevin Sullivan, The Giant, and Randy Savage last week where The Giant and Sullivan attacked Savage after a match. What will The Macho Man have to say?

All this and more on Nitro this week! Tune in at 9 PM EST on TNT!


OOC: So, there's the preview..the show will be up tomorrow.

Edited by Cole37
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Guest Red Devil

Just finished reading both shows and i'm looking forward to one thing and one thing only, the Four Horseman angle. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. You've built up that suspense well for me to want to read Nitro but the rest of the show seems bland. You may be just starting to get your undercard storyline's rolling so i'll wait for a few more shows for them. The interviews are mostly good and the Flair/Rude promo's were spot on. I don't think you're using the matches as well as you could. I always like to tell a story in my matches and yours just seem skip-able. They seem like the same match every time with only the finishers and names different. Hopefully you can flesh out your matches a little more, not a huge essay on each match but a few more sentances would be good leaving the big match write ups for the PPV. A couple of ok shows with one angle that has me intrigued so i'll check back for Nitro.

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WCW Monday Nitro January 8th 1996

Live From Nashville, Tennessee

Tony Schiavone: Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to Monday Nitro!

Bobby Heenan: Tony, We have a big night tonight. Luger and Sting are going to make their decision about the horsemen.

Tony: And, the United States championship number one contendership is on the line when Curt Hennig takes on Rick Rude.

Bobby: It’s a big night! Put your seat belt on Tony, and make sure you don’t go to the bathroom; you don’t want to miss anything!

Tony: Whatever you say Brain. We have Brian Pillman in the ring right now for the first match.

Brian Pillman vs. Jim Duggan

Pillman used his speed and caught Duggan after a few bad decisions. Duggan tried to power slam Pillman but he slipped out and hit a bulldog from behind. Pillman moved on to a hammerlock and then backed Duggan into the corner, but Duggan reversed and tossed him into the corner and worked his body.

After a few minutes of brawling between the two, Pillman slipped out of a bear hug that Duggan had locked in, then tripped Duggan. Pillman waited for Duggan to get up and then he flew and hit a cross body on Duggan, Pin 1…2…3.

Winner By Pin fall: Brian Pillman

Crowd Reaction: 73%

Match Quality: 69%

Overall Rating: 71%


Bobby: That Pillman out worked Duggan.

Tony: He did indeed Brain. Next with all the Horsemen things aside Horsemen member Chris Benoit is in action with Johnny B. Badd for the Television Title

Bobby: Let me do this one!

Tony: This what?

Bobby: We send it to the ring!

WCW Television Title Match!

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny B. Badd

Benoit used his technical skills to start the match; He softened B. Badd’s neck and upper body up. After three or four more minutes of technical wrestling B. Badd escaped a submission and got the momentum after a bodyslam. At this point Arn Anderson walked slowly down to the ring.

The two brawled around the ring for a few minutes; B. Badd got the advantage and then climbed to the top rope. When he got up there, Arn Anderson hopped up onto the ring apron and then hit the ropes, causing Johnny to fall. The ref called for the bell and the ring announcer announced this…

“The referee has declared this match a time limit draw!”

Johnny B. Badd snapped as Anderson and Benoit walked to the back


Crowd Reaction: 68%

Match Quality: 81%

Overall Rating: 74%




The horse’s running blast through the PA and Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit come to the ring.

Ric Flair: Before we take care of business, I have an announcement! When I was on my way out, Eric Bischoff told me that at Souled Out this Sunday! Chris Benoit will be facing Johnny B. Badd for the Television Championship! WOOOO!

The Nature Boy Shakes Benoit’s Hand

Flair: Now tonight, the horsemen have some un-finished business with Sting and Lex Luger but tonight the Nature Boy and The Horsemen won’t be making any decisions. This is all on Stinger and Lex!

The two walk out and enter the ring

Sting: Ric, we both respect you and being offered a spot in The Horsemen is the biggest honor for Lex and I.

Flair plays to the crowd whilst they cheer

Luger grabs the mic from Sting

Luger: But…Sting and I have a bond. We are the best of friends and with only one spot on the table, we can’t take it, because we’re like the Horsemen. We’re brothers.

Flair keeps Anderson and Benoit from jumping Luger and Sting as Luger and Sting stand waiting for them.

Flair: Are you joking me! Did you just say no to the Nature Boy?! Did you just say no to The Horsemen!? Are you crazy? I’m the World Heavyweight Champion, Benoit is going to be the Television Champion and we have the Enforcer, Arn Anderson! You have to be joking me!

Flair drops his mic and walks out of the ring with Anderson and Benoit following

Luger and Sting look on as Flair leaves while screaming…

“We’ll get you, Tonight! Watch your back!”

Overall Rating: 83%




We come back and Randy Savage’s music hits and he comes out with a big pop from the crowd.

Randy Savage: Ohhh YEEAH! The Macho Man is in the house! But not without purpose, YEEAH! You see last week The Giant and Kevin Sullivan attacked The Macho Man and I’m not going to stand around waiting for something to happen. So, Giant this weekend at Souled Out, I challenge you to a match. DIGGG IT!

The Giant comes out with Kevin Sullivan

Kevin Sullivan: Randy, You were the first example of many from Kevin Sullivan. Like I said before, I’d watch my back If I were you and that not only goes for you, but every single person in that locker room because you could be next and Randy since you just won’t die, We’ll kill you off at Souled Out. So you got your match!

Crowd pop

Sullivan and Giant turn away to leave, but turn back around and double-team Savage. The Giant sends him into the ground with a chokeslam, then Kevin Sullivan screamed in his ear

“You’ll die this Sunday! This Sunday You’ll Die!”

The two left to a barrage of boo’s as the medical team came and got Savage out of the ring.

Overall Rating: 89%


Tony: Kevin Sullivan has lost it. Telling Randy Savage he’s going to die on Sunday at Souled Out.

Bobby: You know what they say Tony, If you can’t kill em, Sleep with their sister.

Tony: What are you talking about Brain?

Bobby: It’s an old saying. Your old, haven’t you heard it?

Tony: Well, We’ve got a Number One Contender’s match here with Curt Hennig taking on Rick Rude.

Curt Hennig vs. Rick Rude

The two brawled the entire match. Hennig and Rude also used Technical wrestling to keep the fans interested. Rude had Hennig on the ground and was working his back when Hennig reversed the move and then put Rude in a sleeper.

After two or three minutes of Hennig being in control, he hit the Hennig-plex for the three count and the date with Scott Steiner at Souled Out.

Winner By Pin fall: Curt Hennig

Crowd Reaction: 53%

Match Quality: 88%

Overall Rating: 70%

Curt Hennig debuted his new gimmick (Cocky), it got a positive response.


We go backstage where The Horsemen are standing with Gene Okerlund

Mean Gene: Nature Boy, Arn Anderson, Chris Benoit, What are your thoughts on what went down earlier?

Ric Flair: My thoughts? My thoughts, Gene? My thoughts are that those two “friends” aren’t even up to the Horsemen standard because when you’re Horsemen, You’re Horsemen for life.

Mean Gene: Ric, what are you doing about your World Title with Souled Out this week.

Flair: I’m doing one thing and that’s dealing with Luger and Sting, once those two are out of the way. I’ll worry about Souled Out. Now Gene, we have a match. We should go.

The horsemen walk away

Mean Gene: Back to you guys!

Overall Rating: 89%


The lights go out in the arena and the screen turns on.

An American flag goes on the screen then we see a big shadow go on it from someone standing above it. The person is not revealed but then the screen moves into a fast paced show of blurry picture mixed in with Red, White and Blue.

A voice over is heard through out the arena

Voice Over: In six days, the man will be back and he will never be forgotten.

The lights turn back on and the screen goes out.

Overall Rating: 94%




Ric Flair and Arn Anderson vs. Sting and Luger

Sting and Luger come out to a huge ovation and Anderson and Flair get some heat but also a few cheers. The match starts with Anderson and Luger, Luger used his power to keep Arn a bit less powerful but The Enforcer wouldn’t stay down. Anderson turned the tables and hit a Spinebuster. Flair then got tagged in and controlled the match taking Luger’s leg and setting it up for the Figure Four.

After Flair controlled for a few minutes, Luger escaped and tagged Sting after getting a few strikes in causing Flair to slide out of the ring. Sting came in with a full head of steam once Flair got in the ring and had Flair retreating back to The Enforcer Arn Anderson. Anderson couldn’t contain Sting’s fire but did stop it a few times with blocks of punches to get a bit of offense in. At this point in the match Flair was back in but wasn’t doing any better against the Stinger, Sting had him down and then signaled for the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting lifted Flairs legs and went to lock it in but before he could LEX LUGER attacked him! Luger knocked him down then lifted him up in the Torture Rack and the referee couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch. Luger dropped Sting down, and left the ring as Flair got back up and locked in the Figure Four. Sting had no choice but to submit after suffering two fatal submission moves.

Luger got back in the Ring and celebrated with Arn Anderson and Ric Flair, Chris Benoit came out and joined the party.

Ric Flair got on the mic

Ric Flair: WOOOO! The FOUR! HORSEMEN! Are complete! And this Sunday at Souled Out! We will prove that! It’s going to be, Lex and I versus Sting and any partner he wants! So Sting, if you have what it takes! Come step into the ring with the Horsemen!

Winner By Submission: Ric Flair & Arn Anderson

Crowd Reaction: 93%

Match Quality: 79%

Overall Rating: 88%

Lex Luger's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Lex Luger gained overness from this turn.

The show faded to black as Flair, Luger, Anderson and Benoit walked down the aisle as Sting was helped out of the ring.


Overall Show Rating: 82%

TV Rating: 6.44

The Attendance: 7045 People.

Ticket Sales: $ 281800


OOC: So..After Diego's comments...heres a show will hopefully a bit of difference in each match. Only 1 more show until Souled Out. Souled Out should be up by Monday at the latest. Sorry for the lateness of this show!

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

That was one hell of a show! The Lugar heel turn was unexpected and I think you have one of the best 4 horseman I've seen in diaries. I also like your use of Kevin Sullivan and what he says, its very realistic.

Also, I wonder who that video is about, all I can think of is Hogan or Ultimate Warrior..

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Not entirely unexpected heel turn by Luger (turn Sting heel if you DARE! *shakes fist*) but it sets up a Luger & Flair versus Sting feud which I always marked for. Even as luger grew larger and larger on his increasing diet of steroids during the nineties I always paid attention to him when he feuded with Sting. It was just timeless.

"The Man".... Hogan. Theres nobody else (besides flair who is on tv) who would go by that description. I thought briefly the Funker but hes not a patriotic red white and blue "The Man" type dude. Hes a rough'em texan baddy.

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WCW Saturday Night Preview For January 13th 1996

We come to you from Kentucky and we have the fall out from Nitro. What did Lex Luger and Sting decide? We have the full recap on Saturday Night.

With only one day left until Souled Out, there have been rumors of a few more matches being added to the card. What will they be?

Tune into Saturday Night this Saturday, January 13th for all the answers.

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WCW Saturday Night January 13th 1996

Live From Lexington, Kentucky

Mike Tenay and Larry Zybysko welcome us to the show and run down the card. They hype the clips that will be shown from Nitro and lead us into the first match.

Marcus Bagwell vs. Michael Wallstreet

The two brawled the whole match, mostly ending with Wallstreet on his back. Wallstreet had the better “Wrestling” skill, but Bagwell out “brawled” him using a power game to control the match.

Bagwell didn’t let up once he had total control of the match either, He took Wallstreet and hit an Inverted neckbreaker and got the 1…2…3.

Winner By Pin fall: Marcus Bagwell

Crowd Reaction: 59%

Match Quality: 75%

Overall Rating: 67%


Mike Tenay tells us what happened last week on Nitro. Saying Lex Luger and Sting had to decide if and who would join the Four Horsemen.

A Video Is Played From Nitro

Ric Flair: Before we take care of business, I have an announcement! When I was on my way out, Eric Bischoff told me that at Souled Out this Sunday! Chris Benoit will be facing Johnny B. Badd for the Television Championship! WOOOO!

The Nature Boy Shakes Benoit’s Hand

Flair: Now tonight, the horsemen have some un-finished business with Sting and Lex Luger but tonight the Nature Boy and The Horsemen won’t be making any decisions. This is all on Stinger and Lex!

The two walk out and enter the ring

Sting: Ric, we both respect you and being offered a spot in The Horsemen is the biggest honor for Lex and I.

Flair plays to the crowd whilst they cheer

Luger grabs the mic from Sting

Luger: But…Sting and I have a bond. We are the best of friends and with only one spot on the table; we can’t take it, because we’re like the Horsemen. We’re brothers.

Arn Anderson keeps Flair from jumping Luger and Sting as Luger and Sting stand waiting for them.

Flair: Are you joking me! Did you just say no to the Nature Boy?! Did you just say no to The Horsemen!? Are you crazy? I’m the World Heavyweight Champion, Benoit is going to be the Television Champion and we have the Enforcer, Arn Anderson! You have to be joking me!

Flair drops his mic and walks out of the ring with Anderson and Benoit following

Luger and Sting look on as Flair leaves while screaming…

“We’ll get you, Tonight! Watch your back!”

Overall Rating: 87%


We see Mean Gene Okerlund Backstage

Mean Gene: Raven, this is your first night in WCW. What do you have to say?

Raven: Gene Tonight is day one of Raven’s vengeance. I’m here to take my anger and frustration out on anyone that feel’s the need too further my pain and add another quandary to what is Raven’s life.

Mean Gene: Raven, your talent speaks wonders and so does your personality. Is there anything you like to say to the fans?

Raven: Quote The Raven, “Nevermore”

Overall Rating: 69%




Raven vs. Brutus

Raven out wrestled Brutus all match, the match was short lived, as Raven took control from the beginning and never let up. Raven ended the match with an Evenflow DDT for the win.

Winner By Pin fall: Raven

Crowd Reaction: 64%

Match Quality: 70%

Overall Rating: 67%


Mike Tenay and Larry Zybysko tell us that a match that was just announced in a four way tag team elimination match between Fire And Ice, Public Enemy, Road Warriors and the champions Harlem Heat.

Fire and Ice vs. Public Enemy

The two big teams had a short match. The crowd seemed bored during the match and wasn’t responding to any of the superstars in the match. The match wasn’t a total disaster and got some airtime to hype the Tag match for Souled Out.

The match ended when Norton pinned Rocco Rock after a powerslam.

Winners By Pin fall: Fire And Ice

Crowd Reaction: 57%

Match Quality: 78%

Overall Rating: 67%

Rocco Rock lost overness from this match. Johnny Grunge lost overness from this match. Scott Norton gained overness from this match. Ice Train gained overness from this match. Rocco Rock is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Johnny Grunge is losing overness because of his weak gimmick. Ice Train is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.


A video is played from Nitro

Ric Flair: My thoughts? My thoughts, Gene? My thoughts are that those two “friends” aren’t even up to the Horsemen standard because when you’re Horsemen, You’re Horsemen for life.


Ric Flair and Arn Anderson vs. Sting and Luger

Sting and Luger come out to a huge ovation and Anderson and Flair get some heat but also a few cheers. The match starts with Anderson and Luger, Luger used his power to keep Arn a bit less powerful but The Enforcer wouldn’t stay down. Anderson turned the tables and hit a Spinebuster. Flair then got tagged in and controlled the match taking Luger’s leg and setting it up for the Figure Four.

After Flair controlled for a few minutes, Luger escaped and tagged Sting after getting a few strikes in causing Flair to slide out of the ring. Sting came in with a full head of steam once Flair got in the ring and had Flair retreating back to The Enforcer Arn Anderson. Anderson couldn’t contain Sting’s fire but did stop it a few times with blocks of punches to get a bit of offense in. At this point in the match Flair was back in but wasn’t doing any better against the Stinger, Sting had him down and then signaled for the Scorpion Deathlock. Sting lifted Flairs legs and went to lock it in but before he could LEX LUGER attacked him! Luger knocked him down then lifted him up in the Torture Rack and the referee couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch. Luger dropped Sting down, and left the ring as Flair got back up and locked in the Figure Four. Sting had no choice but to submit after suffering two fatal submission moves.

Luger got back in the Ring and celebrated with Arn Anderson and Ric Flair, Chris Benoit came out and joined the party.

Ric Flair got on the mic

Ric Flair: WOOOO! The FOUR! HORSEMEN! Are complete! And this Sunday at Souled Out! We will prove that! It’s going to be, Lex and I versus Sting and any partner he wants! So Sting, if you have what it takes! Come step into the ring with the Horsemen!

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WCW Souled Out 1996 Preview

Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

This match was just added today by World Championship Wrestling President Eric Bischoff. This was the last match added but could have as many sparks as the other matches after the two’s rivalry years ago.

Fire And Ice vs. Public Enemy vs. Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat © - Elimination Match For The WCW Tag Team Titles

Announced on Saturday Night, these four teams will be battling it out in an Elimination Match for the Tag Titles. This past week on Saturday Night, Fire And Ice defeated Public Enemy and Harlem Heat beat the Road Warriors, after Stevie Ray and Booker T cheated. With all that just yesterday anything could happen tonight.

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny B. Badd © - Television Title

Through all of the Sting and Lex Luger controversy, One Horsemen set his goals on the Television Title. This match is shaping up to be a Television Title classic, with Chris Benoit’s technical skill and Johnny B. Badd’s cocky-ness.

Curt Hennig vs. Scott Steiner © - United States Title

Scott Steiner made an impact in WCW, winning the United States title by taking up on One Man Gang’s open challenge and defeating him. With Steiner having no challenger, President Eric Bischoff made a Number One Contenders match, which Curt Hennig won. This match is looking up to be another memorable match on this Souled Out 1996 Pay Per View.

Randy Savage vs. The Giant

Kevin Sullivan warned “the likes” of Randy Savage to stay out of his way or else they’ll never wrestle again. During Sullivan’s and Savages match on Nitro the 7’1 Monster attacked Savage and sent him out of the building on a stretcher. This didn’t stop Savage though because the next week he was back and he challenged The Giant to a match tonight at Souled Out. Kevin Sullivan accepted on be-half of the Giant but then got a Chokeslam for his troubles. Tonight we will see if Randy Savage can get revenge on The Giant and Kevin Sullivan, or if Savage will face another trip to the hospital thanks to Kevin Sullivan and The Giant.

Sting &??? vs. Ric Flair & Lex Luger

Ric Flair and The Horsemen offered Lex Luger and Sting a spot in The Horsemen but then revealed there was only one spot. The next week on Nitro the pair decided not to join the Horsemen because they would rather have their friendship. That night Flair and Arn Anderson faced Sting and Luger in a tag team match that ended with a shocking act by Luger turning on his best friend and tag team partner Sting. This cemented the alliance between Luger and The Horsemen and ended the already at times shaky one between he and Sting. Since Sting made the wrong choice, Ric Flair challenged Sting and who ever he could find to a match against himself and Lex Luger at Souled Out. Who will Sting bring? What will Lex Luger have to say?

Order Souled Out to find out.


WCW Souled Out 1996 Prediction Contest

Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Fire And Ice vs. Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. Public Enemy - Elimination - Tag Titles

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny B. Badd - TV Title

Scott Steiner vs. Curt Hennig - US Title

Randy Savage vs. The Giant

Sting & ??? vs. Ric Flair & Lex Luger

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be?

Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out?

What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction?

What Match Will Have The Best Quality?

Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out? (One Point For Each Correct Prediction)

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match?

*Winner Gets To Choose A Match For Nitro Or Saturday Night*

Edited by Cole37
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WCW Souled Out 1996 Prediction Contest

Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Fire And Ice vs. Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. Public Enemy - Elimination - Tag Titles

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny B. Badd - TV Title

Scott Steiner vs. Curt Hennig - US Title

Randy Savage vs. The Giant

Sting & ??? vs. Ric Flair & Lex Luger

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be?


Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out?


What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction?

Main Event

What Match Will Have The Best Quality?

Benoit v Johnny B Badd

Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out?

Go read my predictions you prick.

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match?

Harlem Heat

*Winner Gets To Choose A Match For Nitro Or Saturday Night*

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Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Brian Pillman

Fire And Ice vs. Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. Public Enemy - Elimination - Tag Titles-The road warriors

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny B. Badd - TV Title

Chris Benoit

Scott Steiner vs. Curt Hennig - US Title

Scott Steiner

Randy Savage vs. The Giant-

Randy Savage

Sting & ??? vs. Ric Flair & Lex Luger

Flair & Luger by interference

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be?

tough to say Maybe Hogan

Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out?

Hogan will debut

What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction?

Best reaction goes to Sting & partner vs flair and luger

What Match Will Have The Best Quality?

Best quality goes to Benoit Vs Johnny B. Badd

Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out?

Tv Title And Tag Titles

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match?

Public enemy

Edited by XxCactusmikexX
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Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Fire And Ice vs. Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. Public Enemy - Elimination - Tag Titles

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny B. Badd - TV Title

Scott Steiner vs. Curt Hennig - US Title

Randy Savage vs. The Giant

Sting & ??? vs. Ric Flair & Lex Luger

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be?

Hulk Hogan

Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out?


What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction?

Main Event

What Match Will Have The Best Quality?


Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out? (One Point For Each Correct Prediction)

TV title and Tag titles

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match?

Public Enemy

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Guest Muthafawkkinmatt

WCW Souled Out 1996 Prediction Contest

Jushin Thunder Liger

Harlem Heat

Chris Benoit

Scott Steiner


Ric Flair & Lex Luger

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be? Hogan

Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out? yes

What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction? Flair/Lugar tag match

What Match Will Have The Best Quality? Lyger vs. Pillman

Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out? (One Point For Each Correct Prediction) The TV Title

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match? Fire and Ice

*Winner Gets To Choose A Match For Nitro Or Saturday Night*

Edited by Muthafawkkinmatt
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Jushin Thunder Liger wins.

Road Warriors wins the Tag Titles

Chris Benoit wins the TV Title

Scott Steiner wins the US Title

The Giant wins.

Sting & ??? wins.

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be? Hogan

Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out? Yes.

What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction? Sting/Luger/Flair/???

What Match Will Have The Best Quality? Lyger/Pillman

Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out? (One Point For Each Correct Prediction) TV Title.

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match? Public Enemy

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Jushin Thunder Liger

Road Warriors

Chris Benoit TV Title

Curt Hennig - US Title

Randy Savage

Sting & ???

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be? The Patriot? I dunno

Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out? Yea

What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction? Savage/Giant

What Match Will Have The Best Quality? Pillman/Lyger

Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out? (One Point For Each Correct Prediction) US Title, Tag Title.

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match? Fire & Ice... I dont think your gonna be too hot for them. Personally, Id push Norton to the moon... but thats because im insane.

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Good stuff thus far Cole, I don't really like Rude or Hennig wrestling since Hennig was injured at the time and at the WWF, And Rude had been injured for like two years before that, But that's just minor. I liked the Luger turn though it was kinda expected. My guess is The Patriot is coming. Here's my predictions

WCW Souled Out 1996 Prediction Contest

Brian Pillman vs. Jushin Thunder Liger

Could go either way, But I pick Pillman. Should be a great match.

Fire And Ice vs. Road Warriors vs. Harlem Heat vs. Public Enemy - Elimination - Tag Titles

I see Harlem Heat feuding with the Road Warriors later on, So they'll retain by cheating here. I hope to God you don't push Fire and Ice.

Chris Benoit vs. Johnny B. Badd - TV Title

I would like to see Badd retain, But I got a feeling Flair/Luger will lose, So Benoit needs a win here to make the Horsemen keep atleast some momentum.

Scott Steiner vs. Curt Hennig - US Title

He just won the title, No need to drop it now. Lets see what you can do with Scotty first.

Randy Savage vs. The Giant

Sullivan run in, Though Savage could win by DQ.

Sting & ??? vs. Ric Flair & Lex Luger

I pick The Patriot as his partner or the Warrior, Going with Patriot though. If he is debuting, It'd make him look bad to lose in his first match.

Extras -

Who Will Sting's Mystery Partner Be? The Patriot

Will Anyone New Debut At Souled Out? Yep

What Match Will Have The Best Crowd Reaction? Sting/? Vs. Flair/Luger

What Match Will Have The Best Quality? Pillman/Liger

Will Any Titles Change Hands At Souled Out? (One Point For Each Correct Prediction) One, TV title

Who Will Be The First Team Eliminated In The Tag Title Match? Fire And Ice

*Winner Gets To Choose A Match For Nitro Or Saturday Night*

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