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Wrestler Picture Requests


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Ryan Grayson; Axl Rage; Jay White (x3); Zak Zodiac; The Zebra Kid; TJ Stomper; Leon Shah; Syd Parker; Little Legs; Matt Myers; Noam Dar; Jack Gallagher; Danny Hope; Luke Marsten; Dom Travis; BubbleGum; Ayesha Ray; Sam Elias; RJ Singh; Darrell Allen; Mexx (x3); P.N. Neuz (x3); Rossion; John Skyler (x2); Frankie Sloan (x2); Robbie Dynamite; Steven Walters (x3); Robbie Dynamite; Tony Spitfife (x2); James Mason; James Drake; Dan Rodd; Craig Kollins; Shaun Vasey; Damon Leigh; Joseph Conners; Jeromy Robb













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Jeremy Robb; Bill Morrisey [Colin Cassady]; CM Punk; Taylor Rotunda [bo Dallas]; Moroslav Bulgaria [Alexander Rusov]; Mercedes KV [sasha Banks] (x2); Ariane Andrew [Cameron]; Trinity McCray [Naomi]; Dara Diablo (x6); Serenity (x3); Serenity (different UK one, I think); Petey Williams (x4); Queen Maya (x2); Lisa Schianto; Chase Stevens (x4); Cassidy O'Reilly (x3); Spud; Marty Scurll (x3); Nick Jackson; Matt Jackson; Jayme Jameson; Incognito [Hunico]; AR Fox; Curry Man [Christopher Daniels]; Stu Sanders [Wade Barrett]; Brooke Adams [Tessmacher]; DJ Hyde















I have some more I could use help identifying. Again, all I know is that they worked in the UK on some of the same shows as some of the cuts I made the last two days. Any help identifying them would be great.




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I usually do not ask for large cuts, but I would really appreciate if someone could cut and place these on kyky for me. Please and Thank You!

http://i39.tinypic.com/2vskf4g.jpg (AR Fox)

http://i42.tinypic.com/rc7luu,jpg (Blossom Twins)

http://i42.tinypic.com/2yv5vo4.jpg (Cassidy Riley)

http://i43.tinypic.com/qps0bc.jpg (Chase Stevens)

http://i44.tinypic.com/2hi2t0w.jpg (Curry Man)

http://i41.tinypic.com/vdo55e.jpg (Hunico)

http://i39.tinypic.com/f4ep6u.jpg (Jayme Jameson)

http://i44.tinypic.com/x3vfj9.jpg (Marty Scurll)

http://i39.tinypic.com/2iuzvko.jpg (Prince Devitt)

http://i44.tinypic.com/257zvd5.jpg (Ricochet)

http://i44.tinypic.com/a3do3l.jpg (Young Bucks)


The rest should be in the last post.

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You need to put a thin border over the cuts. Look at galacticgonzo's images. His cuts are behind the border while yours are ontop of it.
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Continued from previous post

Nadia Saphire (x2), Nevaeh (x2), Nikki Bella, Nikki Storm, Pollyanna Peppers, Ryback, Ryo Saito (x2), Sakura Lily, Sasha Darevko, Sassy Stephie (x2), Solo Darling, Spike, Taeler Hendrix, Travis Tyler (x2), Trent Baretta (x2), Violet Vendetta, Volkano, Zack Sparrow


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Pretty good. Better than I can do with GIMP. Don't change the size of the kyky though. Also you need a thin border as the top layer.


Here is the border for Kyky if anyone needs it. I had to look through my posts to find it.

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I decided to put this together for people who want to start making pictures. Scrolling back through the thread I saw quite a few people who could do good cuts but messed up in other ways.

When you're making a picture you need three layers. A blank Kyky, a cut and a border.


I'm going to start off showing what the resulting picture should look like

Now we're going to look at some of the mistakes I've seen.


We'll start with the biggest


This one has the cut on top of the border instead of behind it. It looks lazy and unclean.

Stretching and squashing


In these the dimensions weren't kept right. The first one was made too thin and the second was stretched. The quality of the image is reduced along with making the worker look odd. In GIMP you can avoid this by holding down CTRL while resizing.



The placement in these are all off. In the first the cut is too low. You should always try to clip the top of the head a little. look back at the correct image for an example. In the second the cut isn't centered and as a result there is a big empty space on the left. The third is the opposite of the first, it's too high. Too much of the cut's head was clipped off.



In these the size of the cut is all wrong. In the first two the cut is way too large. It's to the point you can barely see the background. In the third the cut is too small and will be horribly hard to look at in game. Body shots do not work, stick to head,chest and shoulders.


This one is actually alright. It's not as confined as my good example which means it could look a little off in-game but there's a good chance it'll look just fine. I decided to include this one so I could make a specific warning, I know when you're doing Diva images it's tempting to make it smaller and smaller just to fit a little more cleavage in but at a certain point you just got to stop and go with what looks best. It worked out this time but a lot of times you'll just end up with a cut looking too small.

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Thanks to TheWho I can once again share my cuts easily. Kudos. Here's the latest random batch.

Dylan Bostic (x7); Fergal [Prince] Devitt; Max Angelus; Bam Bam Barton; Kaleb Hughes; Mad Man Manson; Spud (x2); Nick Riley; Tony Simpson; Danny Hope; Sam Bailey; Wolf Alexander; Justin Richards; Sha Samuels; Rebecca Mason; Tyler Black [seth Rollins]; Shark Boy (x3); Ryan Reeves [Ryback]; Glenn Jacobs [Kane]; John Cena (x3); La Rosa Negra (x2), Solo Darling; Amazona (x2); Adam Barisano; Trina Mason; Santana Garrett (x6)












And I don't know who these people are. If someone can help me I'd appreciate it. All I know is they work in the UK and may do shows with some of the guys above since I got them from the same place but couldn't put a name to these guys.


I wish I got to these when I had the chance. They were really good cuts and wanted a lot of these. Any ideas on when these will be back up?

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I really don't get how I blew through Photobucket's bandwith limit in two days. I haven't been able to figure out what I did wrong, how to get them back, or how to avoid it happening again. So I hate photobucket again.

Meanwhile you can find those cuts by going through my KYKY folder.


Sorry I can't make it easier but I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with Photobucket.

In the meantime, for anyone who wants it here's my massive 19K picture pack if you want to go through the hassle of downloading it. Hopefully I won't screw up with Rapidshare too.


Edited by galacticgonzo
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I really don't get how I blew through Photobucket's bandwith limit in two days. I haven't been able to figure out what I did wrong, how to get them back, or how to avoid it happening again. So I hate photobucket again.

Meanwhile you can find those cuts by going through my KYKY folder.


Sorry I can't make it easier but I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong with Photobucket.

In the meantime, for anyone who wants it here's my massive 19K picture pack if you want to go through the hassle of downloading it. Hopefully I won't screw up with Rapidshare too.


Yeah... when you click on the image to save it (the larger, actual version)... still has bandwidth issue... Dang.

EDIT: I was able to COPY your images into MY photobucket and save them from there. Thank you.

Edited by jterreau
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