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The 2005 Festivals Thread

Guest Booker T & The MG's

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Incase you didn't know, Trivium have been moved from the Napster on Sunday, to the Main Stage on Ozzfest Day, Saturday I think?

Have a good time everyone. I shall be getting plastered at home for my 21st Birthday and remembering the good times at Download, when Ozzfest WAS Ozzfest, (Ozzfest UK 2002 \m/), the Ozzfest Day at Download is pitiful compared the one in 2002 on Mainstage.

Ozzy Osbourne


System of a Down


Cradle Of Filth

Lost Prophets (Lets ignore them :P)


Mad Capsule Markets

Drowning Pool

Black Label Society

Edited by fourstarfizzle
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I just want to let anyone at the Main Stage at Download on Sunday know that I'm more jealous than you can possibly imagine :(

Yes, they may well be opening, but it's Nightwish :(

Oh yeah, and that System of a whatever too :P

Still, someone who's there will have phone that can record video, right? RIGHT?

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So from 4pm till 5pm this Sunday, Derbyshire becomes cool. :P

Wow, I just realised, the Snickers Stage is actually pretty good. Friday is VERY hit and miss, but there are only a few bands on the other days I'd actually leave to go somewhere else for.

However, some of the "booking" decisions seem a bit stupid. Killswitch Engage look really out of place for instance ; at least swap them with Nightwish. I especially love the way we go from a Hardcore Metal band to another Hardcore metal band, with Apocalyptica in the middle :P

Looks good overall though.

Edited by TheReilDeal
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any guesses as to who? or have you had enough of all that talk going on on the download forums?

I have my ideas on who it may be. But I felt like nuking the Download forums, it's so annoying over there. Makes me realize why EWB is so great.

And Reily, Derby will be cool from Thursday to Monday - I'll be there. (H)

If I can, want me to get to the front (or closeish) for Nightwish, and get some pictures for ya?

Edited by Summers
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If I can, want me to get to the front (or closeish) for Nightwish, and get some pictures for ya?


Tarja :wub: _ :wub:

I hope they don't just play songs from Once though. It's by far their worst album. Still good, but not great like the others.

All thier albums sound the same >_>

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  • 2 months later...

The good the bad and the ugly from Reading...

For starters... the bands I saw...

Graham Coxon, Elbow, The Coral, Queens of the Stone Age, The Killers, Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon, Razorlight, Biffy Clyro, From Autumn to Ashes, Iron Maiden, Marilyn Manson, Incubus, Funeral for a Friend, Alkaline Trio, Kasabian, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Subways, Death from Above 1979, The Dead 60s, Blood Brothers, Black Velvets, yourcodenameis:milo, Babyshambles, Hot Hot Heat, Sons and Daughters, Boy Kill Boy, The Infadels, T Raumschmiere, Million Dead, Clor, Komakino, Gratitude.

Right... we'll start off with the ugly.

- Possibly the most horrific thing I've seen in my life happened on the Thursday. We were walking to the shuttle boat to go to Tesco's, and I was looking to my right at a security guard, and he was walking down a pathway, when all of a sudden he just fell straight to the floor, face first. He then started having a fit, and a crowd gathered round and nobody really knew what to do. Soon enough he started coughing up blood and puking... it doesn't sound that bad, but really, I thought he was dying, and it's actually traumatised me. Maybe I'm just a baby, I don't care. Anyway, we soon left, as well, it's rude to stare, but we asked for him later that day and apparently he was fine. I don't know whether it was drugs or epilepsy or what that caused it.

- My tent getting slashed WHILE I WAS f**kING IN IT! My friends tents got slashed too. They didn't knick anything, but my friend found a guy 'sleeping' in his slashed tent, but we reckon he was just in there knicking stuff when we caught him. Seriously, if you want to knick something, why not just f**king use the bastard zip?

The bad:

- Some c**t in the main stage crowd, I think during the Coral, who was just terrorizing people around him, including me, just generally being a c**t. Slapping people, putting his finger in peoples ears as they walked past, calling them names etc... just a playground bully really.

- Carrying all my luggage to Brown campsite on the Wednesday, and back on the Sunday. Yuck.

- The portaloos, obviously.

- McDonalds not doing Big Breakfasts. c**ts.

- The walk back from Tesco and the town. It pisses me off.

- The fact that I have four blisters on my feet, four bruises, two cuts, a sore neck, two pulled leg muscles and an insect bite.

- The freezing cold when trying to sleep.

- Running out of beer.

- Being called a 'fat c**t' on several occasions. Reading is supposed to be about love, not hate!

- A member of security slashing my friends tent! (what the f**k?)

- Having the shits on the Sunday and having to use the portaloos THREE f**kING TIMES.

The good:

- Kasabian. Wow. f**king blinding set, then around 8 people were doing the LSF chant over an over, me and a few others joined in, and soon enough there were hundreds of us doing it, prompting the band to come back out on stage to applaud us, which was nice. Serge mentions in on nme.com too biggrin.gif Security then had to push us out of the tent, so we walked around the main arena chanting it for ages. So good.

- Sing-a-longs at our camp. I completely lost my voice.

- The last night. We were burning some of our tents (including mine.. the ones that got slashed) and, I'm not exaggerating, around 400 people were crowded round. A chant of 'GAZEBO GAZEBO GAZEBO' then started, and the crowd promptly picked up our two gazebos and just threw them into the fire. The crowd then started chanting 'TENTS TENTS TENTS' but luckily security intervened and moved everyone along. It was mayhem for a good while though, so much fun.

- The party tree that was in B11, right next to our tents. So much fun. Some guy was charging people 50p to do back flips on it, he made like a tenner. We tried to set it on fire but it didn't work.

- Me and three of my friends sitting on the B11 road watching the mayhem, as we were the only four left awake from our campsite. On of us fell asleep, and we left him on the road in his chair. After about 30 minutes, we went back, to find a huge crowd round him slapping him and pushing him trying to wake him up (he was so wrecked, he just couldn't wake up if you tried) and some were even TAKING PHOTO'S OF HIM, dubbing him the 'unwakeable man'

- Human buckeroo! How much fun is that game? At one point, the same guy from above was asleep, and we managed to put a whole tent, three chairs, one stool, one huge gas canister and loads more on top of him before he woke up.

- My friend asking to a 'Eagen and Beg sandwich' at the refreshments bar. In our drunken state it was the funniest thing ever.

- Our crazy chant. 'THE MIST, THE MIST, THE MIST OF BEEEEEEER' that we'd chant whenever beer frothed up or someone exploded a can. I still don't get how it's mist, but it made sense at the time.

- The Shaken Udder milkshakes. Milky Bar ruled. And Jaffa Cake flavour.

- Getting 7 Jaffa Cakes in a mini-Jaffa Cake box RIGHT AFTER I was bragging about how I always got 7 instead of 6. tongue.gif

- Cosmic Jeff and Sparkly Dave. I can't explain them to you, but they rocked.

- The lead singer from T Raumchmiere falling off the stage was the funniest thing I've ever seen

- Going off with about 12 guys singing christmas carols. I suggested 'We Three Kings' and it went down a storm. I then joined a crowd with a trolley, chanting 'TROLLEY, TROLLEY, TROLLEY' and watched some trolley fights.

- Sleeping for 21 hours when I got home.

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Slahshed tent? Next time, DONT camp in Brown. Seriously that place is the worst.

Yep the McDonalds breakfast sucked. We went to the Maccy'ds by the Riverside to the Oracle, and there was a big que for the bogs since there was only one toilet.

Weatherspoons did a good fry-up for 2.79, went there every morning part from Friday.

Foo Fighters were absolutly brilliant. My Chemical Romance had one brilliant mosh! Fightstar getting bottled was jokes, even though they were actually a pretty good band... Hot Hot Heat were good, NOFX were jokes, along with Goldie Lookin Chain. Im a big fan of Funeral For a Friend but they couldn't work the crowd, and just didn't sound very good live, so i ended up crowd surfing out of there during Escape Artists Never Die.

I don't have many bad or ugly moments. Only bad things thaty ahppend was a leary drunk bald guy pushing his mate onto couple of mates tents, the lack of sleep i got causing headaches and not being able to fully enjoy Incubus, and some stupid twat dropping my lighter in his mates cappochino.

I got lots of people to sign my plain white T-Shirt on the last night. Mainly women who i got to sign it though since most guys would just start drawing cocks, like one did, but it's funny though.

Oh and another Bad thing... my battery on my phone ran out by Saturday afternoon.

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Guest PlagueUK

Leeds was Awesome too.

Camped in the yellow camp however and quickly found it where all the wankers and all night parties were held.

The mexican cheers were awesome even at 4.30 in the morning when i went for a piss.

Another cool thing was the whole campsite played the Bogey game all day everyday, but replaced bogey with bollocks.

I think just about all the bands I saw were absoloutly awesome. Was gonna go see Artic Monkeys on sunday but ended up not much to my disappointment but saw Capdown instead who were on the same time and they were awesome, they even got stopped by security at one point cause some idiot had climbed up the middle pillar to take pictures, so of course the crowd chanted for him to jump as some other idiot had already done but only form half ay up.

Worst part was of course staying in Yellow camp. ONce the Foo's had finished on Sunday we made our way back and the bonfires had started which is fair enough. But of course the deodrants and small camping stoves started getting thrown on to make explosions. So security came out with the site fire engine, people started throwing stuff and fighting with them etc.

So they left and the fires started getting bigger and they started ripping tents up to make room not even caring whos they were.

Eventually the Site riot squad came out to escort the fire engine around and they just kept getting bottled and that.

They then started ripping the lightin poles out the ground and droppnig these 15ft odd wooden poles on tents and shit. ONe nearly hit ours so we quickly packed up and started making our way for the exit at 2.30am.

We got to the canrie rides and there was a huge fire had to squeze past the crowd, as we weer doing that they started smashing the windows and breaking into the Carling portacabin. Get like 200yrds away and I look back theres a huge explosion, what looks like a massive gas tnk from a burger van or something plies in the air lands in the crowd as the bonfire just explodes out into the crowd and people leg it. We soon got out of there and i drove home and nearly killed myself several times by nearly falling asleep at the wheel lol.

When we woke up one of our mates who'd stayed the night, said the police turned up around 6am and just took everyone down who was in their way and started arresting people.

It's on the BBC site but they make it out to be a minor thing, but to be honest it was pretty much a mass riot at one point and it was extremely dangerous.

Other than that it was cool as fuck lol

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Guest Booker T & The MG's

There are multiple threads over here at the efestivals forums about the riots at Leeds. This 50 page thread here especially is an example.

They seriously need to sort the security firms out for the festivals like Reading/Leeds, private firms clearly don't work, there's stories over there about people getting beaten up by the security for no reason.

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