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Preview the FULL NIN With Teeth Album


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I already pre-ordered the album, so I'll wait until I get it before I hear the rest of it. I've heard The Hand That Feeds from TV, and I'm impressed with the single, so I'm looking forward to picking it up on Tuesday.

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Guest Booker T & The MG's

It's one band that somehow skipped me by, but having heard the new single I will be picking up the new album tomorrow.

Edited by Booker T & The MG's
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I didn't figure Reily would like it because the lyrics aren't cornball/have nothing to do with dragons, slaying dragons, knights, saving princesses, knights slaying dragons, etcetera.

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I like some NIN, but alot of there songs other than singles are boring, that's the entire reason people download things off the internet, bands like NIN making money off of albums for a couple good singles, and the rest of the album being total shit.

I like Closer by NIN, but too many people rave about them, and it's a bit annoying. I'll take classical music over incessant rambling anyday. ^_^

Though of course, i probably will buy the album, who knows it may grow on me.

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Sorry you don't like the album, Reily. Alot of older NIN fans don't like it either, but I guess that's the risk you take when you try something different. Reznor's done something different everytime he's done an album, you have to admit that. From "The Downward Spiral" to "The Fragile", that's a huge change in directions, and alot of fans didn't like that. Alot of fans don't like this album either. Why? Alot of different reasons.

I, personally, love the songs that I've heard. I'm so hyped about this album it's crazy. I'm holding on to the fleeting hope that my vinyl of the album will arrive today, but I don't think it's going to. :(

Oh, and props to you Reily if you actually listened to it, instead of making assumptions.

EDIT: I got my vinyl today afterall. Fucking great album. The only real song I hate is Beside You In Time, but I realize it's only real purpose is to be an intro for Right Where It Belongs. Oh, and jesus christ... Only is fucking groovy. If I knew how to dance, I'd start dancing to it. Spoken word + awesome disco type beat = Awesome. Yes, I sound like a fanboy, because I am one, and I don't give a shit. :D

Edited by Tristy
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I like some NIN, but alot of there songs other than singles are boring, that's the entire reason people download things off the internet, bands like NIN making money off of albums for a couple good singles, and the rest of the album being total shit.

As for the idea of duping someone into buying his albums with a good single - how many other bands put their whole album up for their fans to listen to, to try before they buy? Not a lot.

This is actually not so uncommon these days. With MySpace and other such websites becoming hugely popular, it is becoming common . I also know that MuchMusic.com, website of Canadian music television station, has hosted different albums like NIN, Hot Hot Heat and other albums.

Edited by PunkRockPete
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I bought my regular copy just a few minutes ago, and Firefox won't allow me to download the extra content on nin.com/with_teeth :angry:

I listened to my vinyl last night, and I'm in love with Only, Everyday Is Exactly The Same, Sunspots, You Know What You Are, With Teeth & Love Is Not Enough.

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I guess I'm the lone pusher for "All The Love In the World". Kick ass album, probably my favorite of the year so far. Actually when you think of it, we've had a couple of really kick ass rock albums thus far with The Mars Volta and NIN.

Edited by Jar Jar Beatnik
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I was listening to Only in my car, and the build-up to the chorus is awesome, but then when the chorus kicks in... man, I had a huge smile.

I fucking love this CD.

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I really like how Trent takes us back through the past NIN eras in All The Love In The World. What I don't like is when he says, "I've become a million miles aw--why do you get all the love in the world?" You know? I hate when he cuts his own words. Heh.

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I picked my copy up this morning and I must say... holy shit.

The wait has been a long one, and it feels like I've been holding my load in since the new album was originally titled "Bleedthrough", because today, when I put it in...I probably could have creamed my pants if I was by myself.

I've only listened to it once through so far, and I love it. I'll give it a rating after I've gone through the disc a couple of times and let you know what I thought of it then.

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What can I say? As I'm not a major NIN fanboy, I didn't know what to think really, and it blew me away. Excellent album, and well worth my money.

I got into a small argument at Uni with some girl who said she didn't like it as it sounded too "commercial". Firstly, I don't think it does at all really, and secondly, even if it is a little pleasing on the ear, rather than the bleakness of most of the other stuff that he does, doesn't take away from the quality of the songs.

With SOAD, Nile, Meshuggah and Audioslave also with stuff out this month, its shaping up pretty nicely.

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