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The Hulk tanked because people went in expecting an action movie and got two and a half hours of absolute shit. The director of the movie might as well have just taken a dump on the screen for that period of time...it would have been better to watch.


Hulk bombed? I thought it was pretty good.

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I predict that FF bombs big.  It does NOT have the instant recognition that Spider-Man, X-Men, Batman, or Superman have, and look how less than stellar Daredevil and Punisher ultimately did compared to the more famous movies.  Look at how poorly Elektra did?  Hulk did great, THEN tanked after opening weekend due to HORRID word of mouth. 

And yes, this version is more based on Ultimate FF than the real classic FF, which is not necessarily a good thing, let me tell you.


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Hulk wound up making a good amount of money worldwide, and was critically adored, but yes, commercially it did not do what was expected, it got TERRIBLE word of mouth reviews, and after a near 90 Million dolllar opening weekend, the second week it dropped OVER 50%, which is simply horrible for any movie, but especially a big summer blockbuster thing.

And yes, the decision to play the trailer with Star Wars was smart, but even the company releasing the film showed little faith in the movie, bumping the release date back a week to get away from War Of The Worlds. The original release date for FF: July 4th, 2005.

It makes UNDER 35 million opening week, that is my prediction.


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Hulk wound up making a good amount of money worldwide, and was critically adored, but yes, commercially it did not do what was expected, it got TERRIBLE word of mouth reviews, and after a near 90 Million dolllar opening weekend, the second week it dropped OVER 50%, which is simply horrible for any movie, but especially a big summer blockbuster thing.

And yes, the decision to play the trailer with Star Wars was smart, but even the company releasing the film showed little faith in the movie, bumping the release date back a week to get away from War Of The Worlds.  The original release date for FF: July 4th, 2005.

It makes UNDER 35 million opening week, that is my prediction.


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Hulk wound up making a good amount of money worldwide, and was critically adored, but yes, commercially it did not do what was expected, it got TERRIBLE word of mouth reviews, and after a near 90 Million dolllar opening weekend, the second week it dropped OVER 50%, which is simply horrible for any movie, but especially a big summer blockbuster thing.

And yes, the decision to play the trailer with Star Wars was smart, but even the company releasing the film showed little faith in the movie, bumping the release date back a week to get away from War Of The Worlds.  The original release date for FF: July 4th, 2005.

It makes UNDER 35 million opening week, that is my prediction.


I don't think that moving it was a show of lack of faith. It was more of them being smart. I mean, there are some movies you compete against and some movies you don't. For example, Star Wars is not a movie you compete against, and this was proven by no big movies coming out the same week as Star Wars. Another movie you try to not compete against is a Steven Spielberg/Tom Cruise movie. One of the greatest known directors of all time and one of the greatest known actors of our time teaming up. You just stay away from that. So basically what the FF was doing was making sure that they were the biggest fish in their sea on opening weekend.

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Problem with the movie is its a "Might Want To See" and not a "Have To See" Same problem Hulk had, where some people will wait and hear what others have to say about it.

Plus its not going to be better than Batman Begins

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The Hulk tanked because people went in expecting an action movie and got two and a half hours of absolute shit. The director of the movie might as well have just taken a dump on the screen for that period of time...it would have been better to watch.


Hulk bombed? I thought it was pretty good.

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Guest *Doink*

I thought the trailer looked shit.

I was intrigued by the Batman trailer though. After the abominations of Kilmer and Clooney I lost all faith in the batman movie franchise, but then my boy Christian Bale comes and saves it. I think he'll do well in the role.

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