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Good Gamecube games


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Yeah so I'm looking to pick up a couple of multiplayer gamecube games. Only problem is I have no idea which ones are the best. I've read reviews but I don't know if I always trust them (Mario Kart on N64 sucked and got high scores).

So what in your opinion are the don't miss multiplayer games available on the Cube. I'm currently looking at Mario Party 5, Mario Power Tennis, and Mario Kart (Hope it's more like the SNES version than the 64 version.) Are there any I'm missing? Or do any of my choices suck?

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The Mario Party games are boring as hell IMO.

I suggest a good sports game, but if you are looking at Double Dash, that is way fun too.

A game I like is 007: Nightfire multiplayer, but it old so I don't know if you already have it.

EDIT: Just thought, if you want a racer, NASCAR: Chase for the Cup 2005 is fun played on full mode, so 250 laps on Daytona, but that is me.

Edited by Jester of Death
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My fiancee hates standard racing games. I was only considering DD because of the weapons and shit which separates it from a normal racing game.

Nightfire is a definite option, I'll look into it.

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X-Men Legends is fun, if you like that type of game, not GC exclusive, but definitely fun. Lets see... Metroid Prime 2 has Multiplayer, but I wouldn't buy the game just for that, though I do advise you to buy it. Wow, I'm blanking here, Timesplitters 3 is replayable as all hell.

Can't think of more ATM...

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Did you try Timesplitters: Future Perfect? Thats an amazing multiplayer FPS.

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Smash Bros. isn't your typical fighting game, so I'd definitely consider picking that one up, especially since you can get it cheap.

Def Jam Fight For New York is fucking awesome as well, not a Cube exclusive, but a great multiplayer game.

Does she dig sports games? Pick up NBA Street Vol. 3, good times even if you're not a big sports fan. Same goes for Mario Golf and Mario Tennis... awesome games.

Also have to echo X-Men Legends... fucking awesome games, one of the best games I've ever played.

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Guest Grapehead

only problem with four swords is you need two GBA's to play(well a GBA for each person) so it's not always an option.

Pick up a Mario Party game, they can be entertaining, same with Smash Bros. and Timesplitters.

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If you're gonna get a Bond game, get Everything or Nothing.

Mario Kart DD is awesome, even on one player mode. Mario Party 5 or 6 is always good for a multiplayer laugh, especially with four people.

SSBM's ok multiplayer wise but can get a bit too hectic sometimes.

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Wait a minute, you call X-Men Legends "too repetitive," then point to Spider-Man 2 as a good example of a superhero game? You've got to be kidding me! While X-Men Legends is pretty much a kill everything that moves kind of game, there's tons of variety and customization. You can make different teams, build up there stats however you'd like, etc etc. Spider-Man 2, you can follow the linear, very short, storyline, or go save a construction worker from falling off a building for the 800th time. Spider-Man 2 certainly captures the essence of Spider-Man, webslinging and all that, but I fail to see how X-Men Legends doesn't capture the X-Men. The Danger Room is there, all the characters are acted accurately, and there's a shitload of fighting, sounds like the X-Men to me.

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Wait a minute, you call X-Men Legends "too repetitive," then point to Spider-Man 2 as a good example of a superhero game?  You've got to be kidding me!  While X-Men Legends is pretty much a kill everything that moves kind of game, there's tons of variety and customization.  You can make different teams, build up there stats however you'd like, etc etc.  Spider-Man 2, you can follow the linear, very short, storyline, or go save a construction worker from falling off a building for the 800th time.  Spider-Man 2 certainly captures the essence of Spider-Man, webslinging and all that, but I fail to see how X-Men Legends doesn't capture the X-Men.  The Danger Room is there, all the characters are acted accurately, and there's a shitload of fighting, sounds like the X-Men to me.

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Dude, X-Men Legends is the best Multiplayer game of its type in YEARS.

Someone asked if Day of Reckoning was any good? It is certainly the best of the 3 new games; SDvR, WM21, and DOR. It has THE BEST CAW mode ever in any video game, no kidding. Don't believe me? Check this out: http://tunski.com/cawabunga.html

Frigging amazing. The gameplay is like No Mercy, but not quite as smooth, but it has some excellent features, namely the momentum shift. If you don't like using CAWs in your career type modes, well, you won't like this, cause you gotta. Believe me though, this is the best wrestling experience available to the next-gen consoles without importing. If you can import, well KOCII for PS2 gets my vote for greatest wrestling ever to this point at least...

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Dude, X-Men Legends is the best Multiplayer game of its type in YEARS.

Someone asked if Day of Reckoning was any good? It is certainly the best of the 3 new games; SDvR, WM21, and DOR.  It has THE BEST CAW mode ever in any video game, no kidding.  Don't believe me? Check this out: http://tunski.com/cawabunga.html

Frigging amazing.  The gameplay is like No Mercy, but not quite as smooth, but it has some excellent features, namely the momentum shift.  If you don't like using CAWs in your career type modes, well, you won't like this, cause you gotta.  Believe me though, this is the best wrestling experience available to the next-gen consoles without importing.  If you can import, well KOCII for PS2 gets my vote for greatest wrestling ever to this point at least...

Edited by triplexpac
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