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Big moans about United today.

What on earth is up with O'Shea. He is a left back play him there not centre midfield or striker whatever he was today couldn't tell.

Keane, move him back to midfield as soon as Brown is fit again.

Djemba Djemba get him out the squad let alone first team.

Actually run at players and lift the tempo of the game. Today was terribly boring and was so predictable. They kept bloody walking up to the box.

I feel we wont win the premiership because we will have a poor start once our full strength team is back we will look a lot better and will be better than Chelsea and finish higher than them.

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Djemba Djemba get him out the squad let alone first team.

Haha... were you watching the same game? Djemba was by far and away the best out of our midfielders today. Miller was poor, giggs was awful and the less said about O'Shea the better. I think Djemba had a decent game today and on Wednesday as well as being one of the better players in pre-season. We didn't deserve to lose today but that's the way it goes, i'm sure in a few weeks we'll win when we don't deserve to. The performance today has left me feeling pretty confident anyway.

Shame we've gotta wait till next week for the Norwich match because of another joke of an England game.

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Djemba was crap he always passed to a player surrounded by blue shirts and tended to lose the ball way to many times. Phil Neville should be played ahead of him seeing as he was the reason that Butt was shipped out and now Fergies not playing him.

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Utd deserved to win that by far today. One time didn't we have 80% of the possession or something. Djemba-Djemba was ok but I've noticed that he tries to go it alone and runs himself into trouble. Miller was god awful and gave the ball away loads but the worse by far was Fortune. The amount of crosses he put it and they were all crap.

We need to buy another striker. Smith can't do it by himself. Smith's more of a playmaker forward. We need a cheap hitman like Alan Shearer only a bit younger. Someone like Anelka or Beattie or even Rooney.

Chelsea were ok but not great and got lucky with the goal because of Fortune. How the fuck did Smertin get into the team and Joe Cole or Duff didn't?!?

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Joe Cole is...fucking...injured, okay? In Sven's own words, that's the only reason he's not in the England squad for the Ukraine match. And how can you say he hasn't improved, when he's hardly had oppertunity to play - for club or country - so that you could judge him?

Smertin is a very good player, and he did indeed do a lot of running around and put in a lot of effort. He was like that at the friendly against Real Zaragoza too, I was really impressed with him.

God knows where Duff is. :shifty: He could be secretly injured somewhere. I know Robben is...

I can't see how you say Man Utd should have won. At most they should have drawn, but that ignores the effort Chelsea put into relentless defending. Also, as for the possession, it was exactly 50/50 in the first half. I know a graphic shot up at about the 70 minute mark saying the "In the last 10 minutes the possession has been 79/21 to Man Utd", but SkySports.com rates the total figure as approx. 41/59.

Forlan did about as well as Drogba did in my opinion...except for each time Forlan slipped or failed to pass, Drogba got himself caught offside or fouled Roy Keane. :P

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United fans seem to suck so badly :ohwell:

All you ever do is moan about how shit Forlan is. Have you never seen how good he can actually perform? Sure he is shit at times, I've never said he wasn't, but you people act like he has always been shit and always will be. When he wants to have a good day of football then he damn well does. He's scored some stunning goals and if you ask me he's a little like Baros, he performs kinda crappy for his club but great for his country(Even though that's changing for Baros this season as he is like a god now :P ). Maybe he's just a little nervous at times? God the amount of times he has saved United(Specialy the day at Liverpool not long ago, whether Dudek fucked up or not). Maybe he just doesn't play well at United?

I can see it now. Nistelrooy has five bad games and wham your all calling him awful :rolleyes:

Edited by JohnnyPerfect
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Exactly so Ferguson should have got rid of him while the premiership was on a break. Forlan is never going to get played once Nistelrooy is fit and Saha is basically back. They don't honestly need him and well he doesn't need United either, so they need to let him go before his career is ruined.

On a side note, United need Nistelrooy back badly, and Ferdinand. I feel sorry for Smith because he's kind of up there alone and needs Nistelrooy with him badly.

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United need Ronaldo more than they need Rio or Ruud. They just had nothing on the right wing and everything was going down the left where fortune was crossing. Why I have no clue seeing as Giggs was supposed to be the left midfielder.

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United need Ronaldo more than they need Rio or Ruud. They just had nothing on the right wing and everything was going down the left where fortune was crossing. Why I have no clue seeing as Giggs was supposed to be the left midfielder.

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You must be a leeds supporter if your saying Smith plays shit alone. Sorry but the two games I've seen him in where he's basically been up front alone he has done brilliant. It's never easy when your alone, and you can tell the guy is putting in his best efforts and that's good enough to impress me. He hasn't done ANYTHING at all wrong, and he even grabbed a goal in the game against Arsenal. So is what I'm saying is that he is far from shit on his own.

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Smith has always excelled playing alongside a target man. He did it with Jimmy and he did it with Viduka. Just look at the Champions League season where he performed brilliantly especially away in Aderlecht. Ah, the memorys. :(

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