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*SPOILERS* Batman Begins

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Guest Bluesman

Well Batman year one is the standard, artwork isn't spectacular but the writing is. Batman's origin is pretty well understood so its not touched upon much.

Frank Miller is writing All Star Batman and Robin though which will retell the events surrounding Dick Grayson becoming Robin.

See what you can find in Legends of The Dark Knight, my dad used to collected it and while mulling through the box of them I find alot of the stories in the earlier issues are set in the early stages of batman's career.

Batman Year Two and Batman Year Three are also possibilities.

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I bought both the Ra's Al Ghul and Scarecrow Year One books, and they are both a good read. Considering everything I know about both of them is directly from Begins, it's cool to get a bit of a backstory on both of them. I also haven't read a Batman comic in abvout 7 years either. I recommend both for people to read.

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Well, since we're talking about the comics now - I'm recently reading The Dark Knight Returns TPB, I'm like halfway through, and it's a real good read, although not exactly what I was expecting.

Also, I just bought "The Long Halloween" from eBay. I heard that was a good read, anybody here read it yet?

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But wouldn't it act faster considering that the people already drank the water?  What I didn't get was why was the boy not scared of Rachel?  Something that I found amazing though is the only two people that you are sure died in the movie is the parents and Chill.  Everyone else might be alive.

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This is something I came across while checking out IMDB:

The stolen Microwave Emitter's primary function is to vaporize all water supplies in its emission radius. Were this to be possible, any human being near the device or in its path would have been flash-boiled as well, considering that approximately 78% of the human body consists of water. No one in Gotham, as well as on the boat where the device was first used and stolen, is affected by the device.

Hmm...yah, I see the problem there.

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wtf ? dropping Holmes just because her engagement with Cruise is bullshit imo , she may not be a great actress but damn

The point/problem of the engagement is that a lot of people think it's a bit of a publicity stunt. The fact they're going everywhere and saying stuff like, "I love him/her so much" or "We're going to be together forever" is getting people wondering why they're doing it.

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I hope that they don't just forget about her. I hope they at least mention that she is killed by Joker or another criminal and is replaced by another good friend of Bruce's, Harvey Dent.

It would be nice if she was in the film. Or if they re-cast her. Then as you say, they could kill her. It would be a cop-out to say "oh, she died last month" and then move on just like that.

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This is something I came across while checking out IMDB:

The stolen Microwave Emitter's primary function is to vaporize all water supplies in its emission radius. Were this to be possible, any human being near the device or in its path would have been flash-boiled as well, considering that approximately 78% of the human body consists of water. No one in Gotham, as well as on the boat where the device was first used and stolen, is affected by the device.

Hmm...yah, I see the problem there.

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I enjoyed the film, but I thought Ra's Al Ghul's plan was ridiculous. It was just far too contrived.

I also thought it turned too blockbustery in the second half, with all the little one-liners about the Batmobile ("I gotta get me one of those!!!" *groan*). They used the annoying "one character says a line at the beginning of the film, other character says it back to him in the end" thing about five times. It's not clever.

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From IMDB:

Bettany Added to Joker Shortlist

British actor Paul Bettany has joined the race to play Batman's nemesis The Joker in a planned sequel to Batman Begins. Director Christopher Nolan left no doubt The Joker would feature heavily in the next Batman installment when the villain, formerly played by Jack Nicholson, left a calling card in the final scene of the box office smash hit. And now Batman fansites are desperately trying to make sure producers pick the right man for the job. Crispin Glover was an early favorite, along with Star Wars' Mark Hamill, who provides the voice of The Joker in the Batman animated series and Aussie actor Lachy Hulme, and now Bettany has got the fans' vote. An insider tells website Batman-on-film.Com that the A Beautiful Mind star is officially in the running to play the evil character.

Edited by TheROC-Revolt
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I enjoyed the film, but I thought Ra's Al Ghul's plan was ridiculous. It was just far too contrived.

I also thought it turned too blockbustery in the second half, with all the little one-liners about the Batmobile ("I gotta get me one of those!!!" *groan*). They used the annoying "one character says a line at the beginning of the film, other character says it back to him in the end" thing about five times. It's not clever.

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Fantastic movie, seeing the Joker card at the end sent chills up my spine. Personally though, I really want Mark Hamill to play the Joker; he's got the voice and the look isn't that far off either.

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If they can afford him, Johnny Depp would be a mice choice. He's got the whole weirdo thing going for him in most of his movies. I always envisioned Joker as someone like that.

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