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Question about WWF No Mercy

Guest LdE1986

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I used to have the version with a glitch in it but had to take it back. Went to a shop asked about it and they said that one of the companys had to call back all of the WWF No Mercy because of the glitch and when they re-released it it had no blood :(

Still an ace game though, probably me favourite wrestling game of all time. Nothing beats giving Stephanie McMahon a stunner on a snooker table.

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There are some bad rumors in this topic :P

The glitched version of No Mercy, does indeed have blood, but it doesn't cause the glitch if you make someone bleed. Also, the glitched copy is considered superior to the fixed copy in every way, because the hundreds of Gameshark hacks for moves, matches, etc only work on this copy.

Things that seem to cause the glitch, though unconfirmed:

Doing CAPPVs, just does.

Doing Championship with CAWs

Doing Survival with CAWs

So yeah, don't spread such nasty rumors... :D

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There are some bad rumors in this topic  :P

The glitched version of No Mercy, does indeed have blood, but it doesn't cause the glitch if you make someone bleed.  Also, the glitched copy is considered superior to the fixed copy in every way, because the hundreds of Gameshark hacks for moves, matches, etc only work on this copy.

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Off topic, but it has to do with No Mercy:

How do you do the running plancha moves? I've been trying to figure this out forever. I don't know if I'm having bad timing or if I'm just plain doing it wrong. So yeah, how do you do the running planchas?

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I got my No Mercy brand new, and it has the glitch. However when I went to take it back (2/3 months later) they wouldn't take it back, because they said i'd waited too long. Fucking wankers. Haven't looked into the move hacks and such. I guess i'll have to find them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ordered myself a copy for £11 from eBay. It says it doesn't have the data wipe, I am in luck.

How many CAW's can you put in again? It is loads isn't it? And also, do you have CAW costumes to unlock? I can't remember.

Going to spend me a lot of time editing I think.

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IIRC, there 16 CAW spots... I think. I believe there are 2 sections of 8 CAW spots each.

EDIT: Come to think of it, it might 18 spots with 9 in each section... Either way, IIRC there are no more than two sections dedicated to CAWs.

And yes, there are quite a few bits of attire to buy from the Smackdown Mall, some full custumes, most just single partof attire like shirts, boots, mask, etc. There area also taunts, moves, unlockable characters (which are grossly over priced), weapons, and arenas available to buy at the in game mall.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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IIRC, there 16 CAW spots... I think. I believe there are 2 sections of 8 CAW spots each.

EDIT: Come to think of it, it might 18 spots with 9 in each section... Either way, IIRC there are no more than two sections dedicated to CAWs.

And yes, there are quite a few bits of attire to buy from the Smackdown Mall, some full custumes, most just single partof attire like shirts, boots, mask, etc. There area also taunts, moves, unlockable characters (which are grossly over priced), weapons, and arenas available to buy at the in game mall.

But if you have a controller memory pak, you can save an additional 18 on each of those. it's a bit of a pain in the ass because you have to swap them out from your memory pak onto the cartridge to put them into use, but it works.

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At the moment, I'm going through changing most of the 2nd 3rd and 4th outfits of the main wrestlers, into different people. You have to be careful and choose wrestlers with similar movesets, but its not too difficult.

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