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yeah CBS is cutting out a lot...

it's funny though, everyone seems to want to stir shit up, but don't they see this game this season is designed for the floaters?  If you do anything somewhat on the radar you're out the house 2 weeks tops..

Except if you're James.. Ivette should get a MVP award for saving his ass and pretty much solidifying the final 4.  Ivette and Beau are strong enough to stay together as a pair, including the fact that Beau is -200 on the radar.  James gives Ivette a lifeline outside of the friendship, especially when that group implodes on itself eventually, and Maggie is smart enough to go where the power is as she has played a somewhat neutral game. 

James, Ivette, Beau, Maggie in the final 4 with James winning it.. the mistake of letting him stay in far too long is going to come back on everyone eventually.  Especially when he gets to actually compete in competitions..

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Look at this:

Eviction twist on ‘Big Brother’

By JOHN POWELL -- JAM! Showbiz

'Big Brother 6' contestant Kaysar Ridha (right) could be taking a dive on tonight's live eviction episode. (Photo courtesy of CBS)

Double the trouble is coming to the ‘Big Brother’.

CBS has announced that two HouseGuests will be evicted this week from the ‘Big Brother’ house, in the latest twist in the game.

One HouseGuest, most likely Kaysar Ridha, the 24-year-old graphics designer who was voted back into the game last week by the viewers, will be sent home on the live show tonight. Following the live eviction and Head of Household Competition, the new HOH will immediately go to the Diary Room and nominate two people for eviction and repeat the process live in front of the remaining HouseGuests.

The second eviction will be broadcast on this Saturday night’s edition. That person will be the first member of the ‘Big Brother 6’ jury.

Credit: http://www.canoe.ca

So it looks like this week is make-or-break for what's left of Kaysar's group!

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All I can say is FUCK YEAH!

And lucky Janelle too, because she had the wrong answer at first, and quickly changed it. Whew! Don't know if agree with her decision..but then again, take out any of the 'Nerd Herd' as Howie put it and I'm happy. To bad Howie didn't win it though :(, so I could see him go all out on April, if he did.

But lmao @ Janie's "Bye Bye Bitches" only to be reminded that they were on live. Hell, they cussed a few times.

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My Beau was so close to winning.

Interesting people put up. I doubt the power of Veto will be used, to be honest. I see one of them going home.

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I love this show!

Janelle for Queen of the World!

Kaysar's gone. That's bad.

April's crying. That's good.

Howie and Janelle kill everybodies feelings. That's good.

Janelle's HoH. That's really good.

Maggie or Jennifer is going home this week. That's good.

Beau takes A "Hissy fit" and fights with Janelle. Now that's awesome.

Overall. I love this show. Plain and simple.

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So great that Janey won HoH, just a shame she only gets to be HoH for two days, would've been fun to see her play it out for a full week...hopefully Howie or Rachel can pick up the next one.

Was a bit nervous at the end there though, especially with April as one of the final three, that one shot of Howie on the side was just like "Oh crap, is all this shit I threw at April about to come back at me."

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Janelle, you hot tamali. I was scared for a moment after I saw Rachel blew it but I'm glad the OC have the power. It's time people. It's time for the evil-do'ers to get their asses branded. This week whether Janelle or Maggie goes preferably both... It'll be perfect for taking out Kaysar. Kaysar, DAMN! I miss him already...again.

Bye Bye, Bitches Indeed.

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I picked James from the start and now he is in perfect position to win.

Once Kaysar's group is ultimately dead, which is looking good although I don't want it to happen.

In the end it will either be a friendship member along with James or a Kaysar along with James, the group in the jury won't want the other to win, meaning James will be the champion...

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Wow, just wow. Great episode...absolutely fucking great. I laughed at the uncensored video and then I was amazed that they showed some of it on TV.

Great show, Howie missing a finger and a half fucking shocked me...never noticed it before.

I gotta say...April crying was one of the funniest moments this year. It was even better that she said to Howie that this isn't working if he wants her to run upstairs and cry after she already did once, then she did it again.

The fat hubby comment when I watched the uncensored video was great 'cause I noticed that too :P

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Janelle just made my whole day. I have the entire video of what went on in the house when they were all drunk, thank God for showing some of it atleast.

Janelle flipping off Jennifer after she threw the hoh key on live tv was awesome. And "Bye bitches" at the end lmao. She's hilarious.

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Damnit, Kaysars gone. I miss him already :(

But Janelle as HOH? Thats great. I loved how Howie and Jenelle just dish it out. I didn't even know Howie was missing a finger and a half until it was shown. :o


Edited by TheMystikFool
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I hate credit cards :( I was gonna buy the live feed today for a month which would give me a little more then past the end but oh well and then my stupid credit card doesn't have any money on it.


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CBS has blocked the live fees until the show tomorrow to preserve secrecy.

However, they came back on for a glimpse ealier on tonight and this is what was seen:

Everybody was dressed up at the entrance to the house and April was balling her eyes out. Everybody was accounted for EXCEPT for Jennifer, leading everyone to believe that she was voted out of the house.

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Spoilers for tonights episode:

Janelle won The Power of Veto, surprisingly used it to save Maggie and replaced her with Ivette. This move evicted Jennifer with the votes being 5-1. Then the Head of Househould compitition happened were Beau beat James in a tie breaker. I have come to the conclusion that James is the smartest and best player in this house. Really he could keep latching on as long as the HoH continue to go back and forth they will want to get rid of someone on the other side and not James.

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When Janelle won HOH, it was great. The power was in the Sov4 but now, the evil empire has struck back, I like Beau, nothing against him but it just he's on the wrong side of the team and I consider him part of it, James... I can't believe After 3-4 weeks of people saying that James needs to be evicted is now clear. I really don't think that's gonna happen now because the war between the Sov4 and The Fiendship, they're going destroy eachother, way before James gets evicted, he has the best shot at winning it right now.

The Sov4, they had their moment taking out Jenbitch but now, it's getting more and more clearer that the Fiendship will outlast them. This feeling sucks.

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