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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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You need to get a network adapter, or a slimline PS2. Slimline PS2s have the adapter built in. Easiest way I've heard, is getting an ethernet cable hooked up between your PC and the adapter, then using the config disk in your PS2. As long as you've got broadband you should be good to go.

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I've never connected a console game to the net but I really want to with SvR 06 so hopefully someone can help. I've got the slimline PS2 and have got broadband so do I need anything else to connect it up? Also once connected is it free because it goes through my current broadband connection or is there an extra fee for playing online?

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I bought a used PS2. I dont have any disc. It is the slim one though

Er. I don't have a clue, sorry. I checked up on Amazon and Gamefaqs, but I didn't find anything particularly useful. Product descriptions just say the slimline comes with the adapter 'integrated', with no mention of a setup disk or anything, so maybe you won't need one. Try calling/e-mailing Sony to see if they'll send you a replacement. As far as I know all you'd need for the slimline is the cable and the disk.

I've never connected a console game to the net but I really want to with SvR 06 so hopefully someone can help. I've got the slimline PS2 and have got broadband so do I need anything else to connect it up? Also once connected is it free because it goes through my current broadband connection or is there an extra fee for playing online?

Once you've bought the adapter it's free. It's likely that some MMORPGS would have subscription fees, most games don't.

so anyone know about a glitch where sound cuts out mid-cutscene for no apparent reason?

Yeah. My sound cuts out all the time, but that's because the earphones port on my TV keeps falling inside it >_>

Seriously, the only sound glitches I've heard are when the commentators talk over your entrance, the last word of say, J.R.s line would be cut off and Lawler would start speaking. And during Rumbles, about halfway through the entrance music for new entrants doesn't bother coming on. Apart from that no :\

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God Hart vs Bulldog rakes in the ratings, just had another amazing match with him this time it was Buried Alive....I was Hart and Bulldog swung that shovel like a man possesed, we fought for like 50 minutes and were both busted open we got near the casket and I who was keeping him on the defensive using submissions and such lost control as he grabbed the shovel and just let loose, after that he busted out a lot of high power moves until his stamina got low as he recovered I knocked him into the casket and tried to trap him but he got out and went for the Running Powerslam but I countered, dropkick BULLDOG INTO THE CASKET! and won

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i think the game can't handle too many sound files plying at once, it usually does it for me after i win when the commentators are talking, the crowd is going nuts and my entrance music is playing and the guy is announcing my victory, the crowd sound cuts out

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Seriously, the only sound glitches I've heard are when the commentators talk over your entrance, the last word of say, J.R.s line would be cut off and Lawler would start speaking. And during Rumbles, about halfway through the entrance music for new entrants doesn't bother coming on. Apart from that no :\

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Seriously, the only sound glitches I've heard are when the commentators talk over your entrance, the last word of say, J.R.s line would be cut off and Lawler would start speaking. And during Rumbles, about halfway through the entrance music for new entrants doesn't bother coming on. Apart from that no :\

If you're talking about during season that's suppose to happen.... if not, then yep that would be a glitch.

I don't mean it only plays a few seconds of someones entrance music then stops, I know it's supposed to do that. I mean that once it gets to about number 20 or so, they don't have any entrance music. Bad wording on my part, I guess.

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i think the game can't handle too many sound files plying at once, it usually does it for me after i win when the commentators are talking, the crowd is going nuts and my entrance music is playing and the guy is announcing my victory, the crowd sound cuts out

That is meant to happen, it's so you can hear everything being said (Y)

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Guest ClearTheBong

I just picked the game up today and started a season mode with Shawn Michaels. Getting ready to face Shelton for the IC Title. But I had a few questions:

1.) What difficulty does everyone use for realistic results, or better gameplay.

2.) Someone earlier mentioned sliders for the game? Does anyone know anything about these and ones I should try out?

Thanks a ton guys

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How does Match Veteran work? Do I just need to do every match type once? Or like literally every option for every match type?

I wondered that, I swear I've done it all :huh:

I'm fairly sure you don't need to have played every single different option. That trophy was the last one I went for, and all I did was play one of the exhibition types "Single, tag, handicap etc' and then one of every main event match 'HIAC, Cage, Buried Alive etc', and I got the trophy. There are still options I haven't used, so it can't be every single one.

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