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WWE SmackDown! vs RAW 2006

Guest ch1ppy08

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I'd use an ECW CAW save if my Max Drive worked, but it doesn't so I'm relegated to typing out formulas :P

I don't think it really takes that long though, twenty minutes or so isn't bad in my opinion. I'm still looking for decent enough Masato Tanaka/Mike Awesome CAWs that would be worth getting rid of Lashley/random TNA people, but until then my Taz and Raven CAWs'll do.

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The password thing? Yeah, I remember speculation about it, but I'm starting to think it was all a pipe dream. It'd be ten kinds of awesome if the finally did figure out how to do it.

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What the hell. I just did the same exact match, but with Big Show in Kane's corner and Samoa Joe in mine. It only took less than 15 minutes to beat Kane, and it was with the springboard reverse DDT. It must be that Kane's invincible with the mask, since he had it last time.

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God dammit. After almost half an hour, Paul London beat me (AJ Styles) for the WWE Title. Both of us were in red for both head and body. After a Styles Clash through a table, I tossed London back in the ring to go for the Muscle Buster (Samoa Joe taught him it in a storyline I did in GM Mode). He counter it, and pushed me back into the turnbuckle, I countered, he countered, then he hit me with a top rope hurricanrana to knock me down for ten. Thanks to that, Paul London is my new WWE Champion.

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Revert back to the purple union jack ones then, forget Ad's comments. He has a spacker wrestler, he's in no position to judge.

Hey, just because his stance was that of a spacker doesn't mean he is a spacker ¬_¬

Anyway, I've revamped him since. Much cooler now.

Yeah when I think cool I often think of cowboys in banana-coloured hats. At least he doesn't have a goofy name like the Big Bad Bruiser, I can't think of anyone who'd...oh, wait.

It's a beige hat >_>

The Big Bad Bruiser. I could see that name being used in early-mid 90s WWF.

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GM Mode while fun still needs alot of work maybe a side screen so you dont need to keep going back to remember your rivalries and fatigue and such.

Another thing that needs work is the Stamina Bar, Ric Flair loses Stamina but he can still do everything.

Anyway I just went 72 minutes against Andre The Giant as Daivari in a Last Man Standing Match.

It took about 20 or so Low Blows before Andre's ballsack finally had enough.

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I've got a few questions:

1. Do you get a different storyline if you play as one of the characters who can't get the Urning Your Spot storyline, or do you just get matches and no story until its time for the one after that?

2. Who takes RVD or Cena's place at the beginning of the SD storyline if you play as one of them?

3. And is there any tried and true method to get the ECW storyline? I've played the SD season through twice now (First as Mankind, second as Big Show) and didn't get it either time. I've heard you can't get it by playing anyone who was part of ECW (hence the reason I probably didn't get it as Mankind, since Foley was in ECW as Cactus Jack) and may have to accuse RVD at the beginning, but that's about all I know.

(Really want to play SD season again as Undertaker, because he's who I played SYM, HCTP and the first SD vs. RAW as the first times through, but I didn't this game because I wanted to see the Urning Your Spot storyline)

4. Are there any good storylines that specific wrestlers get when you play them (on either show)?

5. Do all the living legends (except Bret Hart, I assume) do their own voices if you use them in season, or did they have to get any impersonators? (Which I assume they had to do for the deceased legends and Bret Hart; I haven't unlocked any of the dead ones or Jake Roberts yet)

And two complaints I have: I really wish they had used the nWo theme for Hollywood Hogan instead of that crappy music they did use, since they couldn't use Voodoo Child (slight return). And Stone Cold doesn't look right. He actually looks like a Stone Cold impersonator, somewhat. (Forehead is a bit off and face is too puffy)

Edited by The Frying Assassin
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I checked, and Stone Cold is playable in season. He and Jimmy Hart also recorded lines, because Jimmy Hart showed up with Mankind during the first RAW season I did as Hulk Hogan.


I partially answered one of my own questions from earlier. I started a season as John Cena on RAW and got the Legends Tour storyline to start with. Jimmy Hart and Austin both speak during it. After that storyline, it went straight to A Very Special Story.

(I won't be continuing that game, because I just wanted to see what I'd get for playing as Cena and wanted to do that storyline for the trophies)

And DAMN! Either someone at Yukes hates Austin, Vince or someone else at the WWE had them fuck him up in game on purpose or putting him in the game was a rush job. His face (mainly the forehead and eyes) doesn't look right, when he shakes his head it looks almost like its flopping due to a broken neck, and the Stunners he hit in cutscenes looked really shitty. I'm talking `Worse than Linda McMahon at RAW Homecoming' level shitty!

Question: Does what Legends you've unlocked affect the Legends Tour storyline? I noticed the only one to appear that I haven't unlocked was the British Bulldog.

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I think GM Mode should be done away with, it just doesn't translate well to the console.

THQ/Yukes tacked it on last minute and have openly admitted to that. And for being a rushed mode, I have to say it's the best addition to the series, ever. Sure, it could use a lot of things to make it more like a Franchise mode, but say it should be dumped is ridiculous. There's a ton of very easy tweaks that can be made to make it awesome.

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