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Need Some Action Movies


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Name some action movies. I'm open to most things, but no movies that are overly violent, or violent just for the sake of it.

Extra points awarded for cool fight scenes / battles / whatever.

I don't mind if they're 'good' or mindless (Ie Steven Segal esque movies)

Current favorite action movie: Equilibrium


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On top of my head, here are some of my fav's, I hope you didn't see some of them, but most likelt you have:

True Lies

Total Recall

Die Hard

Die Hard 2

The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Natural Born Killers



Others that I liked:

The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy

Most of the James Bond films.

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Kill Bill (overly violent, but so good still)

Die Hard Trilogy

Charlie's Angels (hey, you said mindless is okay)

The Crow

Blade (probably overly violent, but pretty tame for me)

The Matrix/The Matrix Reloaded


X2: X-Men United

Batman Begins

Terminator 1 & 2

Minority Report

Leon: The Professional


Edited by Zero
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A Man Apart - Vin Diesel Film. Pretty Good.

The Chronicles Of Riddick - Another Vin Diesal film. One of my favourite films at the moment.

Leon - Been said already but I'll say it again because its an awesome film.

Man on fire - Very good film, though boring at the start.

Speed - Also a great film IMO. An action film with very little fighting etc.

Walking Tall - The best film since The Rock started acting IMO.

I know loads of films but for some reason I cant remember any of their names at the moment :(

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The Crow is the best comic book movie ever, IWC. You MUST see it immediately.

EDIT: I would say The Matrix, but at this point, is there really anybody who hasn't seen it?

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Guest Mr McFarlane

Over the Top.....What? >_>

Zaitoichi is a sextastic movie, As is Riki-Oh (The Story of Ricky). You must get/rent Riki-Oh if you love extremly cheesy things.

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The Bourne Supremacy is decent. It's not the "bloody" type of fighting.

I just picked up The Punisher on DVD. I love the action. This one is more of a "let me kill you with an axe to see you bleed" type of action. But there is lots and I was surprised the first time I saw the movie cause I didn't expect it.

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