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Dragsy, just pay attention to how you got in. You walked in by passing one corridor, then on the second corridor you took a right. So when you're trying to get out you take a left right away. You'll pass one crazy and it'll ask you to stop moving and stop breathing. That's when you take the left turn. Then you keep going straight, you'll pass another crazy where you have to stop. Then you run like hell.

I hate playing as Lucas when he was a kid. I only rescued two kids from the hangar. Now I have to play as him again at night and there are tons of spot lights. I hate playing as the kid as it totally takes away from the game.

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I got it this morning. The last copy from Gamestation too. :D

I just got to the part when you are in Lucas' house/flat place and went to the bathroom and saw the mirror part and pooed myself. Ha.



When that kid falls in the ice, I get him out but then I always run into the cop from the diner, what do I do?


Edited by Gooner
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Is it worth buying outright? Apparently my local Blockbusters is refusing to stock it, for whatever reason. I know it's supposed to be pretty fucking good, but it's not one of those -hate-it-or-love-it games, is it? :(

From what I've heard, and read of it I'd probably love it, but I'm not sure about the controls, it seems a bit naff to me :\

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The controls are awesome (on the PC version anyway). I've set mine up so the w-a-s-d keys control movement and other 'primary' functions, whilst the arrow keys are for secondary stuff. I honestly don't see how it could be any easier on a PS2/X-Box controller.

It's blatantly easier on the PS2, with the two analogue sticks.

Kaney, they might be refusing to stock it for it's mature content, the European version hasn't been censored like the American one, there's shower scenes and an interactive sex game too.

In response to TRB, I was actually meaning the way you have to open cupboards, take something out, close cupboard and whatnot within a certain time frame, stuff like that. I don't mean button allocation :P

And Dragsy, I guess thats it, but they never bothered about GTA's hot coffee, apparently. Meh, I'll just have to find the independant store and see if he's got any. Fucking hate the independant store around here >_<

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The controls are awesome (on the PC version anyway). I've set mine up so the w-a-s-d keys control movement and other 'primary' functions, whilst the arrow keys are for secondary stuff. I honestly don't see how it could be any easier on a PS2/X-Box controller.

It's blatantly easier on the PS2, with the two analogue sticks.

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this is a great game, rented it last night and beat it today. Its got about 3 or 4 different endings, I've only gotten two though. The analog games and L--R thing (xbox version) actually turned out a lot better than I thought they would. Hopefully a sequel will come.

Maybe with Lucas and Carla's daughter, if you got the ending where the purple clan takes over there was talk of him being the next Indigo child, that would certainly make an interesting story. Or having his son as the indigo child and hes stolen or captured by one of the clans and hes got to save him..something of that sort..I'M PRAYING FOR A SEQUEL!

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I am now about 70% into it, just got past the fair bit.

Right, now I am at another part I hate:

Lukas is dead, or so it seems and now I have gone back to a kid again and have to dodge all the guards again! I have tried it like 10 times and keep getting caught, it is really annoying.

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So I bought the game today, on PS2. Very cool so far, but I'm about to cry as I type this.

I'm in Lucas' apartment at the very beginning of the game. You know, the timed bit with the cop? Well I finally figured out how to do everything in time to open the door to the cop, when I get there and guess what? The fucking door is locked :'( Is the bed entirely necessary to hide? Do I need to wash my face before putting on the long fucking slow bandages? Kaney needs help :crying:

I know I suck, fuck you >_>

And I can't seem to get the spoiler tags to work :huh:

Never mind, I figured out how to make him turn round in time because I'm awesome <_<

Edited by Kaneanite™
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