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The Movies

Sir Alan LCSugar

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I gave it 2 stars and explained why, was a good little movie which I think shows a lot of promise for any future ones you do. Took advantage of the lack of a mic by using minimal subtitles too. I liked that, since I was wathcing what was going on rather then trying to read text that goes before I've finished damnit. poker scene a little too long, I was waiting for the table to be thrown over before the shooting but damnit swerve, it never happened!

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I felt that about the poker game as well, but I wanted to show The Guy winning end the end, and I also wanted to show the beginning of the poker game, and I don't think i can edit out the middles of scenes. I think it's either clip it off one end or the other.

And y'know what's fucked up? You can't change the opening or closing credits at all(save for picking the font and backdrop), and the 'starring' credits go to the actor(s) who are in the movie the most, be they "Stars" or "extras". and because I only had 5 individual extras, I had to re-use them alot, so two of them ended up 'starring' in the movie.

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I felt that about the poker game as well, but I wanted to show The Guy winning end the end, and I also wanted to show the beginning of the poker game, and I don't think i can edit out the middles of scenes. I think it's either clip it off one end or the other.

And y'know what's fucked up? You can't change the opening or closing credits at all(save for picking the font and backdrop), and the 'starring' credits go to the actor(s) who are in the movie the most, be they "Stars" or "extras". and because I only had 5 individual extras, I had to re-use them alot, so two of them ended up 'starring' in the movie.

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I'm working on a war film at the mo, made the mistake of leaving it as one of the shitty AI made up names something about a continent. I've made the mistake of taking a risk on doing this in the story mode rather then sandbox too. I'll probably upload it but I'm not expecting good ratings just yet, since it's being done with age old tech...

OK here it is fresh off the press. I had managed to change the name before uploading but forgot what it was going to be called so had to settle for The War of Art , also spot the blooper shot in there I put in to see if anyone noticed :shifty:

Edited by lanky316
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If anyone really needs the Sandbox mode to have all decades unlocked instead of going through the story mode, this does work, although obviously make a back up of the registry before doing anything.

Edited by Good Ol' Beatnik
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Fortunately, I have been able to root the problem down to my graphics card. (possibly) I went out and purchased a new one today and will be installing it tomorrow and see what happens.

You getting the flickering and the inability to play back your movies too?

I'm ebaying for a GeForce 5200 as I type...

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Fortunately, I have been able to root the problem down to my graphics card. (possibly) I went out and purchased a new one today and will be installing it tomorrow and see what happens.

You getting the flickering and the inability to play back your movies too?

I'm ebaying for a GeForce 5200 as I type...

Nope, worse, it wouldn't start at all. I got a discounted 6800. I like having friends in high places.

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