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The Movies

Sir Alan LCSugar

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How do scriptwriters improve, other than by writing scripts? Mine keep churning out half-star pieces of shit that have made me the laughing stock of the industry.

Also, is there a limit to the number of stars you can have? I only have one director, and she's constantly pissed off because she has to direct every film I put out. I would hire another one, but there's nobody outside the Stage School.

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How do scriptwriters improve, other than by writing scripts? Mine keep churning out half-star pieces of shit that have made me the laughing stock of the industry.

Also, is there a limit to the number of stars you can have? I only have one director, and she's constantly pissed off because she has to direct every film I put out. I would hire another one, but there's nobody outside the Stage School.

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I think the 'story' mode is structured so that all your movies will suck in the beginning, and as you progress, it gets better. In story mode, I'm in 1941, and I've made 1 ** movie. all the rest have been under that.

Also, there's a hack that supposedly increases the amount of people who line up outside your buildings here. I haven't gotten around to trying it out yet, but I plan on it.

Edited by Fanku Kaibutsu
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The only problem I have is that it's a pain in the ass to get scripts to match what I see a scene looking like in my head. I tried to have my actor carry the actress but she was carrying him so I ended up having to switch their parts, and now trying to make a scene with just one of them doesn't seem possible (I was aiming to have the actor fighting in a war and leave her out but I couldn't find out how I might be able to do that).

It's a decent game but still has some areas that could improvement.

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The only problem I have is that it's a pain in the ass to get scripts to match what I see a scene looking like in my head. I tried to have my actor carry the actress but she was carrying him so I ended up having to switch their parts, and now trying to make a scene with just one of them doesn't seem possible (I was aiming to have the actor fighting in a war and leave her out but I couldn't find out how I might be able to do that).

It's a decent game but still has some areas that could improvement.

Edited by Jimmy the Exploder
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my copy just arived today, to bad no one was there to acept it, and i won´t be home before 4 tommorow and have to drive to the other end of town to pik it up, fuck DHL.

Better than UPS leaving my SDvsRAW2006 at my doorstep at night when everyone was home and they didn't even bother knocking.

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