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Harry Potter And the Goblet of Fire


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I am not really a fan of the series but my friend Megan has made me go to everyone opening weekend since they started pumping them out (she is a red head so I know better than to say no to her if it can be avoided) and for once I am kind of intrigued by one of the trailers.

This might not be as bad as I feared.

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Just got back from watching this, some general comments.

Cho Chang is fugly. Fugly Fugly Fugly. And fat. And Fugly. And can't act. And Fugly.

Hell, that Victor whassihisname was pretty fugly too.

Mad Eye Moody's eye = cheapest makeup ever. Almost as shitty looking as Cho.

I'm racist against Indian girls, so the spots in the movie with the indian girls was funny was hell.

Ok, stupid comments aside, I thought this was definately much better than the previous one. They actually bothered to build up the twist this time round, dropping subtle hints along the way. Of course, if you'd read the book, we all know what the twists is, so yeah.

Dumbledoore sounds soo much different. That other professor too (the griffindor head). Either that or maybe I haven't seen the movies in awhile.

Erm, the dragon bit was too quick.

Horribly anti-climatic. There was no build up to the end at all, it just sorta happened. Maybe because I already read the book, but it just felt dry to me, and not very exciting. Just didn't draw me in at all. However, I did get some twang of emotion at the very last few scenes.


Cedric gets the whole Sirius Black, oh whoops your dead, treatment, very un-dramatic, IMO. At least, the stuff following his death actually worked.

Voldemort is the least intimidating/evil villain ever. And no, being some sort of harlequin fetus wannabe isn't exactly the most terrifiying thing ever.



Ok, it wasn't a bad movie, but it wasn't a good one either. Yeah.

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Saw it tonight as well...


Very good movie, some parts seemed as if they could have been peiced together better or just given a little more time while others need to be shorter. I liked the casting overall, but I haven't read the books so I can't say rather they fit them or not.

Voldemort is the least intimidating/evil villain ever.
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It appears this one has the Revenge of the Sith gross on its way...


Harry's Goblet Fires Up Box Office

Sunday November 20 7:11 PM ET

Harry Potter's new Goblet overfloweth.

Conjuring up a franchise-best $101.4 million from Friday through Sunday, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ended Hollywood's long-running slump and recorded the fourth-best opening of all time, according to the ticket counters at Exhibitor Relations.

This time out, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe), Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson) cope with danger, hormones and the torturous TriWizard tournament, as well as yet another professor of the dark arts, Mad-Eye Moody (Brendan Gleeson and the pushy tabloid hack Rita Skeeter (Miranda Richardson).

Despite a PG-13 rating for scary content, which includes the usual assortment of scary creatures along with a character's death and the first cinematic appearance of Lord Voldemort (spookily essayed by a noseless barely recognizable Ralph Fiennes), the fourth installment in the Potter saga accounted for nearly 60 percent of the weekend ticket sales. The film opened in 3,858 sites, where it averaged a magical $26,290 per screen.

"As the audience has gotten older in time, faithful readers of the Potter books will remain faithful to the movies," Warner Bros. distribution chief Dan Fellman told the Associated Press, adding that the opening exceeded the studio's expectations.

Goblet grossed $39.3 million Friday, $35.4 million Saturday and an estimated $26.6 million Sunday. Its three-day total exceeded the previous Potters: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban opened with $93.6 million in 2004; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets grossed $88.3 million in 2002; and the first adaptation in J.K. Rowling's series of Hogwarts tales, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone scored $90.2 million in 2001.

When the smoke settles and final tallies are released Monday, the new film will rank behind only Spider-Man (which spun up $114.8 million in May 2002), Star Wars: Episode III--Revenge of the Sith ($108.4 million last May) and Shrek 2 ($108 million in summer 2004).

Worldwide, Goblet gobbled up $181.4 million in 19 foreign countries, with England, not surprisingly, contributing the highest portion of the overseas money--$24.6 million.

The Potter-powered box office pushed the take of the top 12 films to $171 million, almost 20 percent higher than this weekend last year, when National Treasure was the top attraction.

Although Harry and pals dominated, they got a key assist from the Man in Black. Walk the Line, the Johnny Cash biopic, debuted in second with $22.4 million.

Fox distribution executive Bruce Snyder said he was happy Walk the Line was "able to perform so well" in the face of Goblet's wizard opening. The PG-13 rated release, starring possible Oscar contenders Joaquin Phoenix as the music icon and Reese Witherspoon as his beloved June Carter, opened at 2,961 sites, averaging $7,565.

Showing legs in third place was Chicken Little with $14.7 million. Now in its third week,Chicken has tallied $99.1 million and should pass the $100 million mark in time for Thanksgiving dinner.

Three films in their second week of release also dropped sharply: Derailed was down 47 percent (fourth place, $6.5 million); Zathura, 62 percent (fifth, $5.1 million); and Get Rich or Die Tryin', 64 percent (seventh, $4.3 million).

However, Pride & Prejudice proved it had staying power, dipping just 26 percent. Now in 221 theaters, the Jane Austen adaptation was in 10th place, averagin $9,555 average. Its two-week gross is $5.9 million. And Bee Season, expanding to 138 sites in its second week, gained 91 percent, earning $230,000 to bring its total to $390,803.

The only new limited release was Breakfast on Pluto. Starring Cillian Murphy as an transvestite traipsing through the club scene at the height of the English-Irish discord, the Neil Jordan-helmed comedy opened in just three sites, where it averaged a provocative $11,625 for $34,874.

Here's a rundown of the top 10 films, based on preliminary studio estimates compiled by Exhibitor Relations:

1. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, $101.4 million

2. Walk the Line, $22.4 million

3. Chicken Little, $14.7 million

4. Derailed, $6.5 million

5. Zathura, $5.1 million

6. Jarhead, $4.8 million

7. Get Rich or Die Tryin', $4.3 million

8. Saw II, $3.9 million

9. The Legend of Zorro, $2.3 million

10. Pride & Prejudice, $2.1 million

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My favourite book= My Favourite Movie(of the series of course)


Some points deducted because:

Dumbledore pissed me off in this film

Dumbledore wasn't portryed correctly

Where the fuck was Dumbledore I thought I knew in this film?

I loved the Yule Ball, the tasks, and I thought they nailed the graveyard scenes. I was a bit surprised by the amount of content that had to be taken away, and at times the pacing was awkwad, but minor complaints aside, with one major complaint, I can't wait for The Order of The Phenoix!! :D

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Guest Dakendo

Saw the film on Saturday. Considering my mind is akin to that of a goldfish, here's what I remember.

- I really, really want to slap Daniel Radcliffe. Whether it's because he looked like a burk on Jonathan Ross, or maybe because he soils the good name of Daniel, but nevertheless, we all know that Ron is the Matt Hardy to Harry's Jeff. WRESTLING REFERENCE~!

- Lord Voldemort isn't scary at all. In fact, he seems like a rather cool guy, like a rent-a-friend who you;d hire to come to a party of yours and chill. Add to that the fact that he doesn't have a correctly formed nose, and you have a rather un-intimidating fellow.

- David Tennant rocked in my opinion in his role. He just really seems to fit as a slimebag, so it'll be odd seeing him as Doctor Who.

- Hermione, :wub: . She could be alright in a few years, as I've read elsewhere on this board.

- Ron saying "piss" and causing the small children in the cinema to gasp collectively > *.

I've not read the next 2 books, so who knows what I'll think of them.

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- Hermione, :wub: . She could be alright in a few years, as I've read elsewhere on this board.

- Ron saying "piss" and causing the small children in the cinema to gasp collectively > *.

Edited by Spyrazul
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You wanna tell me how Dumbledore wasn't portrayed correctly? Gambon's been doing an excellent job of portraying the complexity of Dumbledore.

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