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Alright, so we did the White Stripes and now Weezer. I was thinking about not including Weezer because it is an "assumed" fact that their new stuff is better than their old stuff. But whatever.


I just don't think their are a lot of good songs on this CD. The singles are strong [Dope Nose and Keep Fishin'] but I just don't find myself liking all the other tracks on the CD.


Hailed as the 'worst' Weezer album, but I don't think it is true. I think with a band like Weezer who recorded The Blue Album people have unreasonable expectations for the band. They simply couldn't deliever. But this CD is fine.


*gasp* Pinkerton in 3rd place? Call me crazy, but I just can't dig this album as much as the Green Album. I think The Green Album starts off a whole lot stronger their Pinkerton and Pinkerton is just an album I can't get into.


Reasons as stated above. Just on a whole better than Pinkerton, with the singles being especially strong. Plus, I think it gave Weezer time to age and maybe develop a more polished sound.


Just a classic album. Not a single bad song on the album and it has indeed stood the test of time. I can still listen to the Sweater Song and sing along with the lyrics. The songs will stand the test of time and Buddy Holly gave us one hell of a music video.

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Weezer is one of my favorite bands...so here we go

5. Green

There are some good songs on here (Island in The Sun, Hash Pipe, Don't Let Go, Knock Down Drag Out), but it doesn't measure up to anything else of theirs.

4. Pinkerton

A great, raw CD of emotion. Favorite tracks are El Scorcho, Falling For You, Getchoo, and The Good Life

3. Maladroit

A nice, short CD with some good songs (Burnt Jamb, Death And Destruction, Dope Nose, Keep Fishin', Take Control)

...Call me crazy, but this is where it gets tough.

2....Make Believe

There isn't a song on this CD I don't love, but it falls just a little short of Blue for one reason (See Blue)

1. Blue

My favorite Weezer song of all time is on here...Only In Dreams. I like all of the songs on here, but Only in Dreams is the best song on here, and the only reason it's better than "Make Believe".

Edited by Ash J. Williams
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Weezer's my favorite band, So of course I had to post. :D

1. Blue Album- Their best CD. I love each and every single track on this CD. It has some of my favorite Weezer songs of all time. (except for No One Else, Good song, But I don't like it all that much) I don't think anything they'll ever will top this one. Pinkerton comes close, But this has nine excellent songs in it, With the other one being good.

2. Pinkerton- Great CD, It comes very close imo to beating the Blue Album, But it falls short. Across The Sea is definitely one of the best Weezer songs out there. But there's plenty of great songs to check out.

3. Make Believe- I wasn't expecting much since their last two weren't anything special, But Beverly Hills is a good little song, I personally prefer all of the other songs to it though. There's some great songs (Pardon Me, Haunt You Every Day, Hold Me etc)

4. Maladroit- Most people don't like this one much, But for some reason, I prefer this CD over the Green Album. It's nowhere near as good as the first three, But it's not horrible or anything. Keep Fishin' turned out to be one of my favorite Weezer songs.

5. Green Album- Nothing bad or anything, But the only songs I really like on this CD Hash Pipe, Island In The Sun and Knock Down Drag Out with the others being decent.

Hopefully Weezer sticks around to put on another CD (Y)

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Guest Crimson Nightmare

1. Pinkerton- It's a close battle, but I just gotta go with Pinkerton. For very personal reasons, this has to be one of my favorite albums of all time. There's not a song on there I don't enjoy. I also relate with most of the songs on more levels than a person probably should.

2. Blue- I almost hate to put the Blue album in second place, it's a great album, but it just dosen't really get me like Pinkerton does, it's been played many times throughout my owning it though, so it's a good purchase.

3. Make Believe- I didin't think it deserved the negative downplay some people gave it (Not anyone posting here, mind you). They should frankly just get the "holier than thou" stick up their ass out of there.

4. Maladroit- Eh, it was tough to decide on this one too, to put it before or after Make Believe, Maladroit's not a bad album at all, it seemed in many ways to be a throwback to Pinkerton..ALMOST, but not quite.

5. Green- It had a few good songs, and then a few that I just never wanted to hear again. They indeed had reached a certain musical maturity with their instruments and all (if that remotely makes sense), but the songs just felt kinda cut and paste to me at times.

Weezer is a favorite of mine as well, so I just had to add in my two cents too. Hope it helped.

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5. Make Believe - Trash except for "The Other Way" and to a lesser extent "Haunt You Every Day." This is due to the fact that Rivers Cuomo has apparently hired an inept seventh-grader to write his songs (I mean, shit, seriously, "You're my best friend/And I love you"? What the fuck is that?) so that he can focus on Harvard and snorting coke off of the backs of Japanese girls.

4. Green - A fairly dull, uninspired album outside of a couple of songs. It has singles tailor-made for radio play (likely in response to Pinkerton's lack of songs that really work in that respect outside of Pink Triangle) and a couple of catchy songs, but it's pretty unremarkable.

3. Maladroit - Features "American Gigolo," the worst Weezer song not on Make Believe. But I'm willing to forgive them for all of the bad songs because of "December" and "Burndt Jamb," two of their most underrated songs ever.

2. Pinkerton - The last brilliant Weezer album (two out of five. Nngh.). The songs are great but at times it feels tiring to listen to and it lacks the charm that the Blue Album has.

1. The Blue Album - Pinkerton has superior music but the Blue Album is the better actual album. It meshes together perfectly and "Only in Dreams" is absolutely beautiful and my favorite Weezer song.

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