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Our favourite Neighbours!

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Everybody needs good Neighbours and good friends, but will yours make number one?

We voted in our literal thousands here on EWB, and thirty two different characters, past and present find their ways onto our list.

But the question is...Did Taj Coppin get to number one?



The other question is though, who did?

Let's find out....

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<center>Thirty-two: Stuart Parker

Blair McDonough


Top policeman Stuart Parker came to the street in 2002 as the "little brother of Drew's best mate from Oakey" and lives with Toadie and Connor in the fabled "House of Trouser".

He lost his sight in the big pub fire as he rushed in as a hero but Paul Robinson paid for the sight-saving operation!


He's had a string of love interests including Tracey, Dee, Flick and Libby (although Libby didn't love him!) before sneaking an illicit kiss with Sindi, then Toadie's girlfriend. They're now engaged and Stuart is realising that she's a bit of a psycho and weirdo as well as possibly the highest maintenance woman to ever appear on Neighbours.

Thirty-one: Mal Kennedy

Benjamin McNair


A full-time resident of the street from '94-'97 and returning briefly in 2002 and 2004, Malcolm Kennedy is the eldest child of Ramsay Street gods Karl and Susan Kennedy.

His life witht he other residents was very up and down, having accidently shot Lou in the leg shortly after arriving and later becoming the laughing stock of the school after getting thumped by Bianca, a girl he was trying to hit on.


Mal's love interests included Danni Stark, Shona and Catherine O'Brien before he jetted over to England to work as a sales rep for Cuppa Diem. On his return it was he who found out that Karl and Izzy were getting it together and tried to get his parents back together. Mal was going to sell number 32 to Max but when he realised Izzy was living there too, left it to the auctioneers and left Ramsay Street yet again...


Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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<center>Thirty: Lyn Scully

Janet Andrewartha


Possibly a surprising choice to enter the top thirty, Lyn Scully rarely embodies excitement, sauciness or humour, but has been a good "dependable" character for a few years now.

A hairdresser who's sole client appears to be Susan Kennedy, Lyn is currently stuck sharing her home with the Timminses and her son Oscar, since the rest of her family hve scarpered for different reasons. Michelle, Jack, Felicity and Joe are no more...


Lyn has separated from her husband of many years, the mighty Joe Scully and has enjoyed a few 'flings' in her own indominable style (looking coyly over a cup of coffee and blushing at any man who gives her the time of day) but her and Joe Mangel are starting to hit it off, which should be enjoyable.

Twenty-nine: Lauren Carpenter

Sarah Vandenburgh


Daughter of the "King of Orange" Lou Carpenter, Lauren moved into Ramsay street as a young woman and won instant "hate points" from me for splitting up Brad and Beth.

One of thousands to have worked in the Coffee Shop, Lauren also worked as a horse riding instructor and had a rather deep atatchment to her horses. Lauren split up with Brad after walking in on him and Lucy Robinson and joined a rather shady religious cult called the Children Of Barabbas which she finally fled after Barabbas tried to get inside her knickers. Lauren headed back to Queensland to take up her old horse instruction job.


Lauren's love interests were Brad Willis, Cameron Hudson and Connor Cleary.

Rumours abound that she left Neighbours due to a bit of a mental breakdown and now lives in the middle of a forest with a horse. Bonkers.


Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Oh man, Karl had better be number one. Perfectly Comfortable is reason enough on its own.

I don't remember Lauren Carpenter at all. Does that make me un-Australian?

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I'd complain about how high up Stu is but he's only been on a few years and I dare say his best work is in front of him.

But still I can't remember Lauren or Mal so why is Stu lower than them?

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<center>Twenty-eight: Annalise Hartman

Kimberly Davies


Quite the looker back in the day but her recent return to the street as a film maker for the BBC was a bit flat unfortunately. Annalise had a sister called Jo (the one with massive bajongas) and, on turning up in Ramsay Street set about wooing Lou for his money! He found out that she wasn't 21 as she'd said (she was only 17 at the time!) but he allowed her to continue living with him and Beth (in some kind of wonderful house of dreams).

Annalise was left at the altar by Mark Gottlieb who jilted her at the last moment to become a priest!

Most people in the street liked Annalise, especially the mighty Helen Daniels who welcomed her with open arms, but ANnalise and Gaby Willis developed quite the hatred for eachother.


So, Annalise is a documentary maker, living in England with Sam Kratz, having had relationships with Lou, Mark and even Stonefish Rebecchi.

Twenty-seven: Beth Brennan

Natalie Imbruglia


Ended up, rather strangely as one in the long line of "beige dungaree-wearing labourers" in Ramsay Street, slotting in nicely alongside Henry and Billy.

When Beth first arrived she suffered terrible anxiety attacks when confronted with a certain colour of rose. It was all tied in with some awful abuse suffered at the hands of her step-father. She saw Erinsborough as something of an escape, and indeed for her it was. Doug Willis offered her work as an apprentice builder, which unfortunately fell through when Doug lost his business.


The setbacks suffered by Beth were eventually overcome. Her relationship with Brad was not all smooth sailing (thanks to the dastardly Lauren Carpenter and Lucy Robinson) but in the end they were married, and moved West together. Beth found a company there that was willing to take on a female apprentice, and for the first time she saw a bright and sunny future. Strangely she had a minor love interest in Phil Martin which is to nauseating to comprehend.


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She's still hot. Seen Jonny English?

Why she's with a waste of space like Daniel Johns is beyond me. Some of his music is ok, but he's like Jeff Hardy in five years - completely drug fucked.

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She's still hot. Seen Jonny English?

Why she's with a waste of space like Daniel Johns is beyond me. Some of his music is ok, but he's like Jeff Hardy in five years - completely drug fucked.

I've seen her recent videos, but I'm saying it's been that long since I saw her in something GOOD (the last being aforementioned Jonny English) that she should have been higher in ROC's Women thread.

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She's still hot. Seen Jonny English?

Why she's with a waste of space like Daniel Johns is beyond me. Some of his music is ok, but he's like Jeff Hardy in five years - completely drug fucked.

I've seen her recent videos, but I'm saying it's been that long since I saw her in something GOOD (the last being aforementioned Jonny English) that she should have been higher in ROC's Women thread.

I may have been the only person who voted for her in that thread. :(

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