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WWE July 2003

Guest TheKingofAwesome

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Guest TheKingofAwesome

+ Plus & Minus - The Critical Eye on the WWE

+ Plus +

Smackdown - This week Smackdown was all in all a very good show. Well booked with a big focus on actual wrestling, resulting in at least three, three stars plus matches. Just the one let down was the Undertaker, Big Show match that was appaling as you might expect.

Kurt Angle - Angle's performance on Smackdown showed just how good a talker he really is. The gradual build towards the end segment was extremely well done and was mostly down to Angle's slow increase of anger and frustration. By the end of the night the crowd were right behind him making Lesnar's brutal attack mean a lot in a really hot segment.

- Minus -

Raw - Yesterday's Raw, in my eyes was extremely poor, with no segment really hitting the mark. Maven vs Test? The main event was an awful match and I'm just thankful that Booker T got the nod over Goldberg because that would have stunk the joint up at Fully Loaded. Is Booker T a credible challenger though? Probably not, but at least the match won't be too shabby.

Fully Loaded - There's only one more Raw before Fully Loaded and there's only one official match signed! Sure, there has been build to other things resembling matches, The Rock vs Orton, Steve Austin vs Kane and the Dudley Boyz vs Brown Brovas. That's still only at the most, four matches, and don't even expect to see two of them. Austin's neck is as strong as a cracker and I doubt they will give The Rock vs Randy Orton away at a minor PPV. Only time will tell.

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Guest TheKingofAwesome

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WWE Smackdown Preview

As Smackdown went off the air last week Brock Lesnar held Kurt Angle’s WWE World Title high in the air after another heinous sneak attack. This week Angle finally gets the chance to come face to face with his nemesis when he and the Undertaker team up to face Brock Lesnar and John Cena. This huge main event also gives Undertaker the opportunity to fight Cena who has been stepping into the Taker’s yard in the past few weeks without permission. Will either team be able to see eye to eye? Cena and Lesnar had problems just a few months ago resulting in a match at Backlash and Undertaker’s history with Angle is a long and storied one.

In another massive tag team encounter AJ Styles will team up with Chris Benoit to face Los Guerreros. Over the past two weeks AJ has been lived up to the hype of being “Phenomenal,” but can he continue to produce these amazing displays and stake his claim for another shot at Eddie’s WWE United States Title? This should be a truly awesome match whatever the outcome.

In a third tag team match on this week’s Smackdown, the WWE Tag Team Champions, Haas and Benjamin will take on another unidentified team, who were former tag champs themselves. After an impressive win over Too Cool last week, the World’s Greatest Tag Team will hope continue their tag team dominance under the guidance of the great and evil Paul Heyman.

Smackdown’s other champion, the newly crowned WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Kid Kash, will reveal whom the man was that helped him win the gold. The unknown accomplice distracted the referee allowing Kash to cheat and pin Rey Mysterio. Kash will also make his first title defence this week, when he battles with the undefeated blue chipper, Paul London.

With Edge set to return to the ring and so much more great action, Smackdown is essential Thursday night viewing, which can only be found on UPN!

Confirmed Matches

WWE Tag Team Titles Match

World’s Greatest Tag Team vs ???

WWE Cruiserweight Title Match

Kid Kash vs Paul London

AJ Styles and Chris Benoit vs Los Guerreros

Kurt Angle and Undertaker vs Brock Lesnar and John Cena

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Guest TheKingofAwesome

WWE News

More Cuts!

Four more WWE workers have been released from their contracts today! The A-Train, Bradshaw, Ron Simmons and Linda Miles, last seen on TV as Shaniqua have all gone as the WWE continues to trim the roster.

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A-Train (above) is one of the four to be released.

Titles Match Confirmed!

It has been confirmed by the WWE that the World Tag Team Champions the Dudley Boyz will defend against the Brown Brovas at Fully Loaded. It is the second match to be signed alongside the World Heavyweight Title match which will see Triple H face Booker T.

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The Dudley Boyz (above) will put the gold on the line against the Brown Brovas.

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Guest TheKingofAwesome

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WWE Smackdown Results

Kurt Angle and Undertaker stood tall as Smackdown went off the air this week. The two fan favourites met Brock Lesnar and John Cena in this weeks Smackdown main event. In an explosive, high impact contest, Angle was able to hit Cena with the Angle Slam to claim the victory for him and the Dead Man. I’m sure Angle was looking to defeat Lesnar after the two awful attacks that Lesnar has gave him in the last two weeks. However I’m sure the win over Cena will be some comfort to the World Champ and he showed the world that he is still the best in the industry. 81%

Any attempts by Cena to get under the Taker’s skin before the match were thwarted by the Dead Man. Cena came out to cut another rap but Undertaker was having none of it and he stormed the ring, which caused Cena to run to the hills. If Cena wants to face the Taker why won’t he come face to face with the Dead Man? Undertaker definitely got the better of his foe this week. 89%

Another huge tag team match was set to take place on last night’s Smackdown as AJ Styles and Chris Benoit were set to team up against Los Guerreros. The Guerreros obviously didn’t like the sound of this and ambushed Benoit before the match took place. This forced AJ to go it alone in a two on one handicap match. 83%

AJ once again showed why he is thought of in such high esteem as he took on Los Guerreros single-handedly. He bravely fought them off for over ten minutes using the offence that has made him so popular with the WWE fans in such a short period of time. The numbers proved too much for AJ though as a distraction by Chavo allowed Eddie to once again use the WWE United States Title as a weapon and get the pin on AJ that he craved. 82%

The tag team champions Haas and Benjamin put their WWE Tag Team Titles on the line against another unknown former championship team. Much to the fans surprised Hardcore Holly was the challenger along with his cousin Crash! In a spirited effort the Holly Cousins just came up short against the highly skilled champions. Shelton retained using the Dragon Whip on an unsuspecting Crash. 73%

The new WWE Cruiserweight Champion Kid Kash introduced the WWE audience to the man who helped him win the title. Kash told the fans that the man was his personal bodyguard who goes by the name of Danny Dollars. Dollars would be at ringside as Kash made his first defence against Paul London. 67%

In an absolutely amazing encounter Kash retained the gold, but only just. In the early going Danny Dollars was sent to the back by referee Nick Patrick for repeated attempts at interference. This decision looked to give London the edge but the wily Kash used all his experience and the ropes to make a successful first defence of his Cruiserweight crown. 84%

The man who Kash defeated for that title, Rey Mysterio was hyped in an impressive video clips package. The video ended with the words, “going large!” One can only speculate as to what that means, but I’m sure we will find out in the upcoming weeks. 78%

In more cruiserweight action, two veterans, Ultimo Dragon and Nunzio, went head to head in a marvellous technical contest. Ultimo just had too much on the night and won by submission, using the Dragon Sleeper. 71%

Finally, Edge returned to a Smackdown ring and battled to a double count out draw with Matt Hardy Version 1.0. The brawl continued after the match and they battled back to the locker room where eventually, security separated them. Judging by that result and ending it is obvious we will see these two go against each other again in the near future. 80%

Overall Show Rating – 76%

Attendance – 7023

TV Viewers – 5.17

Round Up

Kurt Angle and Undertaker def. Brock Lesnar and John Cena

Los Guerreros def. AJ Styles

Kid Kash def. Paul London to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Title

Edge and Matt Hardy Version 1.0 drew because of a double count out

World’s Greatest Tag Team def. Holly Cousins to retain the WWE Tag Team Titles

Ultimo Dragon def. Nunzio

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Hm, it's a lot better then I thought it would be when I popped in to look. I enjoy the style of the results, both informative and entertaining. Might want to watch out for typos and all that jazz, but you seem to have it under control.

Definetly an underrated diary. I'm a bit disappointed A-Train was released, and Farooq, as those two are some of my favorites to see in singles fueds.

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Guest TheKingofAwesome

Thanks a lot. I don't think there are many typing errors within the diary as I use word and paste it in. I really had nothing planned for A-Train or the A.P.A. I have trouble getting some of my more popular and talented wrestlers on the card, especially on Smackdown because I'm using Heat for Raw right now.

I'm glad to hear that my writing is solid as it's my first diary and was having trouble on ways to approach it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey lookie here, a diary that sucks. Wanna Flame? Postwhore? Talk about anything? You have three hours to do so willy nilly in this diary.

Why? Because this ass fucking douche pissed me off and now I will be a complete cock.

Postwhore away.


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How dare you fire A-Train? He's fucking awesome.

Crikey, look at me, I'm postwhoring.

i wonder if tyhis will have REPERCURSSIONs?!

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