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What Game REALLY Pissed You Off?


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Easy enough, Final Fantasy VII, no, I'm not going to rant it you anti-fan boys, I am going to curse and scream at Demon's Gate, in the Temple of the Ancients it's damn near impossible to level up and I had somehow managed to make it that far with what I later learned to be a very insignificant level. Now I'm good at RPG tactics now, but back then it was my first forey into this area and I stood no chance (it'd still be tough now for me, but back then it would've been impossible with the 800 or so life I had).

Another game was Mario 64, Hazy Maze Cave, those of you who have played it, 'nuff said, it's the equivalent of water levels on Sonic.

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Stuntman for the ps2 - this game was so friggin hard. I broke a controller before I decided to trade it in.

True Crime: New York City - The driving portion of the game is really good but the on foot part is really buggy. I had to repeat a mission 15 times because of a stupid bug . good thing I only rented it

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The ending for Conflict: Desert Storm or whatever it is called. Fucking bullshit. Me and my mate have just defeated the army of darkness and then all we get is a 5 second cut scene of the sarge saying 'Well done lads, time for some r and r.' as they drive off in a jeep. Fucking shite.

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The ending for Conflict: Desert Storm or whatever it is called. Fucking bullshit. Me and my mate have just defeated the army of darkness and then all we get is a 5 second cut scene of the sarge saying 'Well done lads, time for some r and r.' as they drive off in a jeep. Fucking shite.

Urgh, I hate games that cheap out on endings, were there even any bonus additions for completing it?

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Stuntman for the ps2 - this game was so friggin hard. I broke a controller before I decided to trade it in.


I am going to curse and scream at Demon's Gate, in the Temple of the Ancients it's damn near impossible to level up and I had somehow managed to make it that far with what I later learned to be a very insignificant level.

Again echo'd, I used to be the exact same :P

FFVIII really pissed me off, because of the copy I had, rather than the game itself. It took me aaaaages to finally beat Ultimecia at the last battle, and then the game goes and crashes at the final cutscene. I still don't know how it ended :(

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Stuntman for the ps2 - this game was so friggin hard. I broke a controller before I decided to trade it in.


I am going to curse and scream at Demon's Gate, in the Temple of the Ancients it's damn near impossible to level up and I had somehow managed to make it that far with what I later learned to be a very insignificant level.

Again echo'd, I used to be the exact same :P

FFVIII really pissed me off, because of the copy I had, rather than the game itself. It took me aaaaages to finally beat Ultimecia at the last battle, and then the game goes and crashes at the final cutscene. I still don't know how it ended :(

Want me to put it in spoiler tags for you?

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The one time I managed it, the exact second I'd broke her free, the time limit ran out. True story. I've never played it again.

The exact same here, the problem wasn't freeing her, it was the time limit, I managed to break it a second AFTER the time limit about three times, but that's the closest I came, I wish they had of made a level skip cheat because aside from that level I adored the game.

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Stuntman for the ps2 - this game was so friggin hard. I broke a controller before I decided to trade it in.


I am going to curse and scream at Demon's Gate, in the Temple of the Ancients it's damn near impossible to level up and I had somehow managed to make it that far with what I later learned to be a very insignificant level.

Again echo'd, I used to be the exact same :P

FFVIII really pissed me off, because of the copy I had, rather than the game itself. It took me aaaaages to finally beat Ultimecia at the last battle, and then the game goes and crashes at the final cutscene. I still don't know how it ended :(

Want me to put it in spoiler tags for you?

If it's just something unimportant and practially unrelated like VII's then don't bother, I'm not that interested :P

Need for speed: Underground.

I swear, the com fucking cheats. Especially when you're on the last lap, and he suddenly rubberbands back to first place just right before you do.

Oooh! That reminds me, Ridge Racer Type 4 was the exact same. Cheating bastards everywhere :(

And now that you've got me thinking about it, Max Payne to was a frustrating shitty game also.

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Guest The Imperfect™

Grand Theft Auto because the games are so fucking easy to scratch up. Also Jet Set Radio Future because that game is impossible to find out what to do after you shut the XBOX off and return to it a month later...

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Super Mario Sunshine.

Some of the obstacle levels were fucking rediculous, as was the fact that I accidentally went into the last level with autosave on, before I had finished beating all the other levels.

Yeah, lots of games piss me off :blush:

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Day Of Reckoning 2. Enough said.

GTA2. It was just lame, I was expecting an improvement, not a shitty version of the original.

My NES and SNES controllers have bitemarks in them from the games that used to drive me nuts. Bomberman was one of them. And some of the hard parts in Mario Bros.

Recently the Super Mario 3 remake for the GBA has been pissing me off. I'm on the 7th world, and this castle stage is fucking annoying. I gave up and left it for another day.

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Of recent memory only a few games have gotten me annoyed, which is surprising since I'm normally calm, cool and collected.

San Andreas in multiple parts just pissed the ever living hell out of me though. Mainly the flight school stuff. Since it's mandatory and was just a bitch to do right. Trying to do well in the car school was a pain too (the one where you have to go around repeatedly in a little oval... crash and burn or something like that). I got bronze and quit.

Day of Reckoning 2 was annoying as well. I barely beefed up my created wrestler and there's some random match during it's season with Big Show. I couldn't pick him up, and I could only do tapping headbutts to hurt him. So a few hundred headbutts and a few dozen shining wizards and he stayed down long enough for me to barely get out. Also in the game, I had a cage match with John Cena. Fucker blind sided me with a clothesline, picks me up and body slams me and then climbs right out of the cage while I didn't even get off the damn mat.

No Mercy was a bitch too. Had a season going in that as a tag team of Aki-Man and Aki-Woman.... Gah. Got to a a match with Edge and Christian I have to win and the stupid bitch is useless. Slinking under the ropes and then just standing there watching them pin me. I could do reversals well years ago, but anymore I have no idea.

Jak II was plain frustrating. I took over my girlfriend's game when she quit and tried my hand at doing some of the stuff she couldn't and barely pulled any of it off. Got to the last boss and I just left it. I got there, if I tried I'd beat it but seeing the ending didn't hold my interest to deal with more frustrating shit.


Recently the Super Mario 3 remake for the GBA has been pissing me off. I'm on the 7th world, and this castle stage is fucking annoying. I gave up and left it for another day.

Edited by Vilge Duin
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