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Last.FM, put simply, records what music you play, simple as, it allows you to make a journal if you're into that, you can see charts, recently played, and annoy your fellow members :shifty:

Anyway, for a while, we've had it as donator only info, but I think it's about time to expand this to the public (mainly because I want a more comprehensive chart, and I rule, honest). So sign up, download, then apply to join EWB's sexy special group, the Emo Warfare Battleground.

Also, post your name here, helps Drags out (Y)

Keith Edit:

Weekly Artist Chart


Weekly Track Chart


Edited by Keith -Iwc- Clark
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If my sister didn't have a last.FM account too, and didn't play her songs on my account, I'd sign up, becuase I'm not about to let you guys think I listen to J-Pop. Might as well use WMP then...

BTW, I signed up as ZeroDamageTCP.

Edited by sirdavinator
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Well I'm already part of the group, I signed up with winamp, how can I change it? I looked in settings and nothing.

You can do it on more than one media, for example, sometimes I use WMP when I don't want WinAmp hanging around, I prefer to have something on my taskbar, so I have Audioscrobbler set up for both, you'll need to find where to access the plugin, all you have to do is enter in your user and pass into the plugin and you're set.

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