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Arctic Monkeys


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What with them being the poster boys recently of British music, I thought I'd just see what people on the board think of them.

I hate NME, and generally a lot of the stuff that they hype to the moon...BUT, I must say the Arctic Monkeys album is very good IMO. Whether they manage to survive past the hype remains to be seen, but it's good and gets better with every listen.

...but yeah, fuck the hype, as it isn't going to help the band in the long run.

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Yeah they're an truly amazing band. Tried to get a copy of their new album but all of the records stores in the neighborhood either never heard of them of have to order it from abroad.

Still think they're great, From Ritz to the Rubble is probably my favourite song, and will definitly pick up the album when I see it.

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The EPs are better, in my opinion, the album just doesn't sound that complete. They're not the saviours of music or anything, they're pretty much the same as every other band in Sheffield, to be honest. That said, Fake Tales Of San Francisco is a class tune.

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I've been aware of them for....maybe a year now? And I think they are good enough that they're gonna be around a long time.


They've only recently (note: a week ago) released thier first album, and only recently also had thier singles get into the charts, so they have only really become public knowledge over the last couple of months.

I'd heard of them ages ago as well, but they are obviously the poster boys for British music RIGHT NOW, rather than when no-one knew who they were and they were just touted as the next big thing by NME.

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The same kinda wank NME shoves down the publics throats, justs the queue of Babyshambles, Hard-Fi, etc.

From my recollection, NME didn't really push Hard-Fi that much, as they aren't as "elite" or "pretentious" as most of the bands they like to cream over.

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most of the songs got boring very fast, still good enough to listen now and than and for some disco - the only song that blows me away again and again is "Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But..."

i´ed rate a lot of the "englands next big thing" promoted bands over them (bloc party, maximo park, kaiser chiefs, ect.)

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I'm still 50/50 on if I want to get the album. Fakes Tales of San Fransisco, Scummy and I Bet That You Look Good On The Dance Floor are all okay but I just don't know if it's worth my time to listen to more.

Edited by Roddy Stone
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I think they are good, but all the hype is really pissing me off. Flicked thourght the NME the other day (the issue with the best 100 ever British albums), and the Arctic Monkeys album was 5th. I find that a load of bullshit. I think it's a good album for now but I very much doubt that people will still be listening to it in 5/10 years time like some of the classics in that list.

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The Arctic Monkeys are good. I was hesitant at first, with all the hype surrounding them. But hearing more and more songs, I am loving them more.

They write some amazing riffs (See "Choo Choo", "Red Lights Indicate The Doors Are Secure" "When The Sun Goes Down/Scummy"). The riffs are syncopated, and catchy and the use of bass is good (Unlike most indie bands).

I haven't heard the entire album, but I will soon.

Another thing they have going in their favour is their 'cheekiness'. Not just as far as image/look goes, it comes across in the music. It's similar to what got Blur 'over'. The cheekiness sets them apart from the rest of the bands out there.

Saviours of rock and roll they are not. But they write some good songs. Arctic Monkey's get two thumbs up from me. And I wish I could see them on the forthcoming tour. :(

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