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Arctic Monkeys


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They're alright, but not worth the hype.

They got big off the back of the "all new spreading songs around via the internet" which is all well and good but I'm distinctly underwhelmed by them....

The fact that their album beat The Beatles in all time concerned me just a little :shuriken:

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The Arctic Monkeys are good. I was hesitant at first, with all the hype surrounding them. But hearing more and more songs, I am loving them more.

They write some amazing riffs (See "Choo Choo", "Red Lights Indicate The Doors Are Secure" "When The Sun Goes Down/Scummy"). The riffs are syncopated, and catchy and the use of bass is good (Unlike most indie bands).

I haven't heard the entire album, but I will soon.

Another thing they have going in their favour is their 'cheekiness'. Not just as far as image/look goes, it comes across in the music. It's similar to what got Blur 'over'. The cheekiness sets them apart from the rest of the bands out there.

Saviours of rock and roll they are not. But they write some good songs. Arctic Monkey's get two thumbs up from me. And I wish I could see them on the forthcoming tour. :(

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I was pretty surprised at how amazing the album is actually. After hearing I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, I didn't think that it would be that great of an album but every song on it is good. It's quite shocking actually as I figured doing that was impossible. It's also easier to not hate them here since they get no hype, wouldn't have heard of them if it wasn't for you guys.

They've sold out both of their Toronto gigs here pretty quickly though (okay one is opening for Oasis at the ACC, fucking pissed the tickets for that got sold out so quickly, wanted to go).

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I'll re-iterate the love for the "cheekiness" of the lyrics that YI mentioned, as it does put them aside a little from some of the other Indie pap, as they do take the piss and such stuff, which is good to see when done well, which I believe they do.

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I understand it was a moronic comment to make, and i know my opinion is very shallow but i just can't bring myself to pay attention or have a good listen to any of his music, because i'm sick of him always being in the press for being a complete arse.

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I understand it was a moronic comment to make, and i know my opinion is very shallow but i just can't bring myself to pay attention or have a good listen to any of his music, because i'm sick of him always being in the press for being a complete arse.

So hate the press, not Pete, he's not that different to many other musicians.

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