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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Picked it up yesterday from Bestbuy. Got the Guitar Hero II bundle for the 360 and just got the game for III. Gonna have to get rid of II for the PS2 I suppose.

My girlfriend does great on medium, 5 starring things and getting 95% notes hit at the least, up until she decided to quit after Before I Forget.

I in turn, decided to try it out since I'm not too shabby at medium on the other two... Slow Ride kicked my ass. Hard.

This game is much more difficult than the other two. My fingers cannot comprehend the constant use of blue and switching to green and then hitting yellow and red, followed by yellow and blue, then red and green... and... :(

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It's going to sound silly, but a good way to beat the devil's lefty flip is to tape a mirror behind you and turn around. Seriously, it works.

Also, I just failed Cliffs of Dover on Hard at 93% because my notes just wouldn't register. I need a hug...

EDIT: Retried, got it with 3*, 96,601 and 86% notes hit. I'm just staring at the rest of the tier because I'm honestly too scared to try them. Tier 7 was bad enough!

Edited by Jack Krauser III
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Fizzy playing above easy? lol :shifty:

I am definately interested in playing TTFATM on Medium but hell, anything about that and, like someone else has said, it'd probably fail me before it even started.

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I went all the way up to Tier 8 on hard mode before realizing that in order to get the Dragonforce song I would have to beat it on Medium. Now that I went through that, I tried Tier 8 again and hard and beat all the songs EXCEPT slayer. Even practice mode isn't improving my chances, but I'll keep on trying.

Also my friend has been playing co-op career with me, gotta say I love it everytime an encore comes up.

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"Hey Steve, you and your team have the job of testing Guitar Hero III before it goes Gold."

"No problem sir.....ok he's gone, let's score some pot."

"But what about the game sir?"

"Eh, it'll be fine. What's the worse that could happen?"

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Quick Q: in many previews they listed Velvet Revolver's "She Builds Quick Machines" as a playable song...but I cant find it anywhere...what happened to it? Is it in the game?

It is not, but there's a good possibility that it'll be put out as DLC.

I thought I heard some songs have to be unlocked through co-op?

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I am so pissed, I am a huge Velvet fan. Still, I am trying to 5* every song on easy before I move up. Thus far, only Slayer, which I finally passed with 3* last night, is the only one of the career songs I have not 5* on easy. I am trying to 5* the bonus songs as well.

and I am having a lot of problems because I cannot link my online account. Question: to link up my account, do both, the PC and PS3 need to be online? I ask because I do not have a router(it stopped working right around the time I got the PS3) and I need to switch the ethernet cable from the PC to the PS3 back and forth to put them online, which makes having both of them online impossible. I have tried to make the account on the PC, but it says it is invalid. I have tried using the PS3 browser, but it wont open the link account page.

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Damn....this one is much harder than the previous ones.

Co-Op on Medium is now finished. Single player mode on Medium is now finished......except Raining Blood...fuck Slayer.....

Now to start another band and try to come up with the money to unlock the rest of the shit since Hard and Expert is a No-No for me.

They need an unlimited money cheat to go along with the Unlock All Songs cheat.

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