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The Guitar Hero Thread


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Me and my roomie picked this game up today around 12:30 and had all of Hard beaten with 5 stars except for the last tier of songs (3 and 4 stars on those). Now it's on to expert, but Hard was so much harder in comparison to GH1 that this might take a while...

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Having now finished career mode and spending about 5 hours playing 2 player co-op with one of my best friends I think I can form an opinion on the game. That opinion is this...

The game kicks massive amounts of ass.

Guitar Hero II plays well, sounds and looks great and is just a blast to play. From the great 2 player additions to the simplest touches such as the breakdown of sections and their scores for each song it seems a lot of thought went into this years game. I had a lot of fun working my way through career mode but the most rewarding, entertaining and addictive part of this game is its two player co-op. My buddy came over right after school and we jammed all night long. He wanted to just try 2 player and then finish career so he could play "Freebird" but after our very first song (It was "Monkey Wrench" by The Foo Fighters) we couldn't stop. Only when he left for dinner did I get the chance to finish career. Then when he came back we played the entire list for a few more hours. It helps a lot when your 2nd player is at or near your level as me playing on hard and him on easy would have sucked nuts.

The game isn't perfect mind you. I'm not as impressed with this years play list compared with last years. Don’t get me wrong, GHII has a lot of great tunes but it just seems more are less then great. Last year, with GH I, I loved just about every song in the game. I realize it's hard to have 55 songs that are all awesome but I was hoping over half of them would be great. I don't understand why Red Octane would get the right to Aerosmith, Alice in Chains and especially Van Halen only to give us there not so epic tunes. I'd much rather of had any other Aerosmith and Van Halen Song while replacing "Them Bones" with "Man in a Box."

Another annoyance is how it seems Red Octane went out of their way to find songs that would be really hard instead of really fun. Essentially all of tier 7 and 8 are way less fun then songs from tier's 2 and 3. I thought the idea was to save the best songs for last to make the player want to beat the game even more. Aside from "Freedbird" the last two tiers offer no memorable songs. In GH I the last two tiers feature some of the most fun songs in the game such as "Godzilla" and "Texas Flood." I hope for GH III Red Octane shifts the focus from trying to doup the few people who can 5 star "Bark at the Moon" on expert and more on giving the player the most enjoyable, memorable songs they can think of.

Overall I love this game. Aside from the play list being slightly less then ideal the game offers lots of fun songs to play. The 2 player co-op is fantastic and the practise mode can actually be very helpful. All the new venues are really cool to, though I'm not a huge fan of the Stonehenge set. Bottom line is this game is a must buy and was well worth the $89.99.


Question for you all, what song if you’re favourite to play in single player and what is your favourite to play in 2 player co-op?

For me the best song for single player is "Sweet Child O' Mine" while for 2 player co-op it would be "Carry on Wayward Son."

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As a pre-caution, when I got the game I started career mode on hard. Glad I did, I passed every song up to carry me home and madhouse,

and then I got owned (though I did beat psychobilly freakout and laid to rest)

I'm not sure what my favorite song is yet, this requires more playing :D

I :wub: this game so much, while I prefer listening to some GH1 songs more, the songs in GH2 are more fun to play overall to me.

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This game is AWESOME.

Save for one song (fuckin' Warrant), I absolutely love the soundtrack. Everything is a blast to play and like that they upped the difficulty for this one. Some of the songs are very fun to play but, they're even more fun when you're just destroying a song and takin' everything it can throw at you. The co-op is also great and, even though the bass can be a little boring on same songs, it's still all good. If you have not picked this game up yet and it's possible for you buy it, drop what you're doing and go buy it.

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I have to agree that for some the 7th tier and 8th tier have songs that aren't memorable. For me though I quite enjoy it a lot, with "Madhouse", "Laid to Rest", "Hanger 18", "YYZ", and "Beast and the Harlot" being my favorites besides Freebird.

I love this game because I can choose to play an expert rhythm or bass part while my friend on easy can play the lead part on top. Granted it's cooler when the person is the same level as you are, but it's still a huge improvement over last year's.

As for favorite songs, "Hanger 18" on Hard(got 93% through it on Expert!) is for single player, and for co-op it's still up in the air as I haven't played all of them. Gotta say "Killing in the Name" is up there.

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I started on Medium last night (meh, I didn't want to be killed first time through) and I've gotten 2 songs done on the last tier then stopped (Beast And The Harlot was quite fun to play, as was Misirlou) I'm really looking forward to Freebird. I think I'll head on to Hard after this.

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Guest StylesClash86

I screwed around on Easy to get the hang of this years game,but then I jumped to Medium. I'll say this, multiple chords, and in a hurry. I don't know how people play this game on Expert, it would be so insane. One song and my fingers would be dead.

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I don't know what it is, but I can beat every other song on Expert except for Freya... something about it that I can't get ahold on and end up failing a little more than 2/3 through the song...

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