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Back on GH1 (that was only the demo of GH2 I was playing, it doesn't come out until Friday), I'm actually properly going through Career mode on Hard whereas before I'd just done the first two tiers and left it.

Just played Unsung on hard for the first time (four stars). My right elbow feels about twice as big as it actually is.

Edited by stokeriño
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Five starring everything on easy will be a cakewalk if you've beaten expert. Hell, I five starred everything on easy before I even tried to tackle medium. I've five starred everything on medium too except Psychobilly Freakout, Carry Me Home (fuck that song), and Freebird.

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Actually, once you're used to Hard and Expert, Easy is mind-numbingly boring, and so slow it's actually kind of difficult to get the timing right, I kept hitting notes too early when I beat easy(so's I could get the Fishtar.)

And on the topic of Expert. Fuck Freya. Fuck Crazy On You. And double-fuck Monkey Wrench. Green-Orange chords! Green-Orange Chords! What the fuck?!

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Monkey Wrench is one of my favourite songs in the game! Foo Fighters are my favourite band so I'm a bit bias. Has anyone else found the replay value of this game to be less then GH1? I haven’t touched the game in a bout a week and I just can’t seem to get "the bug" to play it. Disappointing.

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Has anyone else found the replay value of this game to be less then GH1? I haven’t touched the game in a bout a week and I just can’t seem to get "the bug" to play it. Disappointing.

It's the novelty of playing the game for the first time, that's all. Aside from not being the originator, this game is superior to the last in every way.

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Guest StylesClash86

I'mtwo sets away from 5-starring everything on Medium. Medium has goteen really easy all of a sudden. I tried Hard onPractice and was actually getting the hang of the orange chord. I might be able to do hard after all.

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The five-starring easy was a joke, whenever I do have the desire to play it I usually get 100 percent, which is cool because they have the stars filled in with a yellow color.

I think I overplayed GHII and was a reason why I didn't touch it in over 2 weeks. When one of my friends said they were almost done, it was like a challenge to me, and now I'm loving GHII.

All there is for me to do is: Beat every song(including bonus) on every difficulty, 5 star every difficulty(Medium is out of the way, Hard I'm up to the 6th tier.)

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I dusted off GH1 today for the hell of it, and also to psyche me up for GH2, when I had a magical moment. I was playing Bark At The Moon on Easy (yeah, I suck) and I had a great moment where my fingers were moving and I didn't know what I was doing, yet I was hitting everything right. Sadly, it only lasted for about 5 seconds and then ruined everything. But it was nice while it lasted.

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Guest StylesClash86

If I try to think to much about the notes then I seem to screw it up. But if I just take my time and process it all then my fingers seem to move on their own.

Has anyone noticed in GH II it seems like sometimes you will hit a note and know for a fact you did and it says you didn't?

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Has anyone noticed in GH II it seems like sometimes you will hit a note and know for a fact you did and it says you didn't?

Are you playing on an HDTV? That can goof it up sometimes, the audio/visual don't completely synch up all the time.

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I dusted off GH1 today for the hell of it, and also to psyche me up for GH2, when I had a magical moment. I was playing Bark At The Moon on Easy (yeah, I suck) and I had a great moment where my fingers were moving and I didn't know what I was doing, yet I was hitting everything right. Sadly, it only lasted for about 5 seconds and then ruined everything. But it was nice while it lasted.
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Guest StylesClash86

Has anyone noticed in GH II it seems like sometimes you will hit a note and know for a fact you did and it says you didn't?

Are you playing on an HDTV? That can goof it up sometimes, the audio/visual don't completely synch up all the time.

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