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100 funniest moments C4

Guest Gummy Mcgumson

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Star Wars Kid deserved to be higher.

I'm happy that Little Britain didn't get in there, but shocked that The Germans from Fawlty Towers didn't get there. Still, The Brits incident with The Four Tops/Boy George was there, so it's all good. And of course, Numa Numa.

Search on Google for "Numa Numa Dance". Go to the Newgrounds one.

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Ross Noble in at 100 is class. Dennis Pennis should have been higher. Personally it was so vague fuck knows what was going on. Comedy programs, actors, random moments. What the fuck is eligible? I'd have given #1 to the "Tree Protest" Ali G schtik on the 11 O'Clock Show. I miss that program far too much. :(

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Dennis Pennis is perhaps the best TV personality ever.

To Steve Martin: "Hey Steve...How come you're not funny any more?"

He's not repeated often enough.

Adam and Joe are great too. When Jo is eating all the "EXTRA FREE" parts from packs of food in the shop....Genius.

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The best part was when Dominik Diamond was credited as a "writer". He's not a writer, he's the bloke from Gamesmaster.

Good old DD!

Though he used to be on Radio 5 Live (dunno if he still is) and writes for a newspaper like The Sun or something I think... <_<

In Gamesmaster he spent most of my teenage years being one of the funniest men on TV

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The best part was when Dominik Diamond was credited as a "writer". He's not a writer, he's the bloke from Gamesmaster.

Good old DD!

Though he used to be on Radio 5 Live (dunno if he still is) and writes for a newspaper like The Sun or something I think... <_<

In Gamesmaster he spent most of my teenage years being one of the funniest men on TV

He writes substanceless tripe for the Star, if I remember correctly. He's my favourite pseudo-celebrity. My love for Dominik Diamond is only exceeded by my hatred for Dominik Diamond. I think if he'd died immediately after the cancellation of Gamesmaster he'd have been a martyr and I'd love him forever, but as it is he clings on to some kind of sub-fame existence, and I find it hilarious.

Edited by Skumfrog
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