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Dan Brown, The Author Question


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Is Angels and Airwaves a sequal to The Da Vinci Code or vice versa?

I'm just asking because Amazon.ca has both books on for $5.49 (Soft Cover) each CANADIAN. Since I don't read a lot, I only need the soft cover version and don't need to pay an extra $20 for the hard cover.

Thanks for the answer.

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It's not so much a sequel. It does involve the one main character, but other then that, The Da Vinci Code makes zero mention to anything that happened in Angels and Demons. Plus The Da Vinci Code sets up Robert (i.e. character development) entirely like it's a seperate book. Basically, what I'm trying to say is it's like a Bond movie. Same character, but you can read them in whatever order.

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It's not so much a sequel. It does involve the one main character, but other then that, The Da Vinci Code makes zero mention to anything that happened in Angels and Demons. Plus The Da Vinci Code sets up Robert (i.e. character development) entirely like it's a seperate book. Basically, what I'm trying to say is it's like a Bond movie. Same character, but you can read them in whatever order.

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It's not so much a sequel. It does involve the one main character, but other then that, The Da Vinci Code makes zero mention to anything that happened in Angels and Demons. Plus The Da Vinci Code sets up Robert (i.e. character development) entirely like it's a seperate book. Basically, what I'm trying to say is it's like a Bond movie. Same character, but you can read them in whatever order.

It makes 2 or 3 references to "the incident in Rome last year" or words to similar effect....

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K, sounds good. A friend said, "Oh you HAVE to read Da Vinci Code for the movie" and I looked on the internet and saw this other 600 page bible with the same character and I'm going... uhh....

I'd rather just read the one book and pretend the other one doesn't exist. Thanks for the clarification. (Y)

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It's not so much a sequel. It does involve the one main character, but other then that, The Da Vinci Code makes zero mention to anything that happened in Angels and Demons. Plus The Da Vinci Code sets up Robert (i.e. character development) entirely like it's a seperate book. Basically, what I'm trying to say is it's like a Bond movie. Same character, but you can read them in whatever order.

It makes 2 or 3 references to "the incident in Rome last year" or words to similar effect....

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Both books are fast reads, so if you are a completist and a moderately adept reader, both books can be read and understood in about three weeks time tops.

Dan Brown is a modern day rip off artist in many regards, albeit an entertaining one if you are simply looking for mindless fun, and the way he writes his chapters is such an example. If you've ever read any novel from James Patterson post 1992 then you've seen the format that Dan Brown uses for A&D and The DaVinci Code. And don't get me started on the lawsuit against him that alleges he is a bigger rip off artist than we ever knew.


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not to say it's a bad book

Yes it is. I'd place Kaney or SDM as better writers than Dan Brown, hell, I'll even throw in Norris Scott, and we all know how I feel about him.

The fact that he has made a fortune for himself producing crap irks me greatly.

Jealousy is an ugly color on you.


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Dan Brown as a writer isn't setting out to re-invent the wheel, and I find his books pretty entertaining without being outstanding.

Personally, the lawsuit against his is stupid,especially considering that the book that he apparently took his basis from was a "factual" book. If he nicked a whole other fictional story, fair enough, but I thought once a "factual" idea was in the public domain, it was generally free to be used (well, in the literature world)...but I might be wrong, I'm not sure on legalities of things.

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He didn't reinvent the wheel, he came up with a shoddier version of it and made millions.

Here's an example, taken from the first page of the book.

A voice spoke, chillingly close. "Do not move."

On his hands and knees, the curator froze, turning his head slowly.

Only fifteen feet away, outside the sealed gate, the mountainous silhouette of his attacker stared through the iron bars. He was broad and tall, with ghost-pale skin and thinning white hair. His irises were pink with dark red pupils.

Edited by Gongsun Zan
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