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Upcoming Games You're Really Looking Forward To...

Xero Gravity

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I haven't been paying a great deal of attention to the video game world over the past several months, so I'm not really up to speed on the release dates for upcomgin games. Regardless, I'm naturally anticipating the European releases of FFXII and FFVII:DOC being the huge fanboy that I am. Also I can't wait until Mortal Kombat: Armageddon is released. It'll be the first MK game I've picked up since UMK3 on my Mega Drive, and I'm looking forward to see just how much things have changed since then.

After a quick scan on IGN, I have to say the announcements of Reservior Dogs, Transofrmers 2, and Sin City have me intrigued at this point...I'm a huge fan of all three so I hope the games don't end up as disappointing failures, especially Sin City.

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Things that are on the horizon. Blazing Angels, I downloaded the demo of the Xbox Marketplace last night and it was very fun game. I've had it pre-ordered but the demo has me pretty hyped for it.

A bit further down the line in a couple of months Gears Of War, the new Tomb Raider, Chrome Hounds and Splinter Cell: Double Agent all have me excited.

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Games I actually can't wait for....but have to:

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess(Gamecube)

Zelda for DS

A True Pokemon sequal for DS

ELder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Halo 3

Games I'm probably gonna buy, but have to wait(don't mind that much):

Kingdom Hearts 2

Mortal Kombat: Armegeddon

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Guest Professor Kou

And two games already in the coveted "Can blow me" catagory are:

Halo 3

Kingdom Hearts 2

Seriously I haven't been hyped for anything in a while. ANYTHING DAMMIT.

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I actually tried to post on this topic last night, but for whatever reason my post didn't go through (bad net connection I think)

Far and away the game I've been looking forward to the most is Hitman: Blood Money.

I'm a huge fan of the series (there's just something about being an assassin that's appealing to me...at least as a game.), but having to wait for the game has been terrible. I feel like the cartoon mule that they dangle a carrot in front of to get him to walk, and everytime he gets closer to the carrot, it gets farther away.

First the game was due out around April 2005, then in like February or March they moved it to June 2005....but come May guess what? They moved it to October. I was beginning to get frustrated then, but I waited patiently and when September came, they moved it back to January 2006. So finally we get close to January (December in fact) and I come to find out that they've delayed the game until Q2 2006 (Sometime between April 1st and June 30th), but now they've set a release date that I hope will be the final one which is sometime in May (can't remember the exact day...but when it gets close, I'll be counting them down).

Some of the improvements sound pretty cool, most notably the notoriety system, giving you a reason to be stealthy and not just run'n'gun. But more importantly to me, it's another chapter in the Hitman series.

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but now they've set a release date that I hope will be the final one which is sometime in May (can't remember the exact day...but when it gets close, I'll be counting them down).

Some of the improvements sound pretty cool, most notably the notoriety system, giving you a reason to be stealthy and not just run'n'gun. But more importantly to me, it's another chapter in the Hitman series.

It's May 19th. According to Play.com.

And yeah the notoriety system sounds great, it will make you actually think about the best way to go about the killing rather than just going through and blasting everyone's head off.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Let's see...

Electroplankton (DS)

Final Fantasy III (DS)

Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

Micro Machines V4 (DS)

Okami (PS2)

Pokémon Diamond/Pearl (DS)

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 (PS2/DS)

Spore (PC)

Tales Of The Tempest (DS)

The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC)

Wario Ware Inc. Twisted (GBA)

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