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Smackdown! VS RAW 2007

Guest Anti-Hero

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I've been most people since I'm in GM Mode, but outside of it Khali, Umaga, Finlay and Kenneddy are all great.

I cant wait for some CAWS to be released though, I miss my CAW stash >_>. Liam helped me with a lot :)

PS: Liam not on MSN?

Edited by Jouzy Dorian
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The problem with the Royal Rumble, or any multi-man match, is that anything more than 8 to 10 wrestlers would be hard to manage. But they definitely do need to have it more than 6 in the ring at once.

Regarding Foley, I wonder if you can play as Cactus Jack, Mankind, or Dude Love in season, or just as Foley. I'm gonna be severely disappointed if you can't play in season as his alter egos.

Anyone think there's a chance they'll have Trish in `08 (if there is an `08, that is) as a Legend, or have Ashley or Maria in if they're still around by then? (I'm seriously disappointed that they didn't put Maria in `07 at all, as she's one of the best things about RAW)

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Anyone gone into Challenge Mode yet? Some are piss, but stuff like Hardy/Edge (since Hardy is shit) and The Mexicools vs Undertaker/Kane are pretty hard.

If you use the challenge mode machine thing in your locker room to go straight into the Mexicools challenge, it'll automatically set DQ to off, so waffle Taker and Kane with a chair. I read people crying because it was so tough on Gamefaqs, but when I saw DQ was off I finished it first try with both Super Crazy and Psicosis in tact :P

Anyone with the 360 version feel up for a match or two later? I'm not able to use my headset at the moment, but I'd still be up for a few matches for fun. My CAW is still shitty though so I won't be using him >_>

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Umaga may be my favourite person in the game too. However, I had a fucking annoying match as him earlier vs. Trevor Murdoch. I had his head and body red in just over two minutes - then he countered EVERY single move I tried to do to him for the next three/four minutes and built up a shitload of momentum - I had to kick out of his finisher. He was suddenly invincible. I think I hit a normal clothesline, and because his head was in red I got a pin from it. It was some scary shit for a minute there though.

I responded by being Umaga vs. Hardcore Holly and totally destroying him.

I did the Six man elimination crusierweight challenge. I was panicking because inside five minutes Rey had gone through Helms, Chavo, Crazy and Psicosis (since Rey has awesome stats, he REALLY squashed them), and he was kicking my arse a bit, but was slightly injured. He was beginning to 'go through' me a bit, but Kash's run/down move is a roll-up and hands on tights. Just as he was about to build some real momentum, I countered, ran up behind him, and rolled him up, hands on tights FTW! It looked fucking great. I was pretty happy with me self.

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I think Tazz may be my favourite so far, if only because they used his "Survive if I let you" music :wub:

What's the best way to get behind a groggy opponent to do a finisher? You used to be able to double tap O to stand them up so you were behind them, but double clicking the right stick on this lifts them into a sitting position.

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My biggest question is this: Is the game when you play on hard or legend still just a big reversal fest? 06 had no certain realism to it; it was punch punch punch by the CPU and then attempt a grapple you'd usually reverse that and then you'd maybe get a grapple in and go for a down grapple and that would be reversed. Rinse and repeat pretty much until someone got a finisher and hit it unless you had a crappy finisher which some people IE Carlito once you give him the backcracker on 06 it doesn't do nearly enough damage to finish anyone.

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i tried to give this game a short test and failed, merly becaus of the gigantic loading times. it even takes 5 seconds to acces the menu that asks you if you want to save or not.... nope not the actual memory card writing, just getting there, the writing/overwriting takes even longer... and loading times to get into a match are overall longer than most matches. :-/

got some more to bitch and 1 1/2 pro points but need to go to work first ;)

What console are you playing it on? I'm on the 360 and the load times aren't that bad at all. Sure there's a fair few loading screens, but they don't take as long as you're suggesting. Hmm, maybe Germans are just really impatient >_>

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Well the PS2 would do wouldn't it? Simply because it's a next-gen game put onto a current gen console, so it'll push the PS2 to its limits and that means longer loading times.

what exactly is limit pushing about this?

The fact that it's a PS2 port of an XBox 360 game?

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