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NFL 06/07 Talk

Guest Mighty Mighty Bosstown

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2-0 doesn't mean they'll win the superbowl, nor does it mean they'll even make the playoffs. But it does mean a little bit more than "jack shit." It means they have 1/5th of what they need to be considered a possible playoff contender (well...in the AFC you might need 12 wins...so maybe 1/6th). But I understand your point, it's not necessarily an indication of their final standing. It's really too early to make assumptions about pretty much any team's final standings.

On the Bears. Rex Grossman has indeed been impressive. If he can stay true to form, and more importantly stay healthy, the Bears will be a force this year. Sure, he beat some weak teams, but he looked damn good in those games. Also, keep in mind that with the Bears defense he doesn't really need to be spectacular. He just needs to be decent to give them a shot.

As far as the Lions beating Green Bay...I really believe they can, but before we count out Green Bay we need to remember that as horrible as GB was last year, they still beat the Lions in their second game. They always manage to step up their performance against the Lions. I remember a few years ago (two?) when the Packers were doing horrible and everyone was predicting a drop to the bottom of the NFC North. I even saw a post on some forum from a fellow Lions fan about how great it was going to be when the Lions played the Packers on Thanksgiving. Game comes, Packers beat the Lions and suddenly become rejuvenated. They go on to beat the Vikings in the last game of the season to take the division. As a Lions fan, the unfortunate fact is that we can never really consider our team favored to win :P

On the bright side, the Lions started the last two seasons with a winning record. So at least this season is different. :P Even if it's not in a good way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to hate on my own team or anything. It's just years of disappointments have taught me not to get my hopes too high. That said, even if the Lions lose every single game this year, I'll still watch, and I'll still be a (disappointed) fan.

Edited by jase12881
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It's how most of are now Jase. I felt like I had aged ten years after the Lions game, I felt totally deflated. Funny thing is I'm ready to go for another round of Lions football this Sunday. As an added bonus, I'll be attending the game with my dad so it should be a good time. Our neighbor gave us a pair of tickets that are pretty nice seats.

Anyway, it'd be nice to go and see them play a great game while getting the win. I tend to forget how much I enjoy a live football game.

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Oakland Raiders football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Art Shell immediately suspended practice and called the police and federal investigators. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the goal line. Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.


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Holy shit has Dragsy ever missed the point. All he's saying is that it's interesting the last time the Ravens went 2-0, things ended well for them. That's equivalent to me saying "This is Charlton's worst start in the Premiership". Neither of us are saying 'ZOMG LOLOL RAVENS R SUPREBOL CHAPMS" or "LOLOL CHARLTON R SHYTE" (...OK, maybe the second one's not far off the mark), it's just a little factoid. Now, if you'd used the 2-0 start to justify the Ravens securing a playoff spot, I could understand, but he hasn't and you've acted like an idiot.

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Oakland Raiders football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Art Shell immediately suspended practice and called the police and federal investigators. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the goal line. Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.


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Oakland Raiders football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Art Shell immediately suspended practice and called the police and federal investigators. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the goal line. Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.


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Oakland Raiders football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Art Shell immediately suspended practice and called the police and federal investigators. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the goal line. Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.


We had that thing printed up about the Ravens last year. It's priceless.

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Holy shit has Dragsy ever missed the point. All he's saying is that it's interesting the last time the Ravens went 2-0, things ended well for them. That's equivalent to me saying "This is Charlton's worst start in the Premiership". Neither of us are saying 'ZOMG LOLOL RAVENS R SUPREBOL CHAPMS" or "LOLOL CHARLTON R SHYTE" (...OK, maybe the second one's not far off the mark), it's just a little factoid. Now, if you'd used the 2-0 start to justify the Ravens securing a playoff spot, I could understand, but he hasn't and you've acted like an idiot.

It's not interesting, that was my whole point before he countered with that stupid bollocks I can't be arsed to quote.


Be, shut up, you're actually the one who doesn't understand. You think Dragsy was saying the point doesn't matter because the Ravens suck. He said the point isn't interesting, it's insignificant. He added that he doesn't think it will mean anything anyway because the Ravens suck. And don't be a hypocrite - you told him to move on when you're the one who dragged it out further :ohwell:

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Holy shit has Dragsy ever missed the point. All he's saying is that it's interesting the last time the Ravens went 2-0, things ended well for them. That's equivalent to me saying "This is Charlton's worst start in the Premiership". Neither of us are saying 'ZOMG LOLOL RAVENS R SUPREBOL CHAPMS" or "LOLOL CHARLTON R SHYTE" (...OK, maybe the second one's not far off the mark), it's just a little factoid. Now, if you'd used the 2-0 start to justify the Ravens securing a playoff spot, I could understand, but he hasn't and you've acted like an idiot.

It's not interesting, that was my whole point before he countered with that stupid bollocks I can't be arsed to quote.


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And yeah, Be's right by the way. I wasn't saying that the Ravens were going to the Super Bowl or anything like that, I said that the last time the Ravens did start 2-0 they went to the Super Bowl, but I guess you guys missed that all capitalized word "could", didn't you?

No, we didn't - we never said that you'd said the Ravens would go all the way because they did it six years ago when they were last 2-0.

All me and Dragsy said to start off with was that the fact/stat you revealed was uninteresting to us. We didn't say you were saying the Ravens will go all the way because they did so the last time they were 2-0. We just said the stat was uninteresting and insignificant because this isn't six years ago and it's a different Ravens team. We DID NOT say you were telling us the Ravens will do it again, not once.

Then Dragsy went on to say he doesn't think the Ravens will do it again for whatever reason and Be confused that as being in response to the initial stat you provided.

Somehow you've misunderstoof/misread what we were saying.

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They say that kinda thing all the time in football (soccer, whatever).

"The last time Tottenham beat Sheffield Utd in the FA Cup, they went on to win it....blah blah blah, etc etc".

So it is a midly interesting tidbit...maybe not to you both, but to some others.

I realise others may find it interesting, I'm just saying I don't find it interesting. Why am I being got at for expressing my opinion?

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They say that kinda thing all the time in football (soccer, whatever).

"The last time Tottenham beat Sheffield Utd in the FA Cup, they went on to win it....blah blah blah, etc etc".

So it is a midly interesting tidbit...maybe not to you both, but to some others.

I realise others may find it interesting, I'm just saying I don't find it interesting. Why am I being got at for expressing my opinion?

We're not (well, I'm not), but if every single time someone pointed something out on here, and two or three people posted "uninteresting, don't care", it would be a little bit pointless, thats all.

When Dragsy broke it down and stated why, it made more sense to do it that way, but yeah.

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They say that kinda thing all the time in football (soccer, whatever).

"The last time Tottenham beat Sheffield Utd in the FA Cup, they went on to win it....blah blah blah, etc etc".

So it is a midly interesting tidbit...maybe not to you both, but to some others.

There's always silly little tidbits that are brought up in most sports. "The Bears have held opponents scoreless for last six quarters", "Craig Monroe has a .310 average after the seventh inning", "Kobe Bryant is has a better field goal percentage on away games on a Sunday".

Honestly, I love them. Sometimes the broadcasters dig for the silliest shit, but some of it can be fairly significant. Imagine these sort of things in wrestling. "6 out of 7 of Christian's tag title reigns were with partners that long hair!" (I made that last figure up, but still).

Edited by VerbalPuke
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