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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Astonishing X-Men probably has to be series of the year, unless The Walkind Dead cranks out two or three great issues by the end of the year. When Joss Whedon's on his game, he shows why he's so well-paid and highly regarded.

Not to take away from any other comic, especially those two, but the best has been Iron Fist by a mile for me, it's taken a so-so character and turned him into the best character around without involving him with every other plot in its universe. It's consistently 8/10 at least, is almost always on time, always advances the plot, is developing/has developed some good minor characters and has a good flowing story, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Brubaker is the best man in comics right now and Iron Fist is the hottest franchise that you should be reading.

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Astonishing X-Men probably has to be series of the year, unless The Walkind Dead cranks out two or three great issues by the end of the year. When Joss Whedon's on his game, he shows why he's so well-paid and highly regarded.

Not to take away from any other comic, especially those two, but the best has been Iron Fist by a mile for me, it's taken a so-so character and turned him into the best character around without involving him with every other plot in its universe. It's consistently 8/10 at least, is almost always on time, always advances the plot, is developing/has developed some good minor characters and has a good flowing story, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Brubaker is the best man in comics right now and Iron Fist is the hottest franchise that you should be reading.

I've read the first 5 issues after timmayy lent them to me and it's growing on me. for me, the first couple of issues are above average and a tad bland. Issues 3 to 5 are better, though.

Still, I much prefer Brubaker's runs on CapAm and Daredevil over Iron Fist. In that order in fact.

Has anyone read the Ultimates/Supreme Powers cross over "Ultimate Power" and is it any good? The writing team looks immense (Straczynski, Bendis & Loeb) and I do like me some Supreme Power.

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No, it's slow, arduous and very repetitive, the same question has been running for seven issues or so and the same battle for about four (although admitedly the latest one was totally fucking brilliant and hilarious to see). It's interesting for characters and keeping up with the Ultimate world but not much else screams "Read me".

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I'm having a clear out of a load of tpb's soon and Im gonna shove them all on Ebay. Thought I'd give you guys first chance to buy any of them first though. All are in good condition, most read only once or twice.

Mostly X-Men, but a load of other stuff too. Anyone interested, PM me and I'll send you a list of the ones I'm selling.

EDIT: I've got a bunch of X-Men (New X-Men (Morrison run), Uncanny X-Men from around the same time, Uncanny X-Men: The New Age, New Avengers, Astonishing X-Men, a bunch of Civil War tie-ins, and some other stuff too. I'll offer good prices too, 'specially if you buy a few things.

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Astonishing X-Men probably has to be series of the year, unless The Walkind Dead cranks out two or three great issues by the end of the year. When Joss Whedon's on his game, he shows why he's so well-paid and highly regarded.

Not to take away from any other comic, especially those two, but the best has been Iron Fist by a mile for me, it's taken a so-so character and turned him into the best character around without involving him with every other plot in its universe. It's consistently 8/10 at least, is almost always on time, always advances the plot, is developing/has developed some good minor characters and has a good flowing story, I've said it before and I'll say it again, Brubaker is the best man in comics right now and Iron Fist is the hottest franchise that you should be reading.

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Iron Fist has to be my character of the year. I've gone from not knowing who he is, to him probably being my favourite character currently (not of all time, but of right now if that makes sense), the comic and Danny Rand are both awesome.

Anyway, I don't know if this is old news, but I just found this. Its about the Astonishing X-Men creative team.

Warren Ellis is going to write Astonishing X-Men.


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Iron Fist has to be my character of the year. I've gone from not knowing who he is, to him probably being my favourite character currently (not of all time, but of right now if that makes sense), the comic and Danny Rand are both awesome.

Anyway, I don't know if this is old news, but I just found this. Its about the Astonishing X-Men creative team.

Warren Ellis is going to write Astonishing X-Men.


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Quick question, who's picking up Captain Marvel this week? I've been waiting for this since the return, and despite ruining one of the best comic book deaths ever, I'm hyped, apparently that and Ms Marvel will tie in heavilly with Secret Invasion (speaking of, Illuminati #5 kicked seven shades of shit).

Also, any clues how each issue of Illuminati ties in with the main plot? The premier, finale and Marvel Boy is obvious, but Beyonder and Infinity Gauntlet not so much.

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Finally, Omega the Unknown. Surprising just how interested I am from this first book. I've read through it (thus adding another to my growing list of comics) and found it's not at all what I expected. Too many comics, especially limited series, try to cram a lot of happenings into one comic, and before you can really remember the characters names it is over. Omega the Unknown seems to be doing the exact opposite, it's concentrating on the best part of comics -- the characters. It's built a sense of intruige around its events without making an overly dramatic statement, and already I care about the main characters and feel a sense of empathy with them. I wasn't a big fan of it's slightly sharp penciling and light faded colouring (it reminds me of a 1970's/80's newspaper strip), but it inexplaicably suits the story being told.
That's what I said before, and the second issue is different in a good way. It crams a lot of stuff in, but it doesn't overdo it at all, in fact it makes sure to skim the minor events without making you feel like its interaction suffers. The art in this one is a little, I won't say better, but easier on the eyes, it's no different, but the style suits the kind of sequences fits into this second issue. Don't go into this book expecting anything less than a surreal experience, it's not your normal Marvel superhero book, it's weird, charming and endearing.
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What happened to that New Universal Ellis was writing? I was really enjoying that, and it just seemed to end.

From a July press release posted on Newsarama:

Marvel is pleased to announce that 2008 will see the return of newuniversal to comic stands, as the second season kicks off with the kind of bang you’d expect from Warren Ellis, the mind behind Nextwave and Thunderbolts. Like your favorite television dramas, the creative team behind this hit comic book series is taking some time off to return even bigger and bolder than before, with two factions fighting for control of Earth’s superhuman population.

So next year sometime is the expected return. Six issues, a break, another six issues, and continue on like that until the series is completed.

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Awesome cheers.

So, wasn't the end of World War Hulk totally underwhelming?

Totally the opposite for me, I felt the smash fest was perfect, the ending has left me interested in reading a book (or it's spin-offs at least) that I haven't given a shit about in ever. The Sentry being able to 'let go' leaves you wondering where they are going with both Bruce and Bob. I don't see what was wrong with it even in the slightest.

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Thanks to Ebay and other sources (including my local comic store) I've been collecting a lot of old Marvel comics from the early years. Just read 'Journey Into Mystery #107' which saw Thor battle the Grey Gargoyle, great stuff. I am currently reading 'Amazing Spiderman Annual #1' which is the first time he faces the Sinister Six, also brillian so far.

So as for an idea for discussion, what are people's favourite classic/older stories in comic books?

Edit: An awesome quote;

As Betty Brant and Aunt May are kidnapped by the Sinister Six....

Brant: Doctor Octopus! Why have you brought us here?

May: A Doctor? How nice, such a charming soft spoken gentleman.

Brant: You haven't heard of him? Don't let him decieve you!

May: Now now, we musn't be predujiced against the poor man just because he seems to have some trouble with his arms.

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Gail Simone is now writing Wonder Woman, and is starting off with a 4-parter. Just picked it up yesterday, and is looks like its going to be good!

By the way, DC is apparently doing something big involving Batman starting next June or July:

Batman gets sort of "killed off", but actually becomes a New God and someone else takes over as Batman. Unfortunately, the writers haven't learned their lesson from the time Azrael took over as Batman, because the new Batman is going to be......Jason Todd!

Originally, the plan was for all the big name heroes to become New Gods and their sidekicks take over their roles, but the plan was scrapped and only Batman is going to be affected.

(Got this from the Comic Book Resources site, btw)

I also picked up Captain America #32 and the second issue of the Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo Crew mini-series. I really hope it sells well enough to justify more minis down the road, as it was one of my favorite series when I was a kid.

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I'm hoping it's not Jason Todd, he's supposed to be taking the mantle of Red Robin, if Dick became Batman it'd go against what he's become, Tim's too young but is the most likely candidate, and Ibn/Damian just isn't Batman and is even younger.

It seems pretty clear at this point it is going to be Jason. Not saying that's a good idea, because it is so not, but it seems to be the direction they are headed.

As for Dick as Batman, if you can find it I would suggest reading Prodigal, which took place in all the Bat books in the 90's after KnightsEnd, which was the conclusion of Azbats. It explains in 9 or 10 parts exactly why Dick will never become Batman.

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