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The Comic Book Thread (spoilers)

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Super Hero Art (As in "ART", not in Comic Book drawings)

It´s basicly a guy that draws abstrackt mashups out of comicbook pices... his idea is that superheros look so inhuman already that the next step would be to give up human form all together.


Video Profile of Aaron Noble


His Webpage with a ton of Work.


Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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New Avengers/Spider-Man spoiler:

So they do they whole retcon, only for Spidey to unmask to the other Avengers again? It's not like I don't like him being with the others like a REAL member of the team, but c'mon! Still, the exchange between him, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage was pretty funny.
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New Avengers/Spider-Man spoiler:

So they do they whole retcon, only for Spidey to unmask to the other Avengers again? It's not like I don't like him being with the others like a REAL member of the team, but c'mon! Still, the exchange between him, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage was pretty funny.

I didn't mind that he unmasked to them. What bothered me is that nobody remembered that they used to know who he was. According to Marvel, people remember the unmasking but they don't know who was behind the mask. Given that, would a more logical question than "who are you?" be "why the hell don't we know who you are anymore?"
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New Avengers/Spider-Man spoiler:

So they do they whole retcon, only for Spidey to unmask to the other Avengers again? It's not like I don't like him being with the others like a REAL member of the team, but c'mon! Still, the exchange between him, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage was pretty funny.

I didn't mind that he unmasked to them. What bothered me is that nobody remembered that they used to know who he was. According to Marvel, people remember the unmasking but they don't know who was behind the mask. Given that, would a more logical question than "who are you?" be "why the hell don't we know who you are anymore?"

I guess they not only don't remember who he was, they don't even remember they knew. Now, I have to ask, I haven't been reading Spider-Man since the whole BND crap, but I know he already interacted with the Thunderbolts, which by proxy makes him interact with Norman Osborn, or at least I'd think that. What was their stance there? Did they make any acknowledgment that Osborn used to know who he was? Heck, or Venom? What's the deal there? Could anyone explain?
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New Avengers/Spider-Man spoiler:

So they do they whole retcon, only for Spidey to unmask to the other Avengers again? It's not like I don't like him being with the others like a REAL member of the team, but c'mon! Still, the exchange between him, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage was pretty funny.

I didn't mind that he unmasked to them. What bothered me is that nobody remembered that they used to know who he was. According to Marvel, people remember the unmasking but they don't know who was behind the mask. Given that, would a more logical question than "who are you?" be "why the hell don't we know who you are anymore?"

I guess they not only don't remember who he was, they don't even remember they knew. Now, I have to ask, I haven't been reading Spider-Man since the whole BND crap, but I know he already interacted with the Thunderbolts, which by proxy makes him interact with Norman Osborn, or at least I'd think that. What was their stance there? Did they make any acknowledgment that Osborn used to know who he was? Heck, or Venom? What's the deal there? Could anyone explain?

I'll ditch the spoiler tags since this one was last summer, but yeah, they addressed all that. Norman didn't remember who Spider-Man was, and Peter (in costume) even made a point of teasing him about how he knew all of Osborn's secrets, but it wasn't vice versa anymore. Of course, Norman knew long before the Civil War unmasking, so who knows what "officially" happened to that. Venom (and the symbiote) didn't know Peter's identity, but kept tracking down Eddie Brock and getting into it with him. There was also a part in that storyline (New Ways to Die), where Peter thinks his identity might be in jeopardy, then when he realizes it isn't, thinks something like "the work WE did is still in effect." As yet there's been no explanation regarding that.

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I also loved Spidey and I read abit from around 6 months ago, got as far as the Darevdevil/girl Kraven Hunt story and while it wasn't terrrible, it wasn't Spidey to me. I have spent way too long getting used to May and MJ and no Harry and they way things are (were). I dropped the book but Im giving it a try again this week see if I can get back into it.

On the plus side, Im loving New Avengers (not yet read #51). It seems to be back on form to how the series started with the first few arcs (I dropped after civil war). Picking up Elektra too, more out of curiosity than anything.

To anyone who's read/reading them; how is War Machine? I always liked the character, but does he pull off a solo book well? Mighty Avengers - whats it actually about at the minute? I mean you have your New and Dark Avenger incarnations at the moment, so whats this book focusing on?

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I also loved Spidey and I read abit from around 6 months ago, got as far as the Darevdevil/girl Kraven Hunt story and while it wasn't terrrible, it wasn't Spidey to me. I have spent way too long getting used to May and MJ and no Harry and they way things are (were). I dropped the book but Im giving it a try again this week see if I can get back into it.

On the plus side, Im loving New Avengers (not yet read #51). It seems to be back on form to how the series started with the first few arcs (I dropped after civil war). Picking up Elektra too, more out of curiosity than anything.

To anyone who's read/reading them; how is War Machine? I always liked the character, but does he pull off a solo book well? Mighty Avengers - whats it actually about at the minute? I mean you have your New and Dark Avenger incarnations at the moment, so whats this book focusing on?

I can tell you about the Mighty Avengers. They're yet another team of Avengers: the world was in peril, disasters happening everywhere, and the Scarlet Witch put together a makeshift team, consisting of: Hank Pym (now calling himself Wasp), Jocasta, Hercules, Hulk (although apparently he's not staying), USAgent, Stature, Vision, and Iron Man tagged along, although it seems he won't be staying either. There was a twist at the end of the latest issue though, and not all is as it seems.

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A bizzare selection of heroes there, but Im quite intrigued. If I was to pick up the newest issue (I understand its part 3 of a 3 parter?) Would I be able to jump in there? Or am I best waiting for the next issue? Also, not sure if Im keen on Pym calling himself 'Wasp' it just seems weird, although I guess he's been called everything else under the sun.

Also, I've clearly missed something somewhere along the lines, whats the deal with the Scarlet Witch? Last I saw her she was hiding somehwere after HoM I think.

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A bizzare selection of heroes there, but Im quite intrigued. If I was to pick up the newest issue (I understand its part 3 of a 3 parter?) Would I be able to jump in there? Or am I best waiting for the next issue? Also, not sure if Im keen on Pym calling himself 'Wasp' it just seems weird, although I guess he's been called everything else under the sun.

Also, I've clearly missed something somewhere along the lines, whats the deal with the Scarlet Witch? Last I saw her she was hiding somehwere after HoM I think.

Yeah, the latest was part 3 of 3. I think it's better if you just wait for the next one. And as for the Scarlet Witch, well, spoilers for the latest issue:

It was revealed that Scarlet Witch's apparition that gathered the Avengers was actually Loki, who said something along the lines of "another team of Avengers bound together by me, but this time I think I'll keep them." Or something like that. So expect lots of manipulation in the future.
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War Machine has been good. Nothing spectacular, but a fun war comic with a Sci-Fi twist. I haven't read the issue that came out yesterday, though. As far as Spider-Man, anyone who hasn't been reading ought to pick up the Joe Kelly Hammerhead 2 parter from last year (I want to say October), as those were incredible. If you don't enjoy that story, then Spidey might just not be your cup of tea at this point.

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After watching the first seven series of Smallville, I've become interested in reading some Superman comics.

Anyone got any suggestions for what the most interesting comics of his are? I'd also be interested in some Green Arrow, JLA and Batman, though I think I've read most of the major Batman comics. (Long Halloween, Joker, Killing Laugh etc.)

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After watching the first seven series of Smallville, I've become interested in reading some Superman comics.

Anyone got any suggestions for what the most interesting comics of his are? I'd also be interested in some Green Arrow, JLA and Batman, though I think I've read most of the major Batman comics. (Long Halloween, Joker, Killing Laugh etc.)

I'm not a big Superman fan, but I always did like "The Death of Superman". And the Reign of the Supermen and Return of Superman.

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Superman/Aliens is awesome. It's about two decades old now I think, but it is simply awesome.

All Star Superman is the best Superman you could ever read, and it is out of continuity so you need to read the 12 issue mini and nothing else.

The reboot trades for Green Arrow are all pretty good. There are two by Kevin Smith and one by Brad Meltzer that you read first, followed by Judd Winick's run. All of them are traded. The Winick stuff is numbered. The best GA is The Longbow Hunters from the 80's by Mike Grell. I'd recommend that first. It led to an ongoing that he wrote for some 60 issues, but to the best of my knowledge none of that is traded.

As for JLA, I recommend any of the JLI trades from the 80's. Kevin Maguire art. Fun fun fun. Also any/all of the Grant Morrison run from a decade ago is the best recent stuff. Also all numbered. MArk Waid followed Morrison on JLA and his stuff is okay at best, but after him was Joe Kelly and that is wretched. I haven't read any of the Brad Meltzer or Dwayne McDuffie stuff drom this most recent run, but again it is all available in trades.

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