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Bands you like that seemingly aren't liked by anyone else.


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So, what bands are out there that are liked by you but never seem to be liked by anyone else?

I'll go with Incubus with mine. No one really ever talks much about them, but to me, they've gotten better and better with their mainstream style work since Make Yourself. Make Yourself was a decent pop/rock record but Morning View really turned up the intriguing chords, interesting vocal style, and chill out sound of the band. A Crow Left of the Murder was impressive for how much back to the beginning the path went in mixing what was good about their first two records with a variety of style from Make Yourself/Morning View.

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I so hope to find other lovers of these bands in this thread.


It's like personal ads for music. SHOW ME SOME LOVE, EWB!

The Von Bondies. Nowhere near lauded enough.

Semisonic. They were freakin' brilliant, All About Chemistry was an immense album. Yay them.

Girls Aloud. Shouldn't be a guilty pleasure, they're catchy danceable pop at its finest. Ace.

Jefferson Airplane. Doesn't count if you just like that song from Fear And Loathing, either. This band ruled, they kicked off the entire psychadelic era, in the US anyway, then got forgotten until that movie. They rule.

The Pogues. My darling ma' is Irish, and she turned me on to the Pogues from a young age. Every time I listen to them, I'm reminded of my trips to Ireland, Irish people, Irish culture, etc. They're also one of the better bands of the 1980s to boot.

The Duke Spirit. Nobody I know has even heard of them, but they happen to be one of the coolest, most ass-kicking groups of the past few years in the UK. Duke Spirit > your wet-blanket Kooks, bitch.

Rory Gallagher. Love the man. Everybody remembers his death of course (died of complications following a liver transplant brought on by his rampant alcoholism) but nobody remembers his beautiful, beautiful music. He's the man.

Cream. Sure, we all know Sunshine of Your Love. But... :wub: Cream are easily in the top 5 best bands of the 1960s. Love them to death. Disraeli Gears was probably the best rock album of that decade, bar none, and I'm not even sure anybody is that close.

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Semisonic. They were freakin' brilliant, All About Chemistry was an immense album. Yay them.

The Pogues. My darling ma' is Irish, and she turned me on to the Pogues from a young age. Every time I listen to them, I'm reminded of my trips to Ireland, Irish people, Irish culture, etc. They're also one of the better bands of the 1980s to boot.

I can cover these two for you.

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Wow...I could list so fucking many.

Though the most surprising is Ben Folds. Most people hear 1 or 2 songs, say he's boring(?) and write him off. I do some writing of my own. Their name, on the top of my "Death List".

I also seem to find that lots of my mates write off slower/quieter music as being shit.

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Oh god, let's run down the list of bands that I get chastised for liking...


Cradle of Filth




The Ataris

I Am Ghost

Brides of Destruction


...off the top of my head, I haven't seen much love for any of those bands and have been made fun of for being a fan of said artists.

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Though the most surprising is Ben Folds. Most people hear 1 or 2 songs, say he's boring(?) and write him off. I do some writing of my own. Their name, on the top of my "Death List".

Threads like these are why people should talk to me about music ...I don't think I dislike anything :shifty:. "Rockin' The Suburbs" is one of my top 10 albums, and the stuff as Ben Folds Five is awesome also. Skummy likes them as well.

Edited by liamwannabe
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A few of my friends like them, but outside of my friend group, I've never really seen any love for Bearsuit, which is criminal, as they are a fantastic band.

The main one is The Lucksmiths. They're probably my favourite band, but I only know one other person who knew about them without me having to tell them, and that was only a passing familiarity. I think they're lyrically the best band since The Smiths, and just have a fantastic poppy indie sound, and get better with every album. How they aren't huge, or even moderately well-known on the "underground" circuit, is a mystery to me.

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Though the most surprising is Ben Folds. Most people hear 1 or 2 songs, say he's boring(?) and write him off. I do some writing of my own. Their name, on the top of my "Death List".

Threads like these are why people should talk to me about music ...I don't think I dislike anything :shifty:. "Rockin' The Suburbs" is one of my top 10 albums, and the stuff as Ben Folds Five is awesome also. Skummy likes them as well.

Edited by BillyGunnPinchedMyBum
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Girls Aloud. Shouldn't be a guilty pleasure, they're catchy danceable pop at its finest. Ace.

The Pogues. My darling ma' is Irish, and she turned me on to the Pogues from a young age. Every time I listen to them, I'm reminded of my trips to Ireland, Irish people, Irish culture, etc. They're also one of the better bands of the 1980s to boot.

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The Pogues. My darling ma' is Irish, and she turned me on to the Pogues from a young age. Every time I listen to them, I'm reminded of my trips to Ireland, Irish people, Irish culture, etc. They're also one of the better bands of the 1980s to boot.

Add me to this list because I adore this band.

I could probably name a lot of bands that only I seem to like. Part of it is because some people don't have enough knowledge in what was going on in the 70s and 80s punk scenes, or they simply wont bother giving it a chance. There really was something for everybody in terms of music within the punk scene, as far getting a taste of rock, hardcore, reggae, funk, avant garde, and electronic sorts of music. It's really as diverse as any genre as I've ever heard, but most people tend to write it off as "Sloppy, three chord wonders screaming into microphones about politics or other silly things".

I guess some specific bands would be Big Boys, Flesh Eaters, Black Randy and the Metrosquad, Minutemen, Negative Approach, D.O.A., The Screamers, Gun Club, and Government Issue.

Another thing, I've never really seen much of a contingent of surf rock fans. Sure, some people will casually remark about it, but I've not many people in love with the music like myself. As far as I'm concerned, when it comes to instrumental rock, nothing can top groups like Link Wray and Wraymen, Dick Dale and the Deltones, The Pyramids, The Trashmen, Los Straitjackets, or the Phantom Surfers. Some of these groups do incorporate lyrics on occasion, but the majority of the music is instrumental.

One more person to add. Billy fucking Childish. The man has recorded hundreds of albums with scores of different bands and he doesn't seem to get any recognition from rock fans. He's obviously flown under the radar but the guy is a great song writer that has incorporated blues, punk, garage, surf, and folk into his various albums. I haven't heard a Billy Childish project that I didn't like.

Edited by VerbalPuke
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