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Devil's Rejects

Captain Kirk

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does everyone else agree that has seen this movie that the use of free bird for the end of this movie is the best instance of Lynard Skynard's 'Free Bird' in at least awhile.

ps. have mercy just had fucking everything in my world torn apart literally, apart from ma pc somehow, bitch must think she can sell it.

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does everyone else agree that has seen this movie that the use of free bird for the end of this movie is the best instance of Lynard Skynard's 'Free Bird' in at least awhile.

I personally really liked it, but I sometimes wonder if it helped glorify the "villians" a little too much. Zombie spent the majority of the movie trying to get you to feel uncomfortable because of their actions (the rape scene was expecially disturbing), but then all of a sudden we're supposed to sympathize. I think what bothers me about it is not so much that it felt like it was too little too late, but it actually was effective enough to work fairly well, but I'm not well enough for me not to feel kind of bad for it.

On the other hand, that was probably his intentions. The movie really is one that will screw with your head well beyond anything shock value can deliver (which makes it far superior to the first one). In the end, the villains aren't so much disturbing as is your willingness to sympathize with them after they have done all of those horrible things. It really is the grand finale in that plan. He builds it up with the development in their relationships with each other and by showing the ugliness of the "good guys." When the Free Bird scene comes up you find the lines between good guys and bad guys so blurred that you begin to shift your sympathy with the Rejects because of the atmosphere that the song creates. So I guess, ultimately, it worked. I just don't like being messes with, I guess. Why do you do this to me, Rob?! :wacko:

ps. have mercy just had fucking everything in my world torn apart literally, apart from ma pc somehow, bitch must think she can sell it.

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I haven't seen the first, but I saw Devil's Rejects in the cinema and have rented it out. So yeah, I'd say it's worth watching. There's a shit load of violence and gore but I found the storyline intresting too.

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The first is a good, fun horror film. It has some good moments, and it works. The second is a damn fine film, however. In fact it just barely didn't make it on my list of influential films. It is so well done and has so much meaning packed into it. Clearly a great movie, as well as a disturbing horror movie.

And to answer the original question, I think that as the whole film showed us that evil exists in both "sides", the ending song worked quite well to sum it all up.


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I rooted for the Rejects from the beginning, if only because of Otis.

"I am the Devil. And I'm here to do the Devil's work."


Anyways, I third everything said in this thread. I wasn't personally too impressed with the first movie: I liked it up until the end, but the whole Dr. Satan-thing just didn't tickle my fancy at all. I thought it was an unneeded jump in genres with no real basis to it.

The second one, however, was way more coherent, nasty and disgustingly funny. A really great movie. I'll have to rent it again.

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House of 1000 Corpses was alright. Devil's Rejects was great. Although I was hoping for it be scary, it was disturbing. I loved the "rejects", I was rooting for them all the way through. And I loved the final sequence, it was awesome. I nearly cried.

Oh, and on commentary, Rob Zombie said he didnt think "Free Bird" was use on another movie. I think it was used on Forrest Gump.

Devil's Rejects is one of the best horror movies in recent years. A hell of a lot better than shit like Ring Two or Hills Have Eyes.

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I was actually surprised on how good the Devils Rejects was, it really played with your head, and actually had a meaning to it (Evil is on both sides). The film was also funny(in a disturbing way though) at some scenes (like the maid getting scared of the girl).

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The first one was ok but Reject's is a fabolous movie . The special features on the dvd are good as well especially the Dr. Satan deleted scene

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